Record 1.TI: The cult of images in light of pictorial graffiti at Doue-la-Fontaine AU: KUPFER, MARCIA JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 125-152(28) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 2.TI: Archaeology, common rights and the origins of Anglo-Saxon identity AU: OOSTHUIZEN, SUSAN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 153-181(29) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 3.TI: Public rites and public wrongs: ritual aspects of diplomas in tenth- and eleventh-century England AU: ROACH, LEVI JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 182-203(22) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 4.TI: White Croatia and the arrival of the Croats: an interpretation of Constantine Porphyrogenitus on the oldest Dalmatian history AU: BORRI, FRANCESCO JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 204-231(28) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 5.TI: Intertexts: Studies in Anglo-Saxon Culture Presented to Paul E. Szarmach Edited by Virginia Blanton and Helene Scheck AU: SWAN, MARY JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 232-233(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 6.TI: The Long Morning of Medieval Europe. New Directions in Medieval Studies Edited by Jennifer R. Davis and Michael McCormick AU: MERRILLS, A.H. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 234-235(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 7.TI: Economie rurale et societe dans l'Europe franque (VIeIXe siecles). Tome 1: Fondements materiels, echanges et lien social By Jean-Pierre Devroey; Puissants et miserables. Systeme social et monde paysan dans l'Europe des Francs (VIeIXe siecles) By Jean-Pierre Devroey AU: COSTAMBEYS, MARIOS JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 236-239(4) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 8.TI: Die Privaturkunden der Karolingerzeit Edited by Peter Erhart, Karl Heidecker and Bernhard Zeller AU: RIO, ALICE JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 239-241(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 9.TI: Women and Aristocratic Culture in the Carolingian World By Valerie L. Garver AU: STONE, RACHEL JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 241-243(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 10.TI: Kirche und Kirchenrecht um 900. Die Bedeutung der spatkarolingischer Zeit fur Tradition und Innovation im kirchlichen Recht By Wilfried Hartmann AU: WEST, C.M.A. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 243-245(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 11.TI: The Haskins Society Journal: Studies in Medieval History: Vol. 19, 2007 Edited by Stephen Morillo and William North AU: PALLISER, D.M. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 245-246(2) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 12.TI: A Corpus of Early Medieval Inscribed Stones and Stone Sculpture in Wales. Volume I: South-East Wales and the English Border By M. Redknap and J.M. Lewis; A Corpus of Early Medieval Inscribed Stones and Stone Sculpture in Wales. Volume II: South-West Wales By Nancy Edwards AU: WILLIAMS, HOWARD JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 246-248(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 13.TI: Legal Practice and the Written Word in the Early Middle Ages: Frankish Formulae, c. 5001000 By Alice Rio; The Formularies of Angers and Marculf: Two Merovingian Legal Handbooks Translated with an introduction and notes by Alice Rio AU: BROWN, WARREN JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 248-252(5) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>
Record 14.TI: The Humblest Sparrow. The Poetry of Venantius Fortunatus By Michael Roberts AU: MERRILLS, A.H. JN: Early Medieval Europe PD: May 2011 VO: 19 NO: 2 PG: 252-254(3) PB: Blackwell Publishing Ltd IS: 0963-9462 URL: <>