Český časopis historický 108 (2010), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 108 (2010), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2010: Academia
Anzahl Seiten
184 S.
110 € (für den ganzen Jahrgang)



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Pokorná, Magdaléna




Slovanské písemnictví a liturgie 10. a 11. věku
(Slavonic Liturature and Liturgy in the 10th and 11th Centuries), S. 1-33.
Based on an analysis of arguments submitted for the benefit of ascertaining the place and date of the origins of Old Church Slavonic literature together with using the findings that there was awareness of Great Moravian texts in the 10th century Czech environment, the author documents the continuity of Old Church Slavonic literature in 10th century Bohemia and Moravia. He also points out the weakness of evidence negating the possibility of the continuity of liturgy in Old Church Slavonic, as well as the paucity of literay evidence to prove the above. In addition he proposes that rather than separating literary documents and liturgy, the evidence of the practical use of this liturgy should be differentiated from any attempts to use it for „political“ purposes.
Key words: The Middle Ages, Old Church Slavonic, Bohemia and Moravia, Church History.

Karel IV. a odkaz „polské“ politiky posledních Přemyslovců
(Charles IV and the Legacy of the Last Przemyslids‘ „Polish“ Policies), S. 34-69.
This study deals with the issue of political historicism on the part of Charles IV and its use when incorporating Silesia within the union of the Bohemian Crown Lands. One part of this reasoning also employs a fresh evaluation of the last Przemyslids‘ relationships towards the Dukes of Wrocław, since these very relationships formed one of the fundamental pillars of the Luxembourgs‘ claims to Silesian territory. The interpretation is based on a variety of sources: charters, collections of forms, chronicles or necrologues and upon a comparison of resource evidence with the conclusions and hypotheses of contemporary historical reesearch on this theme.
Key words: The Middle Ages, 13th–14th centuries, the Bohemian Crown Lands, Poland, Silesia, Charles IV., Wenceslas II., Przemysl Ottokar II., historical sources.


DEJMEK Jindřich
Československá diplomacie v únoru a březnu 1948. Příspěvek k mezinárodním aspektům komunistického převratu a k destrukci česko-slovenských demokratických elit stalinistickým režimem
(Czechoslovak Diplomacy in February and March of 1948. A Contribution on International Aspects of the Communist Coup d’État & the Destruction of Czech and Slovak Democratic Elites by the Stalinist Regime), S. 70-113.
This study deals with the structure and changes in Czechoslovak diplomacy at the time of the Communist coup d’état and shortly thereafter. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to which only a small minority of civil servants declared their allegiance prior to February 1948, succeeded in gaining control of the Ministry without any difficulties as early as the very beginning of the putsch. However, a number of Czechoslovak Ambassadors in Western countries, among others those in the USA, France, Canada and the Latin American countries stood against the new power. The attempt of the permanent delegate at the UN, Ján Papánek to persuade the UN Security Council to consider the international aspects of the putsch was the most significant contribution. Even though he was immediately denounced by the new Communist Government, he helped to raise an awareness in the West of the real circumstances of the coup d’état.
Key words: Czechoslovakia, the Communist coup d’état in February 1948, Czechoslovak diplomacy, of the Cold War, Communist regime.

Pražská nunciatura a počátky Katolické ligy
(The Prague Nunciature and the Beginnings of the German Catholic League), S. 114-126.
Papal diplomacy, represented at the Imperial Court by the Nuncius Antonio Caetani (1607-1611), adopted a very cautious attitude towards the plan of Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria to establish a League of Catholic Rulers. This attitude only changed in April 1609 as a result of the appropriation of properties belonging to the Bishop of Speyer by the Elector of Palatinate. In addition, in May 1609 the Nuncius Caetani, together with the Spanish Envoy Zuñiga, dispatched a Capuchin Lawrence of Brindisi to the Spanish king in order to gain his support for the League.
Key words: Bohemia, Prague, Antonio Caetani, the German Catholic League of 1609, the Nunciature, confessionalisation, Counter-Reformation.


SCHEUTZ Martin - SOMMERLECHNER Andrea - WEIGL Herwig - WEIß Alfred Stefan (Hgg.), Europäisches Spitalwesen. Institutionelle Fürsorge in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit / Hospitals and Institutional Care in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Karel Černý) S. 127-130 - DRAŠAROVÁ Eva - HORKÝ Roman - ŠOUŠA Jiří - VELEK Luboš (edd.), Promarněná šance. Edice dokumentů k česko-německému vyrovnání před první světovou válkou. Korespondence a protokoly 1911-1912 (Pavel Cibulka) S. 130-132 - COLE Laurence - UNOWSKY Daniel (eds.), The Limits of Loyalty. Imperial Symbolism, Popular Allegiances, and State Patriotism in the Late Habsburg Monarchy, Austrian Studies
(Veronika Sušová) S. 132-136 - KOSSERT Andreas, Kalte Heimat: Die Geschichte der deutschen Vertriebenen nach 1945 (Ondřej Picka) S. 136-139.

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