Record 1.TI: The secret of my succession: dynasty and crisis in Vandal North Africa AU: Merrills, A.H. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 135-159(25) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 2.TI: Churches and aristocracies in seventh-century Spain: some thoughts on the debate on Visigothic churches AU: Arnau, AlexandraChavarria JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 160-174(15) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 3.TI: Farms and families in ninth-century Provence AU: Faith, Rosamond JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 175-201(27) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 4.TI: The Peace of God, the weakness of Robert the Pious and the struggle for the German throne, 10235 AU: Riches, Theo JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 202-222(21) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 5.TI: Vivarium in Context By Samuel Barnish, Lellia Cracco Ruggini, Luciana Cuppo, Ronald Marchese and Marlene Breu AU: HILLNER, JULIA JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 223-224(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 6.TI: The Earls of Mercia: Lordship and Power in Late Anglo-Saxon England By Stephen Baxter AU: HUMMER, HANS JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 225-226(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 7.TI: Beatus Vir: Studies in Early English and Norse Manuscripts in Memory of Phillip Pulsiano Edited by A.N. Doane and Kirsten Wolf AU: TOWNEND, MATTHEW JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 226-228(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 8.TI: Medieval Dublin VIII. Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2006 Edited by Sean Duffy AU: GORE, DEREK JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 228-229(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 9.TI: La reine Brunehaut By Bruno Dumezil AU: COLLINS, ROGER JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 229-230(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 10.TI: Frankland. The Franks and the World of the Early Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of Dame Jinty Nelson Edited by Paul Fouracre and David Ganz AU: WEST, C.M.A. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 231-232(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 11.TI: Codex Carolinus: Papstliche Epistolographie im 8. Jahrhundert By Achim Thomas Hack AU: NOBLE, THOMAS F.X. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 233-236(4) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 12.TI: Bekehrungsmotive. Untersuchungen zum Christianisierungsprozess im romischen Westreich und seinen romanisch-germanischen Nachfolgern (4.8. Jahrhundert) By Daniel Konig AU: PALMER, JAMES JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 236-238(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 13.TI: Unpredictability and Presence. Norwegian Kingship in the High Middle Ages By Hans Jacob Orning AU: ANTONSSON, HAKI JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 238-240(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL:
Record 14.TI: Sutton Hoo and its Landscape: The Context of Monuments By Tom Williamson AU: WILLIAMS, HOWARD JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2010 VO: 18 NO: 2 PG: 240-242(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: