Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 111 (2013), 2
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2013: Academia
Anzahl Seiten
211 S.
€ 110,00 pro Jahrgang



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Pokorná Magdalena





Atentát na Reinharda Heydricha v souvislostech
(The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich and its Connections). S. 269–275.
This address, The Heydrich Era and Czech Society, was presented to the XVIIIth General Assembly of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic in the Carolinum, the Great Hall of Charles University, on the 14th May 2012. It encapsulated a brief synopsis of the author’s life-long research into the issues of Czech society during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
Key words: Czech nation, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Reinhard Heydrich, World War II.

Stavovství, absolutismus a osvícenství v díle Rudolfa Vierhause. Význam německého historika nejen pro dějiny raného novověku
(The Estates, the Age of Absolutism and the Enlightenment in the Work of Rudolf Vierhaus. The significance of this German historian yet not merely for the history of the Early Modern Age). S. 276–299.
The study is devoted to the work of Rudolf Vierhaus, which may be divided into four fundamental parts reflecting his historiographical interest (Leopold von Ranke); his theoretical-philosophical interest (history of concepts and ideas), thereafter his interest in modern history (the issue of of a particular German path to modernity, the questions of Nazism and its roots) and primarily the Enlightenment as a cultural-historical process with its distinctive political and social connotations.
Key words: German historiography, the Age of Absolutism, the Enlightenment, the history of historiography, the Estates, 18th century.

Lidská práva v rakouském osvícenství. Wolff, Martini a Windischgrätz
(Human rights in the Austrian Enlightenment. Wolff, Martini and Windischgrätz). S. 300–334.
This study returns to the beginnings of the theory of human rights as it was conceived by Christian Wolff; it discusses its developments in the conception of the Austrian lawyer Karl Anton von Martini and the original re-working of this theory based on sensualism as presented by Joseph Nikolaus Count Windischgrätz.
Key words: human rights – the Enlightenment – Karl Anton Martini.

Využívání paměti v projevech francouzských prezidentů Chiraka a Sarkozyho (Uses of Memory in the Political Statements of the French Presidents Chirac and Sarkozy). S. 335–354.
The past is one of the traditional sources of inspiration for political discourse; it can provide very important arguments underpinning current political objectives. Even though both French presidents analyzed in this paper, Jacques Chirac (1995–2007) and Nicolas Sarkozy (2007–2012), were representatives of the post-Gaullist right in the French political arena, their approach to the past and their decisions to use it for their own political purposes were very different. The autor of this paper thinks that Chirac impersonated a “repentant“ attitude towards difficult times in the national past. Sarkozy on the other hand wanted to forge a vision of one common great history that every French person should be proud of. Even though the positions of the two French presidents vis-à-vis the national past were different. The author argues that both of them made substantial use of memory in their communications. This paper provides quantitative lexicometry analysis comparing the use of key history-linked words in the two presidents’ statements.
Key words: France, history, historiography, memory, president, discourse, lexicometry, Chirac, Sarkozy.


Polemika ad: David Zbíral, Současné bádání o středověké inkvizici. Stav, směřování, perspektivy. Český časopis historický 110, 2012, s. 1–18. S. 355–377.


Migrační teorie, integrační procesy a evropské dějiny migrací
(Migration theories, integration processes and migrations in European history). S. 378–406.
This study deals with a highly topical research issue – migrations and integration processes which are intrinsically connected with them. At the same time it strives to present a basic overview of the most important migration theories. Although a majority of them have originated outwith the discipline of history, they do represent a pathway to the clarification of the circumstances of the origins and the realization of shifts in spatial mobility of different social classes in a historical context. The presented work primarily focuses on the most recent foreign literature and introduces individual themes which are seen as exceptionally significant from the point of migrations in European history. It also introduces individual theoretical concepts; it analyses their division into macro and micro theories; it presents examples of hypotheses, their authors and even their theoretical works. This work, in its own way, is a specialised bibliography which presents a basic overview of the themes under research at the interdisciplinary level.
Key words: migration, mobility, migration theories, integration processes, history of migrations, Europe.

HENGERER Mark, Kaiser Ferdinand III. (1608–1657). Eine Biographie (Václav Bůžek) S. 407–410.

BOK Václav – KUBÍKOVÁ Anna (Hg.), Bericht über die Reise Johann Christians und Johann Seyfrieds von Eggenberg durch die Länder Mittel-, West- und Südeuropas in den Jahren 1660–1663. Eine kommentierte Edition (Jiří Kubeš) S. 410–414.

ALBAREDA SALVADÓ Joaquim, La Guerra de Sucesión de España (1700–1714) (Bohumil Baďura) S. 414–420.

KRAUß Jirko, Ländlicher Alltag und Konflikt in der späten Frühen Neuzeit. Lebenswelt erzgebirgischer Rittergutsdörfer im Spiegel der kursächsischen Bauernunruhen 1790 (Josef Grulich – Markéta Skořepová) S. 420–422.

HRONSKÝ Marián – PEKNÍK Miroslav, Martinská deklarácia: cesta slovenskej politiky k vzniku Česko-Slovenska (Tomáš Bandžuch) S. 423–425.

PETRÁŇ Josef - PETRÁŇOVÁ Lydie, Dějiny českého venkova v příběhu Ouběnic (Jiří Pešek) S. 425–427.

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