PÁNEK Jaroslav – PEŠEK JiříHistorický časopis s národní tradicí a mezinárodní otevřeností. (Úvodem k 109. ročníku Českého časopisu historického) (A Historical Review with National Tradition and International Outlook (In Introduction to the 109th Volume of the Czech Historical Review)), S. 1-4
AUDOIN-ROUZEAU StéphanePrvní světová válka a její zpřítomnění ve francouzské společnosti (1989-2008) (World War I and French Society: A Return to the Present (1989-2008)), S. 5-14 World War I began to exert a new influence on the public and continued to do so even between 1990 and 2000, although its last veterans were then being laid to their final rest. This contribution investigates the ways in which the „1914-18 event“ came to be once again a topical place of memory. At first it attempts to unveil several symptoms of this return of World War I into the public arena in France and to compile a chronology for it. As far as the re-discovery of the military past of the years 1914-18 is concerned, in the French case selective forgetfulness, a derealization and eupheminisation, seem to be a price too high. Thus is formed „a place of memory for the years 1914-18“, which is understandable and simultaneously acceptable to our contemporaries. Key words: World War I, French Society, sadness, presentism
IRMANOVÁ EvaHorthy a jeho doba – proměny hodnocení (Horthy and His Time – Changes of Assessment), S. 15-43 The personality of the Regent Miklós Horthy, as well as the regime of the inter-war Hungary were assessed rather differently by Hungarian historiography from 1945 – from labelling Horthy as a fascist dictator to a more realistic re-assessment of him from the 1970s onwards. Key words: inter-war Hungary, Regent Miklós Horthy, Hungarian historiography
POKORNÁ Magdaléna„Držím já na císaře ... a držím se svým králem“. Výklad světa po revoluci 1848 („I side with the Emperor ... and I side with my King“. An interpretation of the world after the 1848 Revolution), S. 44-80 This study summarizes the outlets for publication in the period of changes to publishing legislation between 1849-1852. In particular, this study analyses Václav Frost‘s title Truth will out (Jen s pravdou ven) designed especially for the rural readers and it thus deepens contemporary understanding of readership strategies at the beginnings of Neo-absolutism. The principal attention is devoted both to religious issues (among others a polemic on Eugène Sue’s The Wandering Jew), and social and political matters (such as a discussion on Karel Havlíček’s views in his journal Slovan). This publication also reflects many other matters, for example certain stereotypes in the populace’s views, the importance of theatre in Czech society in the middle of the 19th century, but also a „popular“ reflection of academic works (such as the works by František Palacký). Key words: Czech Lands, the 1848-1849 Revolution, Neo-absolutismus, journalism, outlets for publication, Eugène Sue (The Wandering Jew), Karel Havlíček (Slovan)
KVAČEK Robert – TOMEŠ Josef – VAŠEK RichardZasutá svědectví o Mnichovu. Události roku 1938 v nepublikovaných memoárech českých autorů (Mislaid Testimonies about Munich. The Events of 1938 in Unpublished Memoirs from Czech Authors), S. 81-112 This article briefly surveys the until now published memoir literature on the history of the Munich Crisis of 1938. It also presents information on the until now unpublished, yet relevant, memoirs, relating to this theme. Key words: contemporary Czech history, the Munich Crisis of 1938, Czech political memoir genre, unpublished memoirs
MAREŠ PetrNěkolik poznámek ke zprávě Tomáše Sternecka, S. 113-115
PEŠEK JiříVržené i vlastní stíny členství v NSDAP (Shadows and Echoes of the Membership of the NSDAP), S. 116-125 This study, which draws on works from current German historiograpy and is included in a collection edited by Nicolas Berge, analyses the system of accepting members to the NSDAP. This includes the transfer from youth organisations into the NSDAP and current practices and their limits especially during the final stages of World War II. In particular, its draws attention to the issue of assessing information on the NSDAP membership in those cases where not all relevant documents have been preserved. Key words: German historiography debates, NSDAP, Nazism
OSTERHAMMEL Jürgen, Die Verwandlung der Welt. Eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Milan Hlavačka) S. 126-127
VELKOVÁ Alice, Krutá vrchnost, ubozí poddaní? Proměny venkovské společnosti v 18. a první polovině 19. století na příkladu západočeského panství Šťáhlavy (Josef Grulich) S. 128-133
FASORA Lukáš – HANUŠ Jiří – MALÍŘ Jiří (Hg.), Sozial-reformatorisches Denken in den böhmischen Ländern 1848-1914 (Jiří Pokorný) S. 133-135
BOURKEOVÁ Joanna, Znásilnění. Dějiny od roku 1860 do současnosti (Milena Lenderová) S. 135-138
Mezi občanem a národem – inspirující pohled na středoevropské dějiny. ZEMKO Milan, Občan, společnost, národ v pohybe slovenských dejín (Michal Stehlík) S. 138-141
WEISS-WENDT Anton, Murder without Hatred. Estonians and the Holocaust (Daniel Putík) S. 141-144