Dear Friends, Colleagues and Contributors,
This is to announce the release of the 2010 issue of The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online. The online edition can be freely downloaded from the INCS website at <>. The abridged 50 pages version has been published as usual as a supplement of the Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung (Yearbook for historical studies on Communism) published by Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin (see: <>). The 2010 issue contains 300 pages of articles, materials and web-resources concerning communist studies and related subjects (see table of contents below). We would like to thank the contributors from many countries and world regions who made this possible.
Since the editor Bernhard H. Bayerlein has been appointed associated researcher at the Center for Research on Contemporary History (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Germany), The International Newsletter Of Communist Studies Online, in near future, will be hosted by the ZZF server in Potsdam, Germany. We shall inform you about this as soon as the transfer of the website has been accomplished.
This is also a call for news and articles for the 2011 issue of the International Newsletter. We are awaiting your suggestions, articles, contributions and all kind of informational data on the various newsletter sections. The deadline for the print edition of the International Newsletter, to be released in The Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung, is the 15th of September, 2010. The deadline for the online edition is the 31st of December, 2010. We strongly advice you to follow the submission guidelines, which can be consulted at <> ensuring a speedy editing/ layout process, making the next issue to be released with a less delay. Also please note that unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.
With kind regards and best wishes for your ongoing projects,
Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Executive Editor Gleb J. Albert, Assistant Editor
I. The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Communist Studies Newsletters – New issues/Selected Items.
- Communist History Network Newsletter – Estudos sobre o Comunismo – H-HOAC – London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter –- Aktuelles aus der DDR-Forschung ... 8
II. News on Archives, Holdings and Institutions.
- New Declassifications in Russian Archives 2009. – News on Journals. – Berlin: Archiv der Internationalen Brigaden im Bundesarchiv einsehbar. – St. Petersburg: Autobiography of Kirov’s Assassin Declassified. – Paris: Encounter with Nikita Petrov, Memorial. – The Assassination of Radek and Sokol’nikov: Document Published in France. – Pobeda 1941-1945. Russian Photo Archives on World War II. – Fundaçao Amílcar Cabral/ Fundação Mário Soares: Memory of the Tarrafal Concentration Camp in Cape Verde. – Recently Published in French Language: A Guide to the Comintern Archives. – Neue Online-Ausstellung würdigt politische Häftlinge des KZ Oranienburg. – Berlin: Verfilmung, Digitalisierung, Indexierung und Herausgabe von SMAD-Dokumenten. aus den Beständen des Russischen Staatsarchivs. – Copenhagen: The Workers’ Museum & The Labour Movement’s Library and Archive. – Moscow: Secret Katyn Documents Published on the Web. – Berlin: Biographical Article on Skoblevskii-Roze Published. – Journal Article on Archives in the Russian Province. – Nouvelles de Belgique ...10
III. Research Projects and Dissertations – Work in Progress.
III.1 Individual Projects.- Gleb J. Albert (Bielefeld, Germany): Representations and Practices of Revolutionary Internationalism in Early Soviet Society. 1917-1927. PhD Project ...17 - Marcel Bois (Hamburg, Germany): Gegen Hitler und Stalin. Linksoppositionelle Kommunisten in der Weimarer Republik. Promotionsprojekt ... 25 - Lev Centrih (Ljubljana, Slovenia): Science, Philosophy and Ideology in Slovenia 1941-1945. PhD Project ... 30 - Magali Delaloye (Bern, Switzerland): Gender Relationships in Stalin’s Ruling Circle. Practices and Discourses (1928-1953). PhD Project ... 33 - Nikolas R. Dörr (Potsdam, Germany): “The Red Threat”. Eurocommunism in Italy as a Security Problem for the United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany 1969-1980. PhD Project ... 35 - Ulrich Eumann, Jascha März (Cologne, Germany): Netzwerke des Widerstands in Köln 1933-1945. Forschungsprojekt ... 37 - Thorsten Pomian (Düsseldorf, Germany): Bäuerlicher Alltag im Zeichen von Nationalitätenpolitik, Kollektivierung und Terror. Die Deutschen in der Sowjetukraine 1924-1939. Dissertationsprojekt ... 42 - Jeannette Prochnow (Bielefeld, Germany): „…and then we said, man, that can’t all be over!“ An Ethnography of Communication of an East German Community of Remembrance. PhD Project ... 43 - José Hinojosa Durán: El PCE en Extremadura durante la IIa República y Guerra Civil ... 48
III.2 Collaborative Projects.- Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (Potsdam, Germany): SED-Geschichte zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall. Gesellschaftsgeschichte einer kommunistischen Staatspartei (Jens Gieseke) ... 49 - Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Munich-Berlin, Germany): SED-Geschichte zwischen Mauerbau und Mauerfall (Andreas Malycha) ... 51 - Germany and the Comintern (1919-1943). Deutschland und die Komintern. Ein Editionsprojekt im Rahmen der deutsch-russischen Historikerkommission ... 52 - Deutsch-russische Erschließung von Komintern-Archivbeständen ... 53
