The University of Chicago Press is happy to notify you that the new issue of Isis is now available. The online issues of this journal are hosted on JSTOR on behalf of The University of Chicago Press.
Isis Vol. 104, No. 3, September 2013 <>
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society
Training the Intelligent Eye: Understanding Illustrations in Early Modern Astronomy Texts Kathleen M. Crowther and Peter Barker DOI: 10.1086/673269 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 429-470. <>
Mutant Utopias: Evening Primroses and Imagined Futures in Early Twentieth-Century America Jim Endersby DOI: 10.1086/673270 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 471-503. <>
Paul Ehrenfest and the Dilemmas of Modernity Frans H. van Lunteren and Marijn J. Hollestelle DOI: 10.1086/673271 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 504-536. <>
Focus: Ordering the Discipline: Classification in the History of Science
Introduction Stephen P. Weldon DOI: 10.1086/673272 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 537-539. <>
Bibliography Is Social: Organizing Knowledge in the Isis Bibliography from Sarton to the Early Twenty-First Century Stephen P. Weldon DOI: 10.1086/673273 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 540-550. <>
From Shelves to Cyberspace: Organization of Knowledge and the Complex Identity of History of Science Ana M. Alfonso-Goldfarb, Silvia Waisse, and Márcia H. M. Ferraz DOI: 10.1086/673274 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 551-560. <>
The Organization and Description of Science Archives in America R. Joseph Anderson DOI: 10.1086/673275 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 561-572. <>
Cross-Cutting Categorization Schemes in the Digital Humanities Colin Allen and the InPhO Group DOI: 10.1086/673276 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 573-583. <>
News of the Profession
History of Science Society Annual Meeting, 2012 DOI: 10.1086/674458 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 584-586. <>
HSS Prizes For 2012 DOI: 10.1086/674459 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 586-591. <>
Letters to the EditorMarjorie C. Malley DOI: 10.1086/673278 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 592. <>
Book Reviews General
Rima D. Apple; Gregory J. Downey; Stephen L. Vaughan, eds. Science in Print: Essays in the History of Science and the Culture of Print. Review: Science in Print: Essays in the History of Science and the Culture of Print by Rima D. Apple; Gregory J. Downey; Stephen L. Vaughan Review by: Katharine Anderson DOI: 10.1086/674460 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 593-594. <>
Edward B. Barbier. Scarcity and Frontiers: How Economies Have Developed through Natural Resource Exploitation. Review: Scarcity and Frontiers: How Economies Have Developed through Natural Resource Exploitation by Edward B. Barbier Review by: Mark Finlay DOI: 10.1086/674461 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 594-595. <>
Mario Biagioli; Peter Jaszi; Martha Woodmansee, eds. Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective. Review: Making and Unmaking Intellectual Property: Creative Production in Legal and Cultural Perspective by Mario Biagioli; Peter Jaszi; Martha Woodmansee Review by: Sheila Jasanoff DOI: 10.1086/674462 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 595-596. <>
Mark Fiege. The Republic of Nature: An Environmental History of the United States. Review: The Republic of Nature: An Environmental History of the United States by Mark Fiege Review by: Linda Nash DOI: 10.1086/674463 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 596-597. <>
Noel Kingsbury. Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding. Review: Hybrid: The History and Science of Plant Breeding by Noel Kingsbury Review by: Barbara Kimmelman DOI: 10.1086/674464 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 597-598. <>
Kristian H. Nielsen; Michael Harbsmeier; Christopher J. Ries, eds. Scientists and Scholars in the Field: Studies in the History of Fieldwork and Expeditions. Review: Scientists and Scholars in the Field: Studies in the History of Fieldwork and Expeditions by Kristian H. Nielsen; Michael Harbsmeier; Christopher J. Ries Review by: Mark V. BarrowJr. DOI: 10.1086/674465 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 598-599. <>
Rachel Poliquin. The Breathless Zoo: Taxidermy and the Cultures of Longing. Review: The Breathless Zoo: Taxidermy and the Cultures of Longing by Rachel Poliquin Review by: Elizabeth Hanson DOI: 10.1086/674466 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 599-600. <>
