Die aktuelle Ausgabe des „German Historical Institute London Bulletin“ (Vol XXXIV, No. 2, November 2012) ist erschienen. Der Volltext der Ausgabe ist kostenlos verfügbar unter <www.ghil.ac.uk/publications/bulletin.html>
Artistic Encounters: British Perspectives on Bavaria and Saxony in the Vormärz (Hannelore Putz)
‘De-Industrialization’: A Research Project on the Societal History of Economic Change in Britain (1970-90) (Jörg Arnold)
The Hidden Transcript: The Deformation of the Self in Germany’s Dictatorial Regimes (Bernd Weisbrod)
David Rollason, Conrad Leyser, and Hannah Williams (eds.), England and the Continent in the Tenth Century: Studies in Honour of Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947) (Benjamin Pohl)
Craig Koslofsky, Evening’s Empire: A History of the Night in Early Modern Europe (Andreas Bähr)
Jerrold Seigel, Modernity and Bourgeois Life: Society, Politics, and Culture in England, France and Germany since 1750 (Andreas Fahrmeir)
Frank Lorenz Müller, Our Fritz: Emperor Frederick III and the Political Culture of Imperial Germany (Martin Kohlrausch)
Anne Friedrichs, Das Empire als Aufgabe des Historikers. Historiographie in imperialen Nationalstaaten: Großbritannien und Frankreich 1919-1968 (Roger Chickering)
J. A. S. Grenville, The Jews and Germans of Hamburg: The Destruction of a Civilization 1790-1945 (Moshe Zimmermann)
Ian Kershaw, The End: Hitler’s Germany, 1944-45 (Lothar Kettenacker)
Antje Robrecht, ‘Diplomaten in Hemdsärmeln?’ Auslandskorrespondenten als Akteure in den deutsch-britischen Beziehungen 1945-1962 (Christian Haase)
Diverging Paths? Conservatism in Britain and West Germany from the 1960s to the 1980s (Janosch Steuwer)
Ruptures and Linkages: Biography and History in the South (Heike Liebau, Achim von Oppen, Sophie Roche, and Silke Strickrodt)
The War of the Spanish Succession: New Perspectives (Matthias Pohlig and Michael Schaich)
Education in Lebanon during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: A Catalyst for Multiple Modernities? (Julia Hauser, Christine Lindner, and Esther Möller)
Poverty in Modern Europe: Micro-Perspectives on the Formation of the Welfare State in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Daniela Heinisch)
ZOV Tracksuit Traitors: East German Elite Athletes on the Run (Jutta Braun and René Wiese)