Editor’s choice: Governance and institutional change in marine insurance, 1350–1850 Christopher Kingston European Review of Economic History 2014 18: 1–18
Loans to salaried employees: the case of the Dutch East India Company, 1602–1794 Christiaan Van Bochove and Ton Van Velzen European Review of Economic History 2014 18: 19–38
Escaping the macroeconomic trilemma: the Belgian two-tier foreign exchange system under Bretton Woods Alain Durré and Philippe Ledent European Review of Economic History 2014 18: 39–56
Respiratory tuberculosis and standards of living in postwar Europe Sue Bowden, JoÃo tovar jalles, Álvaro santos Pereira, and Alex Sadler European Review of Economic History 2014 18: 57–81
The stability of voluntarism: financing social care in early modern Dutch towns compared with the English Poor Law, c. 1600–1800 Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk and Daniëlle Teeuwen European Review of Economic History 2014 18: 82–105