ŽEMLIČKA JosefK ústrojí přemyslovského státu. Čechy a Morava jako země, království, markrabství (On the Mechanism of the Przemyslid State. Bohemia and Moravia as a Land, a Kingdom, a Margraviate), S. 381-405 The Bohemian medieval state was composed of two major territories: Bohemia and Moravia from the beginning of the 11th century. Their rather unique relationship went through several stages, during which the character of a united monarchy strengthened on the one side, on the other side both „lands“ (terrae) formed themselves as independent entities with their own territory, their own aristocratic estates and their own internal administration and organization. Whereas a hereditary royal title was attached to Bohemia from the end of the 12th century, Moravia then gradually, although only from the second quarter of the 13th century, consciously formed itself into a margraviate. The linchpin, which welded Bohemia with Moravia together was the King of Bohemia. As the ranks of the ruling Bohemian dynasty dramatically thinned towards the end of the Przemyslid period (from the mid-13th century until 1306), the King of Bohemia became simultaneously the holder of the title Margrave of Moravia. Key words: Aristocracy, Bohemia, Bohemian State, Bohemian Kingdom, Central Europe, King, Land, Margrave, Margraviate, Middle Ages, Moravia, Przemyslid dynasty
HRDLIČKA JosefKonfesijní politika šlechtických vrchností a šlechtická konfesionalizace v Čechách a na Moravě v 16. a 17. století (The Confessional Policy of Aristocratic Masters and Aristocratic Confessionalism in Bohemia and Moravia in the 16th and 17th Centuries), S. 406-442 This study attempts to observe the influence of the aristocracy on the formation of the confessional state of affairs in Bohemia and Moravia in the 16th and 17th centuries. It primarily focuses on the confessional policy of the nobility as manorial lords who were able to intervene actively and regularly in religious affairs on their estates; indeed, well over fifty per cent of the serfs in both Crown Lands lived on manorial estates. In addition to the authorities who practised religious tolerance towards their serfs (Josef Válka), other noblemen and knights actively upheld either the Reformation or the Counter-Reformation (Catholic confessionalism). In terms of the confessional policy of the manorial nobility, this study attempts to present – as a theme for discussion – the seven opportunities the nobility had at their disposal and could apply when influencing their serfs’ religious practices. Key words: Bohemia, Moravia, the Early Modern Age, nobility, Reformation, aristocratic confessionalism, religion, church, local power
CIBULKA PavelOrganizační vývoj německých liberálů na Moravě v letech 1890-1914 (The Organizational Development of German Liberals in Moravia between 1890-1914), S. 443-478 This study deals with the development of German political liberalism in Moravia from the end of the 1880s until World War I. It throws light on the manifesto and organizational changes connected to the transformation of the previously nationwide Deutschmährische Partei in the Deutsche Fortschrittspartei. It devotes much attention to the standing of German Liberals within the system of German political parties in Moravia and to the role of the most influential party personalities (A. Weeber, A. Promber, H. d’Elvert, R. M. Rohrer). Key words: Moravia, Germans, liberalism, political parties, associations, Cisleithania, parliamentarianism
MACHAČOVÁ Jana – MATĚJČEK Jiří„Páni kamarádi“? „Páni odborníci“! A co ženy? Gender v raném dělnickém hnutí před rokem 1848. Glosa („Brother Workers“? „Master Tradesmen“! And What about Women? Gender Issues in the Early Working Class Movement prior to 1848. Summation), S. 479-482
PEŠEK JiříProměny rolí i tváří divadla v “dlouhém 19. století“ (The Changes of the Roles and Faces of the Theatre in the „long“ 19th Century), S. 483-495 This article discusses new German studies on the specifical political role of the opera theater in the „long“ 19th century in Central and Eastern Europe. They show the close relations between the modernization of theatre practice, culture as a whole and the changes in political culture. The transition from the (theatre) culture of the „word“ to the preference of the „optical“ played a major role in this process. Key words: Theatre and Politics, Transition an Modernisation of Theater, 19th/20th century, Political culture, Middle Europe
HRBEK JiříPanovnický ceremoniál a rituál v historickém bádání začátku 21. století (Ceremony and Ritual in Historical Research at the Beginning of the 21st century), S. 496-518 For several decades historical science in Western Europe has focused on the monarch´s ceremony and ritual, as their knowledge allows us to re-assess some moments connected with the nature of royal, or possibly imperial power. The most important ceremonies connected with the person of a ruler and his immediate environment are coronation ceremonies, which started to be researched, also in the Czech environment, in a novel way as a means of political communication. Thus, there is the ruler and his „media strategy“ on the one hand and on the other hand the public, which attempts to accept the image of their ruler. Less attention has until now been devoted to research dealing with Czech coronations in terms of geographical comparison in both the Central European and the wider European context, as well as the development of ceremonies in the course of time, especially towards the enlightened 18th century. However, in addition to coronations, other ceremonial moments such as „transitional rituals“ (baptisms, weddings, funerals),a division of the working day, festivities at the court or the arrangement of the ruler´s personal space, whose aim was to regulate access to him and participate in his represenatation have been researched. Key words: ceremony, ritual, the ruler, coronation, representation, political communication
PATZOLD Steffen, Episcopus. Wissen über Bischöfe im Frankenreich des späten 8. bis frühen 10. Jahrhunderts (David Kahous) S. 519-524 - BOROVSKÝ Tomáš - CHOCHOLÁČ Bronislav - PUMPR Pavel (edd.), Peníze nervem společnosti. K finančním poměrům na Moravě od poloviny 14. do počátku 17. století (Josef Grulich - Miroslav Novotný) S. 524-528 - VÁLKA Josef, Myšlení a obraz v dějinách kultury … studie, eseje, reflexe, KROUPA Jiří - KNOZ Tomáš (edd.) (Ivana Čornejová) S. 528-533 - MENDELOVÁ Jaroslava, Dekrety reformační komise pro Nové Město pražské z let 1627-1629 (Jiří Pešek) S. 533-536 - LOZOVIUK Petr, Interethnik im Wissenschaftsprozess. Deutschsprachige Volkskunde in Böhmen und ihre gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen (Kristina Kaiserová) S. 537-541 - JANOUŠEK Pavel a kol., Dějiny české literatury 1945–1989, I–IV (Monika Práchenská) S. 541-546