SMÍŠEK RostislavStřední Evropa a Španělsko v polovině 17. století. Markéta Tereza Španělská a její španělský hofštát očima soudobých pozorovatelů (Central Europe and Spain in the Mid-17th Century. Margaret Theresa of Spain and her Spanish Court in the Eyes of Contemporary Observers). S. 397-431 The current study deals with the construction of the image of the Spanish Court of Margaret Theresa, the first wife of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor, through the eyes of contemporary observers. It is principally based on the subjective testimonies of top Court officials who regularly moved in the Empress’s circle and met her attendants of Hispanic origin every day. However, it does not ignore the impressions of the individuals who participated in the magnificent arrival of the Spanish Infanta and her courtiers to Central Europe and the subsequent marriage festivities in the capital city of the Danube Monarchy. They captured their individualised initial impressions of the new arrivals on the pages of their journals. Key words: Early Modern Age, the Imperial Court, the image of the others, the image of the Spaniard, collective identities, Leopold I., Margaret Theresa of Spain
TINKOVÁ DanielaKariéra prvních krajských lékařů a chirurgů v Čechách po josefínských reformách (cca 1785-1825) (Careers of the First Regional Physicians and Surgeons in the Czech Lands after Joseph II’s Reforms /c.1785-1825/). S. 432-487 This study, a principally material study and prosopographic in nature, aims to throw light on the role and functioning of regional medical officers in the Enlightenment system of public health, especially between 1785-1825. The study focuses on the first generations of regional medical officers – physicians and surgeons – of this post-reform era. It poses the question on the living conditions of these men, who carried the importance of their office with the highest self-confidence in themselves and a necessary self-sacrifice, also; the contents of their work; the manner of their appointment; the way of calculating their salaries and remuneration; the length of their service; how they left their posts, why and where they moved. The least but not the last issue relates to the placing of specific names to posts and their actual fortunes and careers. Simultaneously, this study would hope to contribute to the question of professionalisation of health care and health personnel and to an understanding of the process of etatisation and bureaucratisation of (not merely) health care professions in the Czech Lands. The research material comprises (in addition to contemporary normative regulations) primarily 1) printed Schematisms of the Kingdom of Bohemia from the years 1789-1830, 2) registers and Deans’protocols of the Prague Medical Faculty from the Archives of Charles University, 3) hand written sources from the Fund of the Office of the Imperial Governor - Publicum (I. Section of the National Archive in Prague) containing the personal data of regional medical officers. Key words: health service, regional physicians and surgeons, Joseph II’s reforms, Bohemia, the pre-March period
MATĚJŮ PetraNěmecká a východní politika CDU/CSU za Erhardovy vlády (German and Eastern European Policies of the CDU/CSU during the Erhard Government). S. 488-517 In the first half of the 1960s the international situation, as well as the domestic course of events in the Federal Republic of Germany changed significantly as compared to the preceding decade. This article deals with the CDU/CSU policies under the leadership of Ludwig Erhard, West Germany’s Chancellor, i.e. between 1963–1966, towards the countries of the Eastern bloc and primarily that of the German Democratic Republic. It poses the question of how the strongest West German party, which determined the foreign policy of the state at that time, adapted (or did not adapt) its German and Eastern European policies to the changing international and domestic circumstances. Attention is devoted not merely to the changes of policy, which were carried out but also to discussions within the party and concepts that were not realized. Key words: Germany, CDU/CSU, Eastern European policy, the German question, 1963–1966
SEMOTANOVÁ EvaZeměpisné názvosloví českých zemí jako odraz krajinotvorných a dějinných procesů (Geographical Terminology of the Czech Lands as a Reflection of Landscape Forming and Historical Processes). S. 518-550 Geographical terminology, an integral part of historical and contemporary landscape in the Czech Lands, is a live entity, which undergoes continuous development and transformations. It is a reflection of landscape-forming and historical processes, a remnant of the mutual relationship between two phenomena, landscape and society. In the Czech Lands the tradition of collecting, documentation and research of historical geographical names dates back to the mid-19th century. Key words: geography, historiography, terminology, landscape, Czech Lands
STERNECK Tomáš Odpověď na „Několik poznámek“ Petra Mareše (Ke knize o obsazování předbělohorských krajských hejtmanství). S. 551-556
MYŠKA Milan, Problémy a metody hospodářských dějin. Metodické problémy studia dějin sekundárního sektoru (Josef Válka) S. 557-560
STŘEDOVÁ Veronika, František Kutnar a strukturalismus v interpretaci sociálních a hospodářských dějin (Roman Pazderský) S. 560-564
LOUTHAN Howard, Converting Bohemia. Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation (Pavel Kůrka) S. 564-567
BAHLCKE Joachim – LAMBRECHT Karen – MANER Hans-Christian (Hg.), Konfessionelle Pluralität als Herausforderung. Koexistenz und Konflikt in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Winfried Eberhard zum 65. Geburtstag (Josef Hrdlička) S. 567-571
Mnohonárodnostní říše v zrcadle času. Comparing Empires: Encounters and Transfers in the Long Nineteenth Century. Edited by LEONHARD Jörn and HIRSCHHAUSEN Ulrike von (Jan Bečka) S. 571-574
STERNECK Tomáš, Historica Třeboň 1524-1547, I (Josef Válka) S. 574-577
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Bohuslav Balbín und Christian Weise 1678-1688, ed. RICHTER Ludwig (Kateřina Valentová) S. 577-578
SPURNÝ Matěj, Bijeme na poplach! Německá publicistika proti nacistickému nebezpečí 1930-1933 (Jiří Pešek) S. 579-582
TEJCHMAN Miroslav, Balkán ve válce a v revoluci 1939-1945 (Jan Zumr) S. 583-584
LEHNSTAEDT Stephan, Okkupation im Osten. Besatzeralltag in Warschau und Minsk 1939-1944 (Nina Lohmann) S. 584-589