ZBÍRAL DavidSoučasné bádání o středověké inkvizici. Stav, směřování, perspektivy (Contemporary Research on the Medieval Inquisition. State, Directions, Perspectives). S. 1-19. This paper focuses on the state of research in the medieval inquisition. After a brief sketch of the history of research, it highlights and summarizes seven main areas of development in the contemporary study of the medieval inquisition: (1) new editions of sources, (2) new developments in source criticism of inquisitional records, (3) interest in the worlds and motivations of the inquisitors, (4) a significant revision of the traditional concept of “the Inquisition” as an organization or network of tribunals, (5) putting of medieval inquisitio heretice pravitatis into the context of development of trial procedures in the 12th-13th centuries, (6) the conception of inquisition as discourse, inspired by theories of discourse, and (7) a re-description of power relations between the inquisitor and the deponent not in terms of unidirectional exercise of power but rather in terms of dialogue, even if unbalanced, and of negotiation about the space for agency. In the end, the author summarizes some of the perspectives and tasks in the research in medieval inquisitional records. Key words: medieval inquisition, inquisitio heretice pravitatis, historiography, church history, law history, state of research, perspectives, trial records, source criticism, theories of discourse, distribution of power.
NEŠPOR Zdeněk R.Modernizace českého evangelického prostředí: případ svobodných církví (The Modernisation of the Czech Protestant Milieu: Case of Free Churches). S. 20-51. This study deals with the birth and the consequent development of the so-called Free Evangelical churches, primarily of the re-established Unity of the Brethren, the Free Reformed Church, the Adventist and Baptist churches in the Czech Lands at the end of the 19th century and in the early 20th century. The author also analyses the legal circumstances of the institutionalisation of these churches and their social and cultural importance in relation to the already established Protestant churches and the majority Roman Catholic environment in the context of the ethnic structure of the Czech Lands. Key words: the Czech Lands – 19th century, religion, church history, Protestantism, Free Evangelical Churches, modernisation.
VOJTĚCHOVSKÝ OndřejJugoslávská antititovská emigrace v Praze v letech 1954-1968. Od ukončení činnosti směrem k novým nadějím (Yugoslav anti-Tito Emigration to Prague between 1954-1968. From Ending Activities to New Hope Reborn). S. 52-98. This article, based on archival primary sources, deals with the activities, views and opinions and lives of Yugoslav anti-Tito emigrants in Czechoslovakia in the period from the healing of the Soviet-Yugoslav split until the second half of the 1960s. Key words: the Soviet-Yugoslav split, the Inform Bureau, Yugoslav anti-Tito emigration, Czechoslovakia, Prague, Yugoslavia, Communismus, the International Communist Movement, Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relations, Yugoslav Revisionism.
KOKEŠOVÁ HelenaVztahy Gustava Eima a Tomáše G. Masaryka (The Relationship between Gustav Eim and Tomáš G. Masaryk). S. 99-130. The study presented here deals with the relationship between Gustav Eim, a Young Czech politician and journalist, and Tomáš G. Masaryk. It is based on an analysis of their mutual correspondence and and takes into consideration Masaryk’s handwritten notes. It focuses on the course of negotiations between the Realists and the representatives of the two largest Czech bourgeois parties in the years 1890–1891; it follows the roles of these two men during these negotiations, which resulted in their entry into practical politics. Key words: the Czech Lands, Czech history, political parties, Tomáš G. Masaryk, Gustav Eim.
HORNÍČKOVÁ Kateřina – ŠRONĚK Michal (edd.), Umění české reformace (1380-1620) (Josef Hrdlička) S. 131-135.
HEJNIC Josef - MARTÍNEK Jan, Rukověť humanistického básnictví v Čechách a na Moravě 6. Dodatky A-Ž / Enchiridion renatae poesis in Bohemia et Moravia cultae 6. Supplementa A-Ž (František Šmahel) S. 135-137.
VONDRA Roman, České země v letech 1705-1792. Věk absolutismu, osvícenství, paruk a třírohých klobouků (Jiří Mikulec) S. 137-143.
ŠTĚPÁNEK Václav, Jugoslávie – Srbsko – Kosovo. Kosovská otázka ve 20. století (Jan Pelikán) S. 143-146.