A new issue of Social History of Medicine has been made available: February 2013; Vol. 26, No. 1
URL: <http://shm.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/1?etoc>
Original Articles
Coming ‘Home’ to (post)Colonial Medicine: Treating Tropical Bodies in Post-War Britain Roberta Bivins Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 1-20 Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS
‘Where is the Fault?’: The Starvation of Edward Cooper at the Isle of Wight Workhouse in 1877 Kim Price Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 21-37 Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS
‘So Far as I Can Define without a Microscopical Examination’: Venereal Disease Diagnosis in English Courts, 1850–1914 Victoria Bates Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 38-55
The Construction of Shell Shock in New Zealand, 1919–1939: A Reassessment Gwen A. Parsons Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 56-73
Le Pays du Soleil: The Art of Heliotherapy on the Côte d’Azur Tania Woloshyn Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 74-93
The Framingham Study and the Constitution of a Restrictive Concept of Risk Factor Élodie Giroux Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 94-112
Is Prevention Better than Cure? The Rise and Fall of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, c.1950–1980 Abigail Woods Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 113-131
Book Reviews Elaine Leong and Alisha Rankin (eds), Secrets and Knowledge in Medicine and Science, 1500–1800 Allison Kavey Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 132-133
Edward Higgs, Identifying the English: a History of Personal Identification 1500 to the Present Jon Agar Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 134-135
Diego Armus, The Ailing City: Health, Tuberculosis, and Culture in Buenos Aires, 1870–1950 Yolanda Eraso Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 135-136
Thomas Le Roux, Le Laboratoire des Pollutions Industrielles. Paris 1770–1830 Jean-Baptiste Fressoz Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 137-138
Fernando Vidal, The Sciences of the Soul: The Early Modern Origins of Psychology Michael Edwards Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 138-139
Lydia Carroll, In the Fever King’s Preserves: Sir Charles Cameron and the Dublin Slums Ian Miller Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 139-140
Gabriele Moser, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und Krebsforschung 1920–1970 Carsten Timmermann Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 141-142
Peter C. Engelman, A History of the Birth Control Movement in America Rebecca M. Kluchin Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 142-143
Heather R. Beatty, Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain Gerold Sedlmayr Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 143-144
David G. Schuster, Neurasthenic Nation: America’s Search for Health, Happiness, and Comfort, 1869–1920 Helen Horowitz Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 145-146
Heather Munro Prescott, The Morning After: A History of Emergency Contraception in the United States Fran Bigman Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 146-147
Keir Waddington, An Introduction to the Social History of Medicine, Europe since 1500 Elizabeth T. Hurren Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 147-148
Richard Sugg, Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians Francesca Matteoni Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 149-150
Holly Dugan, The Ephemeral History of Perfume: Scent and Sense in Early Modern England Rowan Boyson Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 150-151
Harry W. Paul, Henri de Rothschild, 1872–1947: Medicine and Theater Rachel G. Fuchs Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 151-153
Stephen Pemberton, The Bleeding Disease: Hemophilia and the Unintended Consequences of Medical Progress Douglas Starr Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 153-154
Michael E. Staub, Madness is Civilisation: When the Diagnosis was Social, 1948–1980 Allan V. Horwitz Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 154-155
Virginia Berridge, Martin Gorsky and Alex Mold, Public Health in History Jacob Steere-Williams Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 155-156
Nancy Lusignan Schultz, Mrs. Mattingly’s Miracle: The Prince, the Widow and the Cure That Shocked Washington City Carmen M. Mangion Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 157-158
Lindsay Reid, Midwifery in Scotland: A History Billie Hunter Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 158-159
Carol Helmstadter and Judith Godden, Nursing Before Nightingale, 1815–1899 Stuart Wildman Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 159-160
Ali Haggett, Desperate Housewives: Neuroses and the Domestic Environment, 1945–1970 Stephanie Spencer Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 160-162
Thomas Dormandy, Opium: Reality’s Dark Dream Wayne Hall Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 162-163