Inhalt und Abstracts:
Tobias Georges, Petrus Venerabilis – der antijüdische Polemiker als Botschafter des Friedens gegenüber dem Islam? Eine Untersuchung seiner Schrift 'Contra sectam Saracenorum' Seiten 1–19
Peter the Venerable (1092/1094–1156) addressed treatises towards Muslims, Jews and Christian “Heretics”. While there is no doubt that his writing “Adversus Iudaeorum inveteratam duritiem” represents a polemic treatise against the Jews, some scholars claim that his major work dealing with Islam, “Contra sectam Saracenorum”, has a rather open-minded and peaceful approach. This assumption is countered here. A thorough analysis of “Contra sectam Saracenorum” (addressees, intention, comparison with Gilbert Crispin’s “Disputatio Iudaei et Christiani”, patristic tradition, polemic, context) shows that, fundamentally, it doesn’t differ from his writing against the Jews.
Andreas Odentahl, Gottesdienst, Sakraltopographie und Saliermemorie – Zum Liber Ordinarius des Speyerer Domes aus dem 15. Jahrhundert Seiten 20–51
There is extant a 15th century Liber Ordinarius from Speyer Cathedral of fundamental importance, shedding as it does considerable light on the liturgical life of the Cathedral’s chapter and revealing at the same time general liturgical principles of the late Middle Ages. On the basis of the evidence provided by this manuscript, the present essay suggests a reconstruction of a kind of “sacral topography”, disclosing important theological emphasises, such as the promotion of Christmas by dedicating the high altar to St. Mary and the side altars to St. Stephen and St. John. In connection with the presence of the Cathedral’s Salian burial place and its associated memorial tradition, the present essay is discussing some possible accents of this sacral topography by the Salian dynasty.
Heribert Müller, Köln – Ein Erinnerungsort des Christentums im Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit Seiten 52–81
Ever since the early middle ages, Cologne was seen, and saw itself, as a sacred town abundant with saints and filled with churches. The decisive moment that shaped the image of sacred Cologne occurred in the 12th century with the discovery of more and more saints connected to Ursula and Gereon, and the transferral of the Holy Kings’ mortal remains to /hilligen Coellen/. Together with the early bishop’s relics, the relics of the Kings were regarded by the in-habitants of /hilligen Coellen/. as an insuperable rampart protecting their community. Be-sides adding to the city’s defence, they also led to the emergence of a highly lucrative pilgrimage- and indulgence business. In fact, such “sacral capital”, which has found its symbolic expression in seals and coat of arms, and its integrative expression in processions of relics and shrines, determined the city’s image as a town on the Rhine abundant both in material as well as in sacred possessions. Throughout the early modern age, this imaginaire spread across Europe through numerous etchings, xylographs and copper engravings. However, Protestants and Enlightment thinkers began to conceive of Cologne more and more as a reactionary refuge, which refused to strive for discipline and modernity, the sancta sanctorum propugnatrix Colonia continued to conceive of itself as a spiritual haven. This deeply rooted commitment to being a community of shared beliefs and values was revitalized in the 19th century and continues to shape even Cologne’s secularized present.
Heinz Ohme, "Gottes Zügel für das Abendland" – "Gottes Gesandter zu unserer Rettung" – Das Osmanische Reich in der Sicht des Ökumenischen Patriarchates im Kampf gegen Aufklärung und Freiheitspropaganda am Vorabend der griechischen Revolution Seiten 82–99
Abstract: In 1798, an anti-Enlightenment and anti-revolutionary document entitled “Paternal Teaching” (Διδασκαλία Πατρική) was published on the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Along with further encyclicals of the Patriarchate, this document condemned the political and individual freedoms of the French Revolution and declared the Ottoman rule a God-sent guarantor of orthodox religious freedom. Moreover, the Patriarchate appealed to the Greek population within the Ottoman Empire to support the military struggle against the French who had succumbed to godlessness and impiety. The article questions the historical context of this pro-Ottoman attitude and the motives that gave rise to it. The rift between pro- and anti-Enlightenment ideas that occurred at this point has marked Modern Greek History ever since.
Anschriften der Mitarbeiter und Vorankündigungen Seite 100
Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen Seiten 101–150
Eingegangene Titel Seite 151