Launched in 2009, the Journal of Historical Research in Marketing is the only quarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality, original, academic research that focuses entirely on marketing history and the history of marketing thought.
Full Articles
“A History of the Concept of Branding: Practice and Theory”, Wilson Bastos and Sidney J. Levy (pp. 347 – 368)
“The U.S. Advertising Industry’s Self-Regulation of Comparative Advertising”, Fred Beard (pp. 369 – 386)
“A History of Farmers’ Markets in Canada”, Michael D. Basil (pp. 387 – 407)
“Occasional Publishers: Producing and Marketing Books in England, 1771–1844”, Rob Banham (pp. 408 – 439)
Explorations & Insights
“Historical Perspectives on Critical Marketing”, Mark Tadajewski (pp. 440 – 452)
“Finanzkapital and Consumers: How Financialization Shaped 20th Century Marketing”, Nikhilesh Dholakia (pp. 453 – 461)
“Marketing and Feminism in Historic Perspective”, Pauline Maclaran (pp. 462 – 469)