MADL ClaireMezinárodní síť knihkupce Wolfganga Gerleho (1770-1790). Příspěvek k analýze šíření informací v českých zemích (The International Network of the Bookseller Wolfgang Gerle (1770-1790). A Contribution to an Analysis of the Dissemination of Information in the Czech Lands). S. 649-673. In her study, the author carried out an analysis of commercial practices of the Prague bookseller Wolfgang Gerle between the years 1770-1790. This study shows that although the standard of literary information and the supply of printed matter on offer was diverse and brisk in terms of European book distribution, his competitive ambitions were curtailed by various restrictions, so typical of a society whose path to modernity was at its very beginning. Key words: Habsburg monarchy, Prague, book trade, the circulation of information, the Enlightenment, Wolfgang Gerle, Société typographique de Neuchâtel.
PÁNEK JaroslavHistorik mezi „mocí“ a „slušností“ (Na okraj knihy Bohumila Jirouška o Jaroslavu Charvátovi) (A Historian’s Dilemma „Power“ or „Decent Behaviour“ /The Example of Jaroslav Charvát/). S. 674-684. Jaroslav Charvát (1904-1988), an archivist and university professor of General History from 1948, occupies a marginal position as a scholar in Czech historiography, primarily as a member of the left-wing association, called Historická skupina (1936-1938). However, after the events of February 1948, as one of the representatives of Communist ideology, he held high-profile official posts and influenced not merely the development of his discipline but also the fate of scholars holding different political views from his. The biography of this historian, which was published by B. Jiroušek (2011), emphasizes the relation between power and science. However, at the same time, there comes to the fore questions of the abuse of power, infringements of the human dignity of other scholars and elementary ethics in a scientific environment. Key words: Historiography, Historians, the Historical Group (1936-1938), Czechoslovakia, the 20th Century, Marxist Indoctrination, Ethics in Academic Work.
PICKA OndřejPolitický styl Helmuta Kohla: příklad vnitrostranické diskuse o druhé verzi berlínského programu CDU z roku 1971 (Helmut Kohl’s Political Leadership: using the example of the CDU internal discussion on the Second Version of the 1971 Berlin Programme). S. 685-715. This article deals with Helmut Kohl’s political leadership in the early stage of his career. It uses the example of the discussion about the second version of the Berlin Programme in the years 1969-1971, in which Kohl as Chairman of the Policy Commission played a crucial role. This was one of his first major appearances at the federal level of German politics. The young Kohl is characterized as a major reform politician in the CDU searching for its new role after the loss of political power in 1969 and at the same time a talented seeker of power, always keeping an eye on his primary target, namely his ambition to climb the leadership ladder and become head of the party and perhaps, in time, the head of Government. He was always willing to sacrifice his reformist intentions with regard to certain policy issues to achieve his goal. Key words: Germany, Helmut Kohl, CDU, Berlin programme, political leadership, political party, party programme, party reform, opposition.
RYCHLÍK JanSituace v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava v roce 1939 a na počátku roku 1940 ve zprávách Generálního konzulátu Slovenské republiky v Praze (The Situation in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in 1939 and early 1940 Contained in the Reports of the Prague General Consulate of the First Slovak Republic). S. 716-738. This substantive study comprises the reports prepared in Prague by the Slovak Consul General Karol Jozef Bujnák. Bujnák acted in Prague between 1939-1940. The reports refer to the demonstrations on 28th October 1939; persecutions of students and the closure of Czech institutions of higher learning on 17th November 1939 and the cancelled Prague celebrations of the first anniversary of Slovak independence on 14th March 1940, which Bujnák considered to be inappropriate. Key words: consular reports, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Consulate General of Slovakia.
FEJTOVÁ OlgaNěmecká diskuse ke konfesionalizaci v evropském kontextu (German discussion on confessionalisation in a European context). S. 739-785. This contribution provides a survey of the individual stages in the application of the confessionalisation paradigm in German historiography devoted to the period of the Early Modern Age, in the context of European, and in particular Central European, historical research from the 1980s until the present time. Attention is paid to methodical studies linking the application of the concept of confessionalisation with other paradigms of social and modern cultural history. It also focuses on a number of case studies concerning the application of this concept on the individual regions of the empire and their confrontation with research devoted to other European territories with different confessional profiles. Within the framework of the thematic link of the concept of confessionalisation with modern cultural history, the importance of research devoted to folk religiosity is emphasized. The main thrust of the survey primarily follows the discussion on the possibilities and limits of the concept of confessionalisation, as evident during its application in historical research, to which it responds both at the macro and micro-historical levels. Key words: Early Modern Age, Central-Eastern Europe, German historiography, the confessionalisation paradigm, modern cultural history.
