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Table of ContentsVolume 29 Issue 4 December 2011
Imperial Self-Representation and the Manipulation of History in Twelfth-Century Germany: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 373 by Johanna Dale
‘Better Papist than Calvinist’: Art and Identity in Later Lutheran Germany by Bridget Heal
Creating an ‘Atmosphere of Objectivity’: Radio in the American Sector, Objectivity and the United States’ Propaganda Campaign against the German Democratic Republic, 1945–1961 by Nicholas J. Schlosser
The ‘German Question’ in the History of Science and the ‘Science Question’ in German History
Truth and Dirt by Roger Chickering
Book Reviews:
Wallenstein: The Enigma of the Thirty Years War by Tryntje Helfferich
Dreaming in Books: The Making of the Bibliographic Imagination in the Romantic Age by George S. Williamson
Bürger in die Verwaltung! Bürokratiekritik und Bürgerbeteiligung in Baden. Zur Geschichte moderner Staatlichkeit im Deutschland des 19. Jahrhunderts by Margaret Crosby-Arnold
Nationalism in Germany, 1848–1866: Revolutionary Nation. ‘European Studies Series’ by Dieter Langewiesche
Sold! Advertising and the Bourgeois Female Consumer in Munich 1900–1914 by Eva Giloi
Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany by David Motadel
The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power, 1898–1918 Schienen für den Sultan. Die Bagdadbahn: Wilhelm II., Abenteurer und Spione Die Bagdadbahn, Mesopotamien und die deutsche Ölpolitik bis 1918. Aufhaltsamer Übergang ins Erdölzeitalter. Mit Dokumenten by Mehmet Yerçil
Koloniale Herrschaft und Ihre Grenzen: Die Kolonialpolizei in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1894–1915 by Alois Maderspacher
The Impossible Border: Germany and the East, 1914–1922 by Alexander Watson
Das Kino und der Krieg. Deutschland 1914–1929 by Vanessa Ther
Joseph Goebbels—Der Journalist. Darstellung seines publizistischen Werdegangs 1923 bis 1933 by Toby Thacker
Murder Scenes: Normality, Deviance, and Criminal Violence in Weimar Berlin by Jochen Hung
War in a Twilight World: Partisan and Anti-Partisan Warfare in Eastern Europe, 1939–1945 by Wendy Lower
Model Nazi: Arthur Greiser and the Occupation of Western Poland by Peter D. Stachura
Nazi Empire: German Colonialism from Bismarck to Hitler by Matthew Fitzpatrick
Surviving Hitler's War: Family Life in Germany, 1939–1948 by Malte Zierenberg
Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany and Austria in Britain, 1933–1970: Their Image in AJR Information by Panikos Panayi
West Germans against the West: Anti-Americanism in Media and Public Opinion in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949–68 by Armin Grünbacher
Innere Sicherheit. Politische Anti-Terror-Konzepte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland während der 1970er Jahre. by Karrin Hanshew
Die Insel. Eine Geschichte West-Berlins, 1948–1990 by Egbert Klautke
Berlin: Divided City, 1945–1989 by Paul Steege
Death in Berlin: From Weimar to Divided Germany by Mark Fenemore
The Politics of Fertility in Twentieth-Century Berlin by Helen L. Boak
Friedrich Burgdörfer (1860–1967). Eine diskursbiographische Studie zur deutschen Demographie im 20. Jahrhundert by Michael Hau
Vom ‘nationalen’ zum ‘sozialistischen’ Selbst: Zur Erfahrungsgeschichte deutscher Chemiker und Ingenieure im 20. Jahrhundert by Dolores L. Augustine
History Sells: Angewandte Geschichte als Wissenschaft und Markt Stefan Berger