Original Articles
Worms as a Hook for Colonising Puerto Rico Nicole Elise Trujillo-Pagan Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 611-632
Black Mortality in Antebellum Savannah Tim Lockley Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 633-652
‘A constant irritation to the townspeople’? Local, Regional and National Politics and London's County Asylums at Epsom Rob Ellis Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 653-671
‘The dangers attending these conditions are evident’: Public Health and the Working Environment of Lancashire Textile Communities, c.1870–1939 Janet Greenlees Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 672-694 Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS
‘Go and see Nell; She'll put you right’: The Wisewoman and Working-Class Health Care in Early Twentieth-century Lancashire Francesca Moore Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 695-714
More Than Meets the Eye: Revealing the Therapeutic Potential of ‘Light’, 1896–1910 Annie Jamieson Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 715-737
Rethinking Post-war Mental Health Care: Industrial Therapy and the Chronic Mental Patient in Britain Vicky Long Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 738-758
Balancing Risks: Childhood Inoculations and America's Response to the Provocation of Paralytic Polio Stephen E. Mawdsley Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 759-778
Focus on Epidemics George Dehner, Influenza: A Century of Science and Public Health Response Mark Honigsbaum Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 779-780
Nancy K. Bristow, American Pandemic: The Lost World of the 1918 Influenza Epidemic George Dehner Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 780-781
Mark Osborne Humphries, The Last Plague: Spanish Influenza and the Politics of Public Health in Canada Nancy K. Bristow Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 782-783
George Dehner, Global Flu and You: A History of Influenza Niall Johnson Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 783-784
Paul Slack, Plague: A Very Short Introduction Karen Jillings Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 784-785
Marc Arnold, Disease Class and Social Change: Tuberculosis in Folkestone and Sandgate 1880–1930 Greta Jones Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 785-787
Helen Bynum, Spitting Blood: The History of Tuberculosis John Welshman Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 787-788
Book Reviews
Vivienne Lo (ed.), Perfect Bodies: Sports, Medicine and Immortality Neil Carter Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 789-790
Michele L. Clouse, Medicine, Government and Public Health in Philip II's Spain: Shared Interests, Competing Authorities Debra Blumenthal Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 790-792
Simon Finger, The Contagious City: The Politics of Public Health in Early Philadelphia James A. Schafer, Jr. Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 792-793
James H Mills, Cannabis Nation: Control and Consumption in Britain, 1928–2008 Virginia Berridge Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 793-794
Rose Holz, The Birth Control Clinic in a Marketplace World Simone M. Caron Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 794-796
L. Stephen Jacyna and Stephen T. Casper (eds), The Neurological Patient in History Brianne M. Collins Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 796-797
Julie Livingston, Improvising Medicine: An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer Epidemic Benson A. Mulemi Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 798-799
Dana G. Dalrymple, Artemisia annua, Artemisinin, ACTs and Malaria Control in Africa: Tradition, Science and Public Policy Suzanne Taylor Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 799-801
Andreas Gestrich, Elizabeth Hurren and Steven King (eds), Poverty and Sickness in Modern Europe: Narratives of the Sick Poor, 1780–1938 Bernard Harris Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 801-803
Esther Cohen, Leona Toker, Manuela Consonini and Etniel Dror (eds), Knowledge and Pain Javier Moscoso Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 803-804
Pratik Chakrabarti, Bacteriology in British India: Laboratory Medicine and the Tropics Jacob Steere-Williams Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 805-806
Matthew Smith, Hyperactive; The Controversial History of ADHD Kathleen W. Jones Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 806-807
P. Sean Brotherton, Revolutionary Medicine: Health and the Body in Post-Soviet Cuba Steven Palmer Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 807-809
Ann Clark Patricia, A Cretan Healer's Handbook in the Byzantine Tradition: Text, Translation and Commentary Petros Bouras-Vallianatos Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 809-811
Catherine Cox, Negotiating Insanity in the Southeast of Ireland, 1820–1900 Jennifer Walke Soc Hist Med 2013 26: 811-812