Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 36 (2011), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung (HSR) 36 (2011), 4
Weiterer Titel 
Special Issue: Conventions and Institutions

4 Hefte / Jahr; 280-400 Seiten / Heft
Anzahl Seiten
360 S.
€ 12,00



GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Historical Social Research (HSR)
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8
Journal Historical Social Research
Schulz, Sandra

Historical Social Research/ Historische Sozialforschung
HSR Vol. 36 (2011) No. 4 – Special Issue: Conventions and Institutions from a Historical Perspective

Special Issue:
Rainer Diaz-Bone & Robert Salais (Eds.):
Conventions and Institutions from a Historical Perspective / Konventionen und Institutionen in historischer Perspektive

360 pages.

The French approach of “économie des conventions” (economics of convention, EC) today is one of the most important strands of the new pragmatic turn in social sciences. Here the concept of convention is used to analyze different forms of collective coordination under the conditions of uncertainty, of incomplete rules and of contingent quality definitions. Conventions are pragmatic assumptions that actors make in interacting with others and they assumed these conventions to be shared in situations. Conventions evolve as solutions to problems of coordination. In a society, conventions constitute a repertory of action registers, to which the building of institutions borrows for grounding and stabilizing collective action and cognition.

Today, EC is the only institutional approach in social sciences which was developed in a real cooperation between economists, sociologists, and historians. From a historical perspective the analysis of the emergence and of the change of conventional foundations of social coordination has been proved seminal to historical research in almost three decades.

The special issue of HSR assembles articles of international scholars who apply this approach to historical analysis and demonstrate the conceptual as well as the methodological potential of EC in the field of economic history.

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Sandra Schulz
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Rainer Diaz-Bone & Robert Salais (Eds.):
Conventions and Institutions from a Historical Perspective /
Konventionen und Institutionen in historischer Perspektive

Rainer Diaz-Bone & Robert Salais
Economics of Convention and the History of Economies. Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach in Economic History. Seite 7


Rainer Diaz-Bone
The Methodological Standpoint of the “économie des conventions”. Seite 43

Alain Desrosières
The Economics of Convention and Statistics: The Paradox of Origins. Seite 64

Claire Judde de Larivière & Georges Hanne
Occupational Naming Conventions: Historicity, Actors, Interactions. Seite 82

Bert De Munck
Guilds, Product Quality and Intrinsic Value. Towards a History of Conventions? Seite 103

Christof Jeggle
Pre-industrial Worlds of Production: Conventions, Institutions and Organizations. Seite 125

Philippe Minard
Micro-Economics of Quality and Social Construction of the Market: Disputes Among the London Leather Trades in the Eighteenth-Century. Seite 150

Jürgen Kädtler
Financialisation of Capitalist Economies – Bargaining on Conventional Economic Rationalities. Seite 169

Laurent Thévenot
Conventions for Measuring and Questioning Policies. The Case of 50 Years of Policy Evaluations through a Statistical Survey. Seite 192

Robert Salais
Labour-Related Conventions and Configurations of Meaning: France, Germany and Great Britain prior to the Second World War. Seite 218



Karen Henwood, Nick Pidgeon, Karen Parkhill & Peter Simmons
Researching Risk: Narrative, Biography, Subjectivity. Seite 251

Carolyn Ellis, Tony E. Adams & Arthur P. Bochner
Autoethnography: An Overview. Seite 273

Mary M. Gergen & Kenneth J. Gergen
Performative Social Science and Psychology. Seite 291

Franz Breuer
The “Other” Speaks Up. When Social Science (Re)presentations Provoke Reactance from the Field. Seite 300


Jean Luc Demeulemeester & Claude Diebolt
Education and Growth: What Links for Which Policy? Seite 323

Claude Diebolt
Robert Fogel: Spiritual Son of Simon Kuznets and Master in Cliometrics. Seite 347

Weitere Hefte ⇓