IV. Materials and Studies.
IV.1 Biographical Materials and Studies- Endre Kiss (Budapest, Hungary): Zum Phänomen des Kryptokommunisten. Der Fall Gyula Ortutay ... 54 - Hernán Camarero (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Félix Weil y un libro pionero sobre la historia del movimiento obrero y las izquierdas en la Argentina ... 60
IV.2 Regional Materials and Studies- Diego Ceruso (Buenos Aires, Argentina): El comunismo argentino y la organización sindical en el lugar de trabajo. Las comisiones internas en la construcción, los metalúrgicos y los textiles entre 1936 y 1943 ... 69 - Lazar S. Kheifets, Viktor L. Kheifets (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation): The Mexican Link in Spanish Communism. Michael Borodin’s mission to the Western Hemisphere in 1919-1920 and the creation of the Communist Party of Spain ... 79 - Turganbek Allaniyazov (Zhezkazgan, Kazakhstan): Протестные движения в Средней Азии и Казахстане 1920-1930-х годов в оценках западной, советской и национальных (Россия, Казахстан, Узбекистан) историографий. Традиции и новации. (With German abstract) ... 89 - Romain Ducoulombier (Metz, France): De la minorité de guerre au premier communisme français. Construire l’histoire et les archives de la scission de Tours ... 97
IV.III Institutional Studies- Christian Booß (Berlin, Germany): Akteneiszeit für die KGB-Akten? ... 106 - Bernhard H. Bayerlein (Potsdam, Germany): Bauern und Arbeiter aller Länder, vereinigt Euch? Materialien zur Geschichte der Bauerninternationale und des Internationalen Bauernrats (IBR) ... 114
V. New Publications – Reports, Presentations and Reviews.
V.1 Reviews.- Günter Benser; Michael Schneider (eds.): "Bewahren – Verbreiten – Aufklären". Archivare, Bibliothekare und Sammler der Quellen der deutschsprachigen Arbeiterbewegung, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009. 376 p. (Ingo Materna, Berlin) ...127 - Robert Cohen: Exil der frechen Frauen. Roman, Berlin, Rotbuch, 2009. 623 p. (Christoph Kapp und Uwe Sonnenberg, Potsdam) ...129 - Karin Kuckuk: Im Schatten der Revolution. Lotte Kornfeld. Biografie einer Vergessenen. 1896-1974. Mit einem Geleitwort von Hermann Weber, einem Beitrag von Peter Kuckuk und einem Briefroman Lotte Kornfelds, Bremen, Donat, 2009. 180 p. (Ottokar Luban, Berlin) ... 131 - Horst Möller, Alexandr O. Tschubarjan, Jan Foitzik, Tatjana W. Zarewskaja-Djakina (eds.): SMAD-Handbuch. Die Sowjetische Militäradministration in Deutschland 1945-1949, München, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2009. IX + 822 p.; Nikita V. Petrov, Jan Foitzik (eds.): Apparat NKVD-MGB v Germanii 1945-1953, Moskva, Meždunarodnyj Fond "Demokratija", 2009. 540 p. (Rossija. XX vek. Dokumenty). (Peer H. Lange, Thaining) ... 134 - Kenneth B. Moss: Jewish Renaissance in the Russian Revolution, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2009. X, 384 p. (Alexis Hofmeister, Cologne) ... 138 - Nirmal Ray: Rosa Luxemburg. A Revolutionary Socialist, vol. I, Kolkata, Little Publisher/Kalpana Sen, 2005. 263 p.; Nirmal Ray: Rosa Luxemburg. Life and Personality, [vol. II], Kolkata, Little Publisher/Kalpana Sen, 2007. 74 p. (Ottokar Luban, Berlin) ... 142 - Helmut Peters: Die Volksrepublik China. Aus dem Mittelalter zum Sozialismus. Auf der Suche nach der Furt, Essen, Neue-Impulse-Verlag, 2009. 580 p. (Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, Calcutta) ... 145 - Stephen A. Smith: Revolution and the People in Russia and China. A Comparative History, Cambridge e.a., Cambridge University Press, 2008. VIII + 249 p. (Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, Calcutta) ... 147 - Pavel Žáček, Bernd Faulenbach, Ulrich Mählert (eds.): Die Tschechoslowakei 1945/48 bis 1989. Studien zu kommunistischer Herrschaft und Repression, Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2008. 239 p. (Štěpán Steiger, Prague) ... 149