Gloria Pungetti; Gonzalo Oviedo; Della Hooke, eds. Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation. Review: Sacred Species and Sites: Advances in Biocultural Conservation by Gloria Pungetti; Gonzalo Oviedo; Della Hooke Review by: Jane Carruthers DOI: 10.1086/674467 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 600-601. <>
William Rosen. The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention. Review: The Most Powerful Idea in the World: A Story of Steam, Industry, and Invention by William Rosen Review by: Bruce J. Hunt DOI: 10.1086/674468 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 601. <>
Klaus Staubermann, ed. Reconstructions: Recreating Science and Technology of the Past. Review: Reconstructions: Recreating Science and Technology of the Past by Klaus Staubermann Review by: Roger Sherman DOI: 10.1086/674469 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 601-602. <>
Book Reviews Antiquity
Marco Beretta; Francesco Citti; Lucia Pasetti, eds. Seneca e le scienze naturali. Review: Seneca e le scienze naturali by Marco Beretta; Francesco Citti; Lucia Pasetti Review by: Gareth Williams DOI: 10.1086/674470 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 603-604. <>
Glen M. Cooper. Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, of Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq, Kitāb ayyām al-buḥrān. Review: Galen, De diebus decretoriis, from Greek into Arabic: A Critical Edition, with Translation and Commentary, of Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq, Kitāb ayyām al-buḥrān by Glen M. Cooper Review by: Grigory Kessel DOI: 10.1086/674471 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 604. <>
Daniel Heller-Roazen. The Fifth Hammer: Pythagoras and the Disharmony of the World. Review: The Fifth Hammer: Pythagoras and the Disharmony of the World by Daniel Heller-Roazen Review by: Peter Pesic DOI: 10.1086/67327913 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 604-605. <>
Leonid Zhmud. Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans. Review: Pythagoras and the Early Pythagoreans by Leonid Zhmud Review by: Reviel Netz DOI: 10.1086/674473 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 606-607. <>
Book Reviews Middle Ages and Renaissance
Hiro Hirai. Medical Humanism and Natural Philosophy: Renaissance Debates on Matter, Life, and the Soul. Review: Medical Humanism and Natural Philosophy: Renaissance Debates on Matter, Life, and the Soul by Hiro Hirai Review by: Jole Shackelford DOI: 10.1086/674474 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 607-608. <>
Sachiko Kusukawa. Picturing the Book of Nature: Image, Text, and Argument in Sixteenth-Century Human Anatomy and Medical Botany. Review: Picturing the Book of Nature: Image, Text, and Argument in Sixteenth-Century Human Anatomy and Medical Botany by Sachiko Kusukawa Review by: Janice Neri DOI: 10.1086/674475 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 608-609. <>
Alina Payne. The Telescope and the Compass: Teofilo Gallaccini and the Dialogue between Architecture and Science in the Age of Galileo.Alina Payne, ed. Teofilo Gallaccini: Selected Writings and Library. Review: The Telescope and the Compass: Teofilo Gallaccini and the Dialogue between Architecture and Science in the Age of GalileoTeofilo Gallaccini: Selected Writings and Library by Alina Payne; Alina Payne Review by: Antonio Becchi DOI: 10.1086/674476 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 609-610. <>
Matthias Schemmel. The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot's Work on Motion as an Example of Preclassical Mechanics. Review: The English Galileo: Thomas Harriot's Work on Motion as an Example of Preclassical Mechanics by Matthias Schemmel Review by: Stephen Clucas DOI: 10.1086/674477 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 610-612. <>
Book Reviews Early Modern (Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries)
Philip Beeley; Christoph J. Scriba, eds. The Correspondence of John Wallis (1616–1703). Review: The Correspondence of John Wallis (1616–1703) by Philip Beeley; Christoph J. Scriba Review by: Michael Hunter DOI: 10.1086/674478 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 612-613. <>
Daniela Bleichmar. Visible Empire: Botanical Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment. Review: Visible Empire: Botanical Expeditions and Visual Culture in the Hispanic Enlightenment by Daniela Bleichmar Review by: Sachiko Kusukawa DOI: 10.1086/674479 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 613-614. <>