SVOBODNÝ PetrPříspěvky k dějinám Masarykovy univerzity (Contributions to the History of Masaryk University). S. 786-793. These two high quality monographs on the history of Masaryk University in Brno and its Philosophical Faculty are presented here in both the context of Czech university historiography and also in the context of the culture of remembrance of European universities’ jubilees. Key words: Masaryk University in Brno, Philosophical Faculty, university historiography, the Universities’ jubilees – culture of remembrance.
CHODĚJOVSKÁ EvaGeografické informační systémy v práci historika (Historians and Geographical Information Systems). S. 794-806. This article defines GIS applications; it summarises their genesis and the history of their use; it describes their application especially in the humanities with an emphasis on historical disciplines. Examples of seminal HIS-GIS systems created abroad are given and scientific platforms where these outputs are presented are mentioned. It introduces in more detail the new Czech web map portal of the Historical Town Atlas of the Czech Republic created on the GIS principle in 2010. In connection with GIS issues, the author draws attention to a number of web map servers and web map portals available to the historian to utilise in his work. Old maps are often part of these portals. The process of digitalisation is closely linked with old maps in an internet environment and the author summarises this and describes various stages of the subsequent processes dealing with digitalised maps. Key words: Geographical Information System (GIS), history, geography, historical cartography, digitalisation, old maps, web map portals, web map servers.
PEŠEK Jiří – LOHMANN NinaStav německého dějepisectví poválečné doby očima západní Evropy (The State of German Historiography of the Postwar Era Through the Eyes of Western Europe). S. 807-820. This review article summarizes a discussion on the state of German historiography in the post-war period, which took place in 2010 on the platform for the Foundation of German Humanities Institutes Abroad (DGIA) with the participation of eminent German and Western European historians. The discussion focused upon the following areas: „chronology and ceasuras„, „generations and their memory“, „the primacy of politics versus the primacy of society“, and European context of German post-war history. It primarily thematizes the transition from German-European historical milestones to world-wide ceasuras; the question of the role of the German „obsession with Nazism“ and the influence of the 1968 generation upon the concept of post-war history; the contradiction between a huge international interest in the history of the GDR and indifference to the results of research dealing with the FRG; the unwillingness of German historians to accept the results of foreign researches of German post-war history as part of European history as a whole. Key words: German contemporary history, history after WWII, historiography, history and society, European history, German Historical Institutes.
LOHMANN NinaEvropská tradice britského dějepisectví (The European Tradition of British Historiography). S. 821-833. Based on two recent publications by the Regius Professors of Modern History in Oxford and Cambridge, Robert and Richard Evans, this review article discusses the long-standing professional relationship of British historians with the European Continent. For several reasons, the early made distinction between British and European history persists to this day, and the latter forms the second, albeit smaller and in the history of historiography often neglected, core of the British historiographical tradition. What is more, both Evanses argue that British scholarship on the history of Continental Europe has been remarkably influential, at home as well as abroad. The reasons for this “success story” are manifold and provide us, among others, with an insight into the diversity of the national “history markets”. It becomes obvious that European historians should engage in a debate on the degree of openness of their communities to insights from outside, because: despite all the claims of internationalisation and globalisation, historians do not always practise what they preach – neither in Britain nor on the Continent. Key words: British historiography, education policy, history of Continental Europe, internationalisation, world wars.
Dějiny východních Čech v pravěku a středověku (do roku 1526), FELCMAN Ondřej (ed.) - MUSIL František (Jaroslav Boubín) S. 834-837.
HOLÝ Martin, Zrození renesančního kavalíra. Výchova a vzdělávání šlechty z českých zemí na prahu novověku (1500-1620) (Václav Bůžek – Miroslav Žitný) S. 837-839.
HUBKOVÁ Jana, Fridrich Falcký v zrcadle letákové publicistiky. Letáky jako pramen k vývoji a vnímání české otázky v letech 1619-1632 (Kateřina Pražáková) S. 840-842.
HRBEK Jiří, České barokní korunovace (Štěpán Vácha) S. 843-846.
STOLÁROVÁ Lenka (ed.), Karel Škréta a malířství 17. století v Čechách a v Evropě. Sborník příspěvků z odborného kolokvia pořádaného Národní galerií v Praze v klášteře sv. Anežky České ve dnech 23.-24. března 2010; STOLÁROVÁ Lenka - VLNAS Vít (eds.), Karel Škréta 1610-1674: Doba a dílo (Nikolaj Savický) S. 847-853.
MATLAS Pavel, Shovívavá vrchnost a neukáznění poddaní? Hranice trestní disciplinace poddaného obyvatelstva na panství Hluboká nad Vltavou v 17. a 18. století; PUMPR Pavel, Beneficia, záduší a patronát v barokních Čechách. Na příkladu třeboňského panství na přelomu 17. a 18. století (Eduard Maur) S. 854-859.
CHVOJKA Michal, Josef Graf Sedlnitzky als Präsident der Polizei- und Zensurhofstelle in Wien (1817-1848). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Staatspolizei in der Habsburgermonarchie (Petr Píša) S. 859-862.