Inhalt und Abstracts:
Franz-Reiner Erkens, Ein Drache in Würzburg. Die Reichssynode und der Hoftag von 1287 Seiten 153–172
In 1287 nobles of the empire were gathered inWurzburg to take part in two parallel assemblies: an imperials ynod and a court diet (Hoftag).While the synod was presided by the papal legat cardinal Johannes Boccamazza of Tusculum, king Rudolf of Habsburg was in the chair for the court assembly. Among other topics both events aimed to prepare the king’s campaign to Rome (Romzug) in order to crowned as emperor. The campaign to Rome failed due to the sudden death of Pope Honorius IV. Moreover, prior to this a tumult caused by the bold behaviour of the papall egat and the fact that he asked for financial support put a dramatic end to the synod. Despite of the twofold failure Rudolf showed at Wurzburg the sacral dimension of his majesty and demonstrated the harmonic cooperation of worldly and sacral power; finally his royal prestige increased.
Uwe Israel, Die Stadt und ihr Patron. Konstituierung und Stabilisierung sozialer und politischer Ordnung im europäischen Mittelalter am Beispiel Braunschweigs Seiten 173–200
Considering the difficulties of defining what constitutes a city in pre-modern times, themeaning of a holy patron for peace making, identity formation and integration within a community will be examined. It is presumed that the community spirit necessary for the constitution and stability of social and political order was decisively generated by reference to the transcendental element of the sacred with images, symbols and rituals. This was particularly necessary in a city like Brunswick, which was a conglomerate of five largely independent municipal areas, the town lord’s castle and different ecclesiastical and monastic immunities. The example of Brunswick is paradigmatic, however, because here—like in many other places in Europe—the forming of the city and the municipal emancipation went through a long and complicated process that was characterized by violent conflicts with the town lord and between the different social groups.
Johannes Hund, "Das Volk will zum Besten gehalten sein" - Das Augustana-Jubiläum von 1830 im Großherzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach Seiten 201–232
This study of the Augustana Jubilee of 1830 investigates the question of whether the Enlightenment-style regime of the liberal Grand Duchy of Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach has parallels in the hitherto little-examined theology of the small state, as well as what consequences this might have had for the way the Duchy dealt with the Refor-mation tradition. Already in the proclamation of the anniversary of the Augsburg Confession, the Reformation was feted as the restoration of a lost right of man, namely freedom of religion and conscience. This Enlightenment interpretation of history is also consistently reflected in the publications attending the academic anniversary celebrations of the University of Jena. These works saw freedom of thought and research as the central gain of the Reformation period, and they rejected all more recent attempts to reassign Confessional writings a normative function as a relapse into a pre-Enlightenment era of intellectual slavery. The almost uniformly rationalistic pub-lications surrounding the Augustana Jubilee can be explained by the religious and personal politics of two Weimar ministers of state, Schweitzer and von Gersdorff, who believed that the true task of theology and church pronouncments consisted in leading the individual to independent reflection and responsible judgment.
Yan Suarsana, Worte der Macht. Der Kolonialismus in Texten protestantischer Missionare des späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts Seiten 233–256
Since Edward Said’s influential book Orientalism, Postcolonial Studies have brought to awareness in what many ways the conceptual and practical impact of the colonial age is still apparent in- and outside the so called ThirdWorld. However, already back in the second half of the 19th century, a certain awareness of the problems of colonial power has resulted in the establishment of new missionary efforts and societies within the protestant context. These so called faith missions were designed to escape the pitfalls of the colonial battlefield by their institutional independence and by the simplicity of their organization. Drawing on Postcolonial methods, I will argue that this claim has failed regarding the intended independence from the colonial context. I will show how colonial concepts still determined the thoughts and actions of protestant missionaries in the era of faith missions and thus helped them keep their position in the colonial hierarchy. In conclusion I will show the concerns and possibilities of a historiography inspired by Postcolonial theory.
James Carleton Paget, Albert Schweitzer and Adolf von Harnack - an unlikely alliance Seiten 257–287
Adolf von Harnack und Albert Schweitzer sind sich in ihrem Leben nur zweimal, im Jahre 1899 und 1930, begegnet. Während dieser Zeit, vor allem nach dem ersten Weltkrieg, lässt sich ein lebhafter schriftlicher Austausch nachweisen. Unter Heranziehung erst kürzlich veröffentlichter Briefe und anderer relativ unbekannter Dokumente, einschließlich der Bücher aus Schweitzers Nachlass, lotet der Aufsatz Berührungspunkte und die Beziehung der beiden Wissenschaftler zueinander aus. Trotz ihrer verschiedenen theologischen und philosophischen Meinungen, schätzten sich Schweitzer und Harnack gegenseitig und standen sich intellektuell näher, als die Forschung bis jetzt vermutet hat. Diese Hypothese wird besonders durch Harnacks begeisterte Reaktion anlässlich des Erscheinens von Schweitzers im Jahre 1930 veröffentlichten Buches, „Die Mystik des Apostels Paulus“ belegt. In ihr hat Harnack nicht nur seine Ansichten über Paulus reflektiert und überdacht, sie kann darüber hinaus auch als Kritik an der vorherrschenden theologischen Atmosphäre der Zeit verstanden werden, die von Karl Barth und anderen inspiriert war. Harnack und Schweitzer waren freilich liberale Theologen unterschiedlicher Art, dennoch setzten sich beide vehement mit den Annahmen der dialektischen Theologie auseinander und von ihr ab.
Kritische Miszelle Margarete Dörr, Frauen und Kinder im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Ein Stück "Kirchengeschichte von unten" im Rückblick Seiten 288–299
Kontroverse Holger Strutwolf, Das Konzil von Antiochien 324/25 und sein vermeintliches Symbol - einige metakritische Bemerkungen Seiten 301–323
Anschriften und Vorankündigungen Seite 324
Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen Seiten 325–436
Eingegange Bücher Seite 437