Joan Thirsk Paul Slack Past and Present 2014 222: 3-7
Market Failure during The Great Famine in England and Wales (1315–1317) Philip Slavin Past and Present 2014 222: 9-49
The Secret Life of Elias of Babylon and the Uses of Global Microhistory John-Paul A. Ghobrial Past and Present 2014 222: 51-93
Beaten Children and Women’s Work in Early Modern Italy Andrea Caracausi Past and Present 2014 222: 95-128
Justice and Murder: Massacres in the Provinces, Versailles, Meaux and Reims in 1792 D. M. G. Sutherland Past and Present 2014 222: 129-162
Food and Fodder: Feeding England, 1700–1900 David Meredith and Deborah Oxley Past and Present 2014 222: 163-214
Biology, Islam and The Science of Sex Education in Colonial Zanzibar Corrie R. Decker Past and Present 2014 222: 215-247
Illusions of Justice: Fascist, Customary and Islamic Law in the Independent State of Croatia Emily Greble Past and Present 2014 222: 249-274
Cover / Standing Material Past & Present Number 222 February 2014 - Front Cover Past and Present 2014 222: i1
Past & Present - Editorial Board Past and Present 2014 222: i2