European Review of History / Revue europeenne d'histoire Volume 19 Issue 3
Original Articles:
Introduction: W.G. Sebald, le souci de l'histoire Emmanuelle Loyer pages 347–354
L'absence et la trace: Kindertransport, Nuit de Cristal et Opération Meubles dans ‘Austerlitz' Jean-Marc Dreyfus pages 355–366
Austerlitz de W.G. Sebald. Une vue poétologique sur l'histoire des camps Judith Kasper pages 367–376
En marchant, en écrivant. Un essai entre géographie et littérature Jean-Louis Tissier pages 377–382
Fiction et lisibilité de l'histoire chez W.G. Sebald Muriel Pic pages 383–393
Négation du temps et besoin d'histoire dans les écritures de W.G. Sebald Diana Napoli pages 395–407
« Die Schatten der Wirklichkeit ». (« Les ombres du réel ») Photographie et mémoire dans l'œuvre littéraire de W. G. Sebald Roswitha Böhm pages 409–425
L'archive en ruines: Sebald, le tri et l'accumulation Philippe Artières pages 427–437
Medieval Period – Époque Médiévale:
The Kings of Alba c.1000-c.1130 Christopher Heath pages 439–440
Imagining the past in France. History in Manuscript painting 1250-1500 Karin Tilmans pages 440–442
The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria Katherine Harvey pages 442–444
Early-Modern Period – Histoire Moderne:
Il profeta disarmato. L'eresia di Francesco Pucci nell'Europa del Cinquecento Gábor Almási pages 444–446
A Guide to Early Printed Books and Manuscripts Ivana Dobcheva pages 446–448
Warrior Pursuits. Noble Culture and Civil Conflict in Early Modern France Tomaso Pascucci pages 448–449
Beyond the Military Revolution: War in the Seventeenth Century World Richard Harding pages 450–451
The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450–1750. Visual Imagery before Orientalism Jeremy Black pages 451–452
The Hispanization of the Philippines. Spanish Aims and Filipino Responses, 1565–1700 José L. Gasch-Tomás pages 452–453
Swift, the Book, and the Irish Financial Revolution: Satire and Sovereignty in Colonial Ireland Macdara Dwyer pages 453–455
Futures and Ruins: Eighteenth-century Paris and the art of Hubert Robert Douglas James pages 455–457
Selling Beauty – Cosmetics, Commerce, and French Society, 1750–1830 Tijl Vanneste pages 457–459
Modern History – Histoire Comtemporaine:
The Modern Balkans: A History Goran Miljan pages 459–461
Mediterraneans – North Africa and Europe in an age of migration, c. 1800-1900 Adam Mestyan pages 461–463
Inventing Luxembourg: Representations of the Past, Space and Language from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century Madalina Valeria Veres pages 463–464
Free Access to the Past. Romanticism, Cultural Heritage and the Nation Jeremy Black pages 464–465
Monuments et Mémoires: Les Traces Coloniales dans le Paysage Français Manuel Bollag pages 465–467
Dance of the Furies. Europe and the Outbreak of World War I Peter Bihari pages 467–469
Neville Chamberlain Warren Dockter pages 469–470
Body By Weimar: Athletes, Gender, and German Modernity Clare Tebbutt pages 471–472
Terror und Traum: Moskau 1937 Björn M. Felder pages 472–474
The Minsk Ghetto, 1941-1943. Jewish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism Natalia Krasicka pages 474–476
In War's Wake: Europe's Displaced Persons in the Postwar Order Peter Gatrell pages 476–478
Solidarity with Solidarity: Western European Trade Unions and the Polish Crisis, 1980-1982 Shirin Hirsch pages 478–479
Over There: Living with the U.S. Military Empire from World War Two to the Present Trond Ove Tøllefsen pages 479–480
L'Espagne et l'Europe. De la dictature de Franco à l'Union européenne Chiara Luck pages 481–483
Historiography – Historiographie:
Institutul de istorie ‘Nicolae Iorga’ 1937–1948 Silviu Hariton pages 483–485
Hayden White: The Historical Imagination Admir Skodo pages 485–487
The Novel: An Introduction Oana Sinziana Paltineanu pages 487–489
The Czech Reader: History, Culture and Politics Michael Carter-Sinclair pages 489–490