Cornelia Lüdecke: Bernhard Fritscher (1954–2013) – ein Nachruf, 129
Andreas Kleinert: Christoph J. Scriba (1929–2013), 136
Charles Burnett: The Geometry of the Liber Ysagogarum Alchorismi, 143
Karine Chemla: Shedding Some Light on a Possible Origin of a Concept of Fractions in China. Division as a link between the newly discovered manuscripts and The Gnomon of the Zhou [Dynasty], 174
Joseph W. Dauben: 九章筭术 Jiu zhang suan shu (Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics) – An Appraisal of the Text, its Editions, and Translations, 199
Ingrid Kästner: Karl Sudhoff und die Internationale Ausstellung für Buchgewerbe und Graphik 1914 in Leipzig, 236
Tullio Manzoni: Aristotele e il cervello – Le teorie del più grande biologo dell’antichità nella storia del pensiero scientifico (D. Linden), 249