Steffen Ducheyne. The Main Business of Natural Philosophy: Isaac Newton's Natural-Philosophical Methodology. Review: The Main Business of Natural Philosophy: Isaac Newton's Natural-Philosophical Methodology by Steffen Ducheyne Review by: William L. Harper DOI: 10.1086/674480 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 614-615. <>
Robert Fox, ed. Thomas Harriot and His World: Mathematics, Exploration, and Natural Philosophy in Early Modern England. Review: Thomas Harriot and His World: Mathematics, Exploration, and Natural Philosophy in Early Modern England by Robert Fox Review by: Amir Alexander DOI: 10.1086/674481 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 615-616. <>
Yasmin Haskell, ed. Diseases of the Imagination and Imaginary Disease in the Early Modern Period. Review: Diseases of the Imagination and Imaginary Disease in the Early Modern Period by Yasmin Haskell Review by: Helen King DOI: 10.1086/674482 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 616-617. <>
Andrew Janiak; Eric Schliesser, eds. Interpreting Newton: Critical Essays. Review: Interpreting Newton: Critical Essays by Andrew Janiak; Eric Schliesser Review by: Steffen Ducheyne DOI: 10.1086/674483 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 617-618. <>
Russell McCormmach. Weighing the World: The Reverend John Michell of Thornhill. Review: Weighing the World: The Reverend John Michell of Thornhill by Russell McCormmach Review by: Thomas L. Hankins DOI: 10.1086/674484 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 618-619. <>
John C. Powers. Inventing Chemistry: Herman Boerhaave and the Reform of the Chemical Arts. Review: Inventing Chemistry: Herman Boerhaave and the Reform of the Chemical Arts by John C. Powers Review by: Rina Knoeff DOI: 10.1086/674485 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 619-620. <>
George Rousseau. The Notorious Sir John Hill: The Man Destroyed by Ambition in the Era of Celebrity. Review: The Notorious Sir John Hill: The Man Destroyed by Ambition in the Era of Celebrity by George Rousseau Review by: David Philip Miller DOI: 10.1086/674486 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 620-621. <>
Maria Semi. Music as a Science of Mankind in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Review: Music as a Science of Mankind in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Maria Semi Review by: Brandon Konoval DOI: 10.1086/674487 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 621-622. <>
Book Reviews Modern (Nineteenth Century to 1950)
Frederick Burkhardt; James A. Secord; Janet Browne; Samantha Evans; Shelley Innes; Alison M. Pearn; Paul White, eds. The Correspondence of Charles Darwin. Review: The Correspondence of Charles Darwin by Frederick Burkhardt; James A. Secord; Janet Browne; Samantha Evans; Shelley Innes; Alison M. Pearn; Paul White Review by: Michael Ruse DOI: 10.1086/674488 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 622-624. <>
Denis Diagre-Vanderpelen. The Botanic Garden of Brussels (1826–1912): Reflection of a Changing Nation. Review: The Botanic Garden of Brussels (1826–1912): Reflection of a Changing Nation by Denis Diagre-Vanderpelen Review by: Alette Fleischer DOI: 10.1086/674489 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 624-625. <>
Liborio Dibattista. Il movimento immobile: La fisiologia di E.-J. Marey e C. E. François-Franck (1868–1921). Review: Il movimento immobile: La fisiologia di E.-J. Marey e C. E. François-Franck (1868–1921) by Liborio Dibattista Review by: Paolo Mazzarello DOI: 10.1086/674490 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 625-626. <>
Robert Fox. The Savant and the State: Science and Cultural Politics in Nineteenth-Century France. Review: The Savant and the State: Science and Cultural Politics in Nineteenth-Century France by Robert Fox Review by: Janis Langins DOI: 10.1086/674491 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 626-627. <>
József Illy. The Practical Einstein: Experiments, Patents, Inventions. Review: The Practical Einstein: Experiments, Patents, Inventions by József Illy Review by: Ad Maas DOI: 10.1086/674492 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 627-628. <>
Paul B. Israel; Louis Carlat; Theresa M. Collins; David Hochfelder, eds. The Papers of Thomas A. Review: The Papers of Thomas A by Paul B. Israel; Louis Carlat; Theresa M. Collins; David Hochfelder Review by: Terry S. Reynolds DOI: 10.1086/674493 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 628-629. <>
Niklas Thode Jensen. For the Health of the Enslaved: Slaves, Medicine, and Power in the Danish West Indies, 1803–1848. Review: For the Health of the Enslaved: Slaves, Medicine, and Power in the Danish West Indies, 1803–1848 by Niklas Thode Jensen Review by: Adrián López-Denis DOI: 10.1086/674494 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 629-630. <>
