Inhalt und Abstracts:
Athina Lexutt, „Das Leben geht vor“. Nachruf auf Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz zur Mühlen (16. März 1935–27. Januar 2012) Seiten 1–3
Tobias Daniels, „Ingredere, benedicte domini.“ Persuasionsstrategien in zwei universitären Begrüßungsreden an apostolische Legaten (Wien, 1387 und Köln, 1449) Seiten 4–38
In the wake of its reform in the High Middle Ages, the papal curia increasingly intensified its influence on the partes. In this process, the pope’s most important diplomats were the papal legates. As normative texts and contemporary impressions show, diplomatic contacts during such missions were highly formalized. The present article, however, reveals that a legate’s hosts used this configuration to present their claims to the alter ego of the pope on the very first occasion possible, viz. his reception. The way in which political goals were presented to the legates is analyzed on the example of two reception speeches, which are edited in the appendix. One of the speeches, found in a miscellaneous manuscript of the University of Heidelberg, has been handed down anonymously but was actually—as is demonstrated—delivered by Heinrich von Langenstein on behalf of the University of Vienna at the reception of the cardinal-legate Philippe d’Alençon in 1387. The other speech was held by the doctor of theology Johannes Hulshout of Mechelen when the University of Cologne received the papal legate Juan Carvajal in 1449. The analysis of the speeches and their rhetorical structure reveals the important role played by oratory in the politics of universities during the Great Western Schism and in the Age of Conciliarism.
Christian Jaser, Von Grenzen und Passagen – die Exkommunikation der schottischen border reivers durch Erzbischof Gavin Dunbar von Glasgow (1525) Seiten 39–64
Recently, the tradition of ecclesiastical cursing formularies received unprecedented public attention. In the northwestern English town of Carlisle, the 1525 excommunication sentence of Archbishop Gavin Dunbar of Glasgow against the Scottish Border reivers became the object of an intensive polemic in 2005, reaching from magical accusations to local political complications. In the course of this debate, its irresistible rhetorical power was either dramatized as a present day danger or flatly dismissed on moral grounds. However, the commentators to a large extent missed the specific political and ecclesiastical contexts of this historical evidence. In this regard, the excommunication of 1525 has to be seen as an unmistakeable spiritual intervention against the trouble spots of a Border region being politically, economically and socially different from the core regions of the English and Scottish kingdoms. From the viewpoint of the central powers, the inhabitants of the Anglo-Scottish frontier and particularly the Border reivers were labeled as an alterity par excellence. By relegating the Border reivers to a temporary state of spiritual, social and posthumous liminality, the excommunication of 1525 seamlessly fitted into this line of ideological disqualification and corresponded to established mental maps.
Günter Baum, „… daß ihnen der Türck aus den Augen sehe.“ Der Islam als Motiv in der antireformierten Konfessionspolemik um 1600 Seiten 65–94
In den Konfessionsstreitigkeiten um 1600 findet sich der Vorwurf, der konfessionelle Gegner gehöre nicht zum Corpus Christianum, sondern sei muslimisch. Der Aufsatz skizziert die historischen Fronten der Benutzung des „Islam-Motivs“, beschreibt die inhaltlichen Grenzziehungen in den Kategorien christlicher Dogmatik und geht der Praxis nach, wie der konfessionspolitische Gegner durch den Vergleich mit den Türken perhorresziert wird. Das und wie das Motiv zusätzlich auch inhaltlich angereichert wird, zeigt der Aufsatz anhand der Interpretation von Auseinandersetzungen zwischen lutherischen Theologen und calvinistischen Gegnern. So baut der Dresdener Oberhofprediger Matthias Hoe von Hoenegg Überlegungen von u.a. Philipp Nicolai und Polycarp Leyser d.Ä. aus und nutzt sie im Zusammenhang des Kampfs in Brandenburg und Kursachsen, um eine „Zweite Reformation“ anzustoßen.
KontroverseHanns Christof Brennecke und Uta Heil, Nach hundert Jahren: Zur Diskussion um die Synode von Antiochien 325. Eine Antwort auf Holger Strutwolf Seiten 95–113
Anschriften und Vorankündigungen Seite 114
Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen Seiten 115–143
Eingegange Bücher Seite 144