Remembering “Aunt Emma”: small retailing between nostalgia and a conflicted past, by Jan Logemann (pp. 151–171)
From price theory to marketing management: Danish contributions 1930–1960, by Erik Kloppenborg Madsen and Kurt Pedersen (pp. 172–191)
Promoting the consumer society: Ernest Dichter, the Cold War and FBI, by Mark Tadajewski (pp. 192–211)
The birth of consumer behavior: motivation research in the 1940s and 1950s, by Ronald A. Fullerton (pp. 212–222)
Michael J. Baker: reflections on a career in marketing, by Michael John Baker (pp. 223–230)
William Lazer: reflections on my career, by William Lazer (pp. 231–243)
Stanley Shapiro: looking backward, a personal retrospective, by Stanley J. Shapiro (pp. 244–252)