Simon J. Knell. The Great Fossil Enigma: The Search for the Conodont Animal. Review: The Great Fossil Enigma: The Search for the Conodont Animal by Simon J. Knell Review by: Lukas Rieppel DOI: 10.1086/674495 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 630-631. <>
Nikolai Krementsov. A Martian Stranded on Earth: Alexander Bogdanov, Blood Transfusions, and Proletarian Science. Review: A Martian Stranded on Earth: Alexander Bogdanov, Blood Transfusions, and Proletarian Science by Nikolai Krementsov Review by: Christopher Burton DOI: 10.1086/674496 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 631-632. <>
Don Leggett; Richard Dunn, eds. Re-inventing the Ship: Science, Technology, and the Maritime World, 1800–1918. Review: Re-inventing the Ship: Science, Technology, and the Maritime World, 1800–1918 by Don Leggett; Richard Dunn Review by: Larrie D. Ferreiro DOI: 10.1086/674497 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 632-633. <>
Annette Lykknes; Donald L. Opitz; Brigitte Van Tiggelen, eds. For Better or for Worse? Collaborative Couples in the Sciences. Review: For Better or for Worse? Collaborative Couples in the Sciences by Annette Lykknes; Donald L. Opitz; Brigitte Van Tiggelen Review by: Staffan Bergwik DOI: 10.1086/674498 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 633-634. <>
Guenter B. Risse. Plague, Fear, and Politics in San Francisco's Chinatown. Review: Plague, Fear, and Politics in San Francisco's Chinatown by Guenter B. Risse Review by: Elena Conis DOI: 10.1086/674499 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 634-635. <>
Silvan S. Schweber. Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe. Review: Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe by Silvan S. Schweber Review by: Helge Kragh DOI: 10.1086/674500 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 635-636. <>
Hanna Rose Shell. Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Photography, and the Media of Reconnaissance. Review: Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Photography, and the Media of Reconnaissance by Hanna Rose Shell Review by: Erna Fiorentini DOI: 10.1086/674501 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 636-637. <>
Jonathan Strauss. Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris. Review: Human Remains: Medicine, Death, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century Paris by Jonathan Strauss Review by: Michael Finn DOI: 10.1086/674502 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 637-638. <>
William C. Summers. The Great Manchurian Plague of 1910–1911: The Geopolitics of an Epidemic Disease. Review: The Great Manchurian Plague of 1910–1911: The Geopolitics of an Epidemic Disease by William C. Summers Review by: Anne Hardy DOI: 10.1086/674503 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 638-639. <>
Book Reviews Recent (1950–)
Andrea Cappelli; Elena Castellani; Filippo Colomo; Paolo Di Vecchia, eds. The Birth of String Theory. Review: The Birth of String Theory by Andrea Cappelli; Elena Castellani; Filippo Colomo; Paolo Di Vecchia Review by: Adrian Wüthrich DOI: 10.1086/674504 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 639-640. <>
Paul E. Ceruzzi. Computing: A Concise History. Review: Computing: A Concise History by Paul E. Ceruzzi Review by: Allan Olley DOI: 10.1086/674505 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 640-641. <>
John Cheng. Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America.Alexander C. T. Geppert, ed. Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century. Review: Astounding Wonder: Imagining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar AmericaImagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century by John Cheng; Alexander C. T. Geppert Review by: Pamela Gossin DOI: 10.1086/674506 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 641-643. <>
Boris Chertok, ed. Rockets and People. Review: Rockets and People by Boris Chertok Review by: Roshanna P. Sylvester DOI: 10.1086/674507 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 643-644. <>
Nathaniel Comfort. The Science of Human Perfection: How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine. Review: The Science of Human Perfection: How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine by Nathaniel Comfort Review by: Stephen Pemberton DOI: 10.1086/674508 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 644-645. <>
Joseph Dumit. Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health. Review: Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health by Joseph Dumit Review by: Robert Cooter DOI: 10.1086/674509 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 645-646. <>
