Editorial Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 1
Original Articles
Appealing to the Republic of Letters: An Autopsy of Anti-venereal Trials in Eighteenth-century Mexico Fiona Clark Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 2-21 Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS
When it Hurts to Look: Interpreting the Interior of the Victorian Woman Kathryn Yeniyurt Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 22-40
Contingencies of Colonial Psychiatry: Migration, Mental Illness, and the Repatriation of Nigerian ‘Lunatics’ Matthew M. Heaton Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 41-63
English Poor Law Institutional Care for Older People: Identifying the ‘Aged and Infirm’ and the ‘Sick’ in Birmingham Workhouse, 1852–1912 Alistair Ritch Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 64-85
Anthony J. Lanza, Silicosis and the Gauley Bridge ‘Nine’ Jock McCulloch and Geoffrey Tweedale Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 86-103
‘Therapy Means Political Change, Not Peanut Butter’: American Radical Psychiatry, 1968–1975 Lucas Richert Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 104-121
Roy Porter Student Prize Essay For the People's Health: Ideology, Medical Authority and Hygienic Science in Communist Czechoslovakia Bradley Matthys Moore Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 122-143
Duty to Entitlement: Work and Citizenship in the Finnish Post-War Disability Policy, early 1940s to 1970 Heli Leppälä Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 144-164
Book Reviews
Anne Van Arsdall and Timothy Graham (eds), Herbs and Healers From the Ancient Mediterranean Through the Medieval West: Essays in Honor of John M. Riddle Laurence Totelin Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 165-166
Daniel Freund, American Sunshine: Diseases of Darkness and the Quest for Natural Light Tania Woloshyn Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 166-168
Marian Moser Jones, The American Red Cross from Clara Barton to the New Deal Rebecca Gill Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 168-169
Peter Elmer, The Miraculous Conformist: Valentine Greatrakes, the Body Politic, and the Politics of Healing in Restoration Britain Steve Ridge Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 169-171
Michelle Allen-Emerson, Tina Young Choi, Tom Crook, Christopher S. Hamlin and Barbara Leckie (eds), Sanitary Reform in Victorian Britain, Part II, 3 vols James F. Stark Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 171-172
Jock McCulloch, South Africa's Gold Mines and the Politics of Silicosis Joseph Melling Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 173-174
Martin Halliwell, Therapeutic Revolutions: Medicine, Psychiatry, and American Culture, 1945–1970 Monique Dufour Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 174-175
Nandini Bhattacharya, Contagion and Enclaves: Tropical Medicine in Colonial India Saurabh Mishra Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 175-177
Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas (eds), Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945 Christopher Sirrs Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 177-178
Alexander B. Bay, Beriberi in Modern Japan: The Making of a National Disease Hoi-eun Kim Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 179-180
Alexandra Stern, Telling Genes: The Story of Genetic Counseling in America Adam Turner Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 180-182
Piers D. Mitchell (ed.), Anatomical Dissection in Enlightenment England and Beyond: Autopsy, Pathology and Display Samuel J.M.M. Alberti Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 182-183
Sally Gregory Kohlstedt and David Kaiser (eds), Science and the American Century: Readings from “Isis” Helen Anne Curry Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 183-185
Laura Kelly, Irish Women in Medicine, c.1880s-1920s: Origins, Education and Careers Jonathan Reinarz Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 185-186
Xiaoping Fang, Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China Volker Scheid Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 186-188
Nancy Cervetti, S. Weir Mitchell, 1829–1914: Philadelphia's Literary Physician Savannah L. Williamson Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 188-189
Jeremy Hugh Baron, The Stomach: A Biography. Four Thousand Years of Stomach Pains: Literature, Symptoms and Epidemiology Ian Miller Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 189-190
Keith Breckenridge and Simon Szreter (eds), Registration and Recognition: Documenting the Person in World History Sarah Walters Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 191-192
Guy R. Hasegawa, Mending Broken Soldiers: The Union and Confederate Programs to Supply Artificial Limbs Caroline Lieffers Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 193-194
Tom Koch, Thieves of Virtue: When Bioethics Stole Medicine Sarah Ferber Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 194-195
Mary McAlpin, Female Sexuality and Cultural Degradation in Enlightenment France: Medicine and Literature Nina Kushner Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 196-197
Birsen Bulmuş, Plague, Quarantines and Geopolitics in the Ottoman Empire Christian Promitzer Soc Hist Med 2014 27: 197-198