V.2 Presentations and Announcements.- Vadim V. Damier: Anarcho-Syndicalism in the 20th Century. Translated from Russian by Malcolm Archibald, Edmonton, Black Cat Press, 2009. VI, 233 p. ... 152 - Stefan Karner, Barbara Stelzl-Marx (eds.): Stalins letzte Opfer. Verschleppte und erschossene Österreicher in Moskau 1950-1953. Unter Mitartbeit von Daniela Almer, Wien-München, Böhlau, Oldenbourg, 2009. 676 p. (Kriegsfolgen-Forschung. 5) ... 153 - Sobhanlal Datta Gupta (ed.): The Ryutin Platform. Stalin and the Crisis of Proletarian Dictatorship. Platform of the “Union of Marxists-Leninists”. Translated by Pranab Ghosh and Susmita Bhattacharya from the original Russian, Kolkata, Seribaan, 2010. 152 p. ... 153 - Sonia Combe (ed.), in cooperation with Paul Gradvohl, Charles Kecskeméti, Antoine Marès and Jean-Charles Szurek: Archives et histoire dans les sociétés post-communistes, Paris, La Découverte, 2009. 332 p. (Collection Recherches)... 155 - Łukasz Kamiński, Krzysztof Persak, Jens Gieseke (eds.): Handbuch der kommunistischen Geheimdienste in Osteuropa 1944-1991, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008. 420 p. (Wissenschaftliche Reihe der BStU. 33). ...156 - John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr, Alexander Vassiliev: Spies. The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2009. LIII, 650 p. ... 156 - Peter Huber, Ralph Hug (eds.): Die Schweizer Spanienfreiwilligen. Biografisches Handbuch, Zürich, Rotpunktverlag, 2009. 478 p. ... 157 - Alexander Rabinowitch: Die Sowjetmacht. Das erste Jahr, Essen, Mehring Verlag, 2010. 677 p. ... 158 - Grigorij Grigorov: Povoroty sud'by i proizvol. Vospominanija. 1905-1927 gody, Moskva, OGI, 2005. 536 p. (Častnyj archiv); Grigorij Grigorov: Povoroty sud’by I proizvol. Vospominanija. 1927-1972, [Akko, Israel], s.p., [2008]. 682 p. ... 159 - David Lee McMullen: Strike! The Radical Insurrections of Ellen Dawson. Foreword by Richard Greenwald and Timothy Minchin, Gainesville, University Press of Florida, 2010. 264 p. ... 160 - Xavier Botterman: Histoire du mouvement communiste à Verviers. 1919-1940. Avant-propos de Milou Rikir, Bruxelles, CARCOB, 2009. 193 p. (Travaux historiques. 3). ... 161 - Manuel Bueno Lluch, Sergio Gálvez Biesca (eds.): Nosotros los comunistas. Memoria, identidad e historia social, Madrid-Sevilla, Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistas, Atrapasueños, 2009. 457 p. (FIM historia). ... 162
V.3 Books Sent in for Review ... 164
VI. Meetings and Conferences Concerning Communist Studies 2008-2010.
- Past Meetings 2009 ... 166 - Forthcoming Meetings 2010-2011 ... 169 - Reports and Calls for Papers ... 172
VII. The International Bibliography of Communist Studies. Issue 2009 ... 175
VIII. Periodicals/ Serials on Communist Studies
VIII.1 The International Bibliography of Journal Articles on Communist Studies. Issue 2009 ... 208
VIII.2 Directory of Periodicals on Communist Studies and Connected Areas: Conventional and Online Journals, Newsletters and Bulletins ... 262
IX. Internet Resources. Websites Relevant for Communist Studies ... 271
X. Communism in Culture, Art and Media.
- In the Name of Stalin: Russian Radio Programme on Stalinism. – Exhibitions on the History of Communism, 2009-2010. – Exhibition "Això és la guerra!": Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and the "Mexican Suitcase". – “Miss Mend”: Mezhrabpom Film Reissued on DVD. – DVD: ...nicht der Rede wert? Die Ermordung der Lehrerin Bian Zhonggyun am Beginn der Kulturrevolution. – The History Film Festival of Pessac – Spanien: Pedro Almodóvar Video ¡Contra la Impunidad! ... 278
XI. Discussions, Debates, Historical Controversies.
- Ralph Hug (St. Gallen, Switzerland): Schweizer Spanienfreiwillige voll rehabilitiert ... 286 - Soviet History in Debate: Power and History in Russia 2009 ... 287
XII. Miscellanea.
- In memoriam Marianna Borisovna Korčagina (1951-2010) ... 289 - In memoriam Ryszard Nazarewicz (1921-2008) (Werner Röhr, Berlin) ... 289 - In memoriam Robert V. Daniels (1926-2010) ... 290 - In memoriam Richard Stites (1931-2010) ... 290 - Clara Zetkin's reception and influence in British politics (1886-1933) – Call for Help (John S. Partington) ... 291 - Workers’ and Soldiers’ Club “3rd International” in Moscow 1917 – Call for Help (Gleb J. Albert) ... 291 - Where Have They Gone….? Searching for Helios Gómez’ Lost Originals (Ursula Tjaden) ... 292 - Errata ... 295
List of Authors ... 296