Christopher A. Fuchs. Coming of Age with Quantum Information: Notes on a Paulian Idea. Review: Coming of Age with Quantum Information: Notes on a Paulian Idea by Christopher A. Fuchs Review by: Stephanie Dick DOI: 10.1086/674510 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 646-647. <>
Miguel García-Sancho. Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing: From Proteins to DNA, 1945–2000. Review: Biology, Computing, and the History of Molecular Sequencing: From Proteins to DNA, 1945–2000 by Miguel García-Sancho Review by: Joseph November DOI: 10.1086/674511 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 647-648. <>
Sean F. Johnston. The Neutron's Children: Nuclear Engineers and the Shaping of Identity. Review: The Neutron's Children: Nuclear Engineers and the Shaping of Identity by Sean F. Johnston Review by: Alex Roland DOI: 10.1086/674512 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 648-649. <>
Peter Keating; Alberto Cambrosio. Cancer on Trial: Oncology as a New Style of Practice. Review: Cancer on Trial: Oncology as a New Style of Practice by Peter Keating; Alberto Cambrosio Review by: Carsten Timmermann DOI: 10.1086/674513 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 649-650. <>
Mark A. Largent. Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America. Review: Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America by Mark A. Largent Review by: Robert D. Johnston DOI: 10.1086/674514 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 650-651. <>
Alfred Nordmann; Hans Radder; Gregor Schiemann, eds. Science Transformed? Debating Claims of an Epochal Break. Review: Science Transformed? Debating Claims of an Epochal Break by Alfred Nordmann; Hans Radder; Gregor Schiemann Review by: Yves Gingras DOI: 10.1086/674515 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 651-652. <>
Theo Plesser; Hans-Ulrich Thamer, eds. Arbeit, Leistung und Ernährung: Vom Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie in Berlin zum Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie und Leibniz Institut für Arbeitsforschung in Dortmund. Review: Arbeit, Leistung und Ernährung: Vom Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Arbeitsphysiologie in Berlin zum Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie und Leibniz Institut für Arbeitsforschung in Dortmund by Theo Plesser; Hans-Ulrich Thamer Review by: Elizabeth Neswald DOI: 10.1086/674516 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 652-654. <>
Thomas Robertson. The Malthusian Moment: Global Population Growth and the Birth of American Environmentalism. Review: The Malthusian Moment: Global Population Growth and the Birth of American Environmentalism by Thomas Robertson Review by: Jonathan Spiro DOI: 10.1086/674517 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 654-655. <>
Philip J. Stooke. The International Atlas of Mars Exploration: The First Five Decades. Review: The International Atlas of Mars Exploration: The First Five Decades by Philip J. Stooke Review by: Robert W. Smith DOI: 10.1086/674518 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 655-656. <>
Book Reviews Sociology and Philosophy of Science
Sandra Harding, ed. The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader. Review: The Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader by Sandra Harding Review by: Suzanne Moon DOI: 10.1086/67327960 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 656-657. <>
Katerina Ierodiakonou; Sophie Roux, eds. Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts. Review: Thought Experiments in Methodological and Historical Contexts by Katerina Ierodiakonou; Sophie Roux Review by: Tiberiu Popa DOI: 10.1086/674520 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 657-658. <>
Thomas S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Review: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas S. Kuhn Review by: Joel Isaac DOI: 10.1086/674521 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 658-659. <>
Hélène Mialet. Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing Subject. Review: Hawking Incorporated: Stephen Hawking and the Anthropology of the Knowing Subject by Hélène Mialet Review by: Matthew Stanley DOI: 10.1086/674522 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 659-660. <>
Sal Restivo. Red, Black, and Objective: Science, Sociology, and Anarchism. Review: Red, Black, and Objective: Science, Sociology, and Anarchism by Sal Restivo Review by: Steve Fuller DOI: 10.1086/674523 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 660. <>
Notes on Contributors
DOI: 10.1086/673280 Isis Vol. 104, No. 3: 661-665. <>