Štúdie a články/ Articles/ Studien
SRANČÍKOVÁ, JanaPrežívanie veľkomoravskej materiálnej kultúty v dunajskej nížine (The survival of the material culture of Veľká Morava in the Dunajská nížina) pp. 3–15
The aim of this work is to capture the survival of the material culture of Veľká Morava in the area of dunajská nížina as well as to gather, catalogue and analyze all the available artifacts supporting this and to consequently create a true image and a possible interpretation of the situation that has come into being. In the work I earmark those elements of material culture, exequies and architectonic nature, in which the survival of the material culture of Veľká Morava is visible, on the basis of a database formed by the artifacts gathered from various localities. After the cartographic portrayal of the concentration of the localities and interconnection with written sources I attempted to earmark the geopolitical areas based on which the material culture of Veľká Morava could have remained existent. The output of this work is a catalogue of artifacts originating in the territory of Veľká Morava and one of the possible interpretations of the reason, why the material culture of Veľká Morava survived in the area of dunajská nížina even after the new ethnic of old Hungarians arrived.
GOGOVÁ, StanislavaPrezentácia archeológie v teréne (Presentation of Archaeology in the Field) pp. 16–23
Presentation of archaeological findings as the sources of discovering the prehistoric and protohistoric period of the development of human society in terms of the museum practice is multi-layered. Its complexity stems from the diversity of presented findings, as well as from the different objectives of the creators. On the ground, so to speak "at the scene of the crime", a visitor cannot only see the findings from the showcase, but he can also get to know their function in the life of then settlers, see the dwellings, graves, cult buildings and other objects used in the past, in the entire context of the ecological system, whose research is already inextricably linked with modern Archaeology. Depending on the various types of archaeological monuments and the possibilities inherent, in the real practice a number of ways in which products are presented on the ground (archaeoparks, the archaeological museums in the ground, open-air museums, nature trails, etc.) is used.
MARÁZ, KarelSfragistické deperditum města Opavy z roku 1289 a jeho význam pro českou komunální sfragistiku (Das verlorene Siegel der Stadt Troppau aus dem Jahr 1289 und seine Bedeutung für die böhmische kommunale Sphragistik) pp. 24–27
Am Anfang des 20 Jahrhundert hat E. Rzehak in seine Arbeit Die Wappen der Städte Troppau und Jägendorf. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kulturgeschichte österreichisch Schlesiens 3, 1907/1908, s. 86 zwei identische Exemplare des Siegels von Stadt Troppau, die bei den Urkunden aus dem Jahr 1289 und aus 11. Juni 1311 waren. Die Füllung des Siegelfelds ist das Wappen der Stadt Troppau. Zur Zeit ist leider das Siegel aus dem Jar 1289 verloren. Dank der Erwähnung von Rzehak können wir das älteste Wappen in Böhmischen Ländern zum Jahr 1289 verschieben.
MARÁZ, KarelK podobě pečetidla mincovních pečetí (českých králů) 2. poloviny 13. Století (Zur Form des Siegelstempels der Münzsiegel (der böhmischen Könige) aus 2. Hälfte des 13. Jhs) pp. 28–34
Den bedeutenden Beleg für unsere Siegelkunde sind zwei zu einander ähnliche Exemplare des Siegels von Peter, Probst von Vyšehrad und böhmischer Kanzler, aus Jahren 1273 und 1281. In Rahmen der einzigartigen und genug komplizierten Siegelbild fesselt uns die heraldisch links bei den Beinen von Kanzler sitzende Gestalt („sigillator“). An beiden Typen haltet die Figur in der rechte Hand ein Typar in Zangenform, linke Hand der Figur ist frei (I. Typ) oder haltet die Urkunde (II. Typ). Das Peters Siegel belegt, dass die Große Münzensiegel der böhmischen Könige aus 2. Hälfte des 13. Jahrhundert von einem Typar in Zangenform und nicht von zwei unabhängigen Typaren gegen einander abgedrücken waren.
JAKUBEJ, JánMatthias Flacius (1520 – 1575) – muž stojaci pri kolíske reformácie a vplyv jeho náhľadov na náboženské pomery slobodného kráľovského mesta Kremnice (Matthias Flacius (1520 – 1575)) pp. 35–44
Birth of reformation absolutely wasn't pertinent to easy processes – and several of their pioneers are today almost forget. Matthias Flacius was one of them. In youth he coveted burrow to closter, but after the meeting with several humanists and chiefly Martin Luther, he desided to help broadening of new confession. He inserted to its service his excelent knowledge of languages, as well as cognizance of history, linguistics or theology. He had his own concept of receiving of bread and wine and about the role of good deeds on attainment of salvation. He was certain of total accuracy of Luther ideas and apperceived it as pylons of new belief. Althrought he fell foul of with influential theologians, e. g. with Melanchton, Strigel or Osiander, he don't disclaimed his certitude. It wasn't bullheadedness, but ambition don' t conspire his ideals. Destiny draved him from place to place, but he remained infragible. Confessions, vhich he upholded, had a appreciable hold on citizens of free regnal town Kremnica. And history lastly accepted his apport…
HUPKO, Daniel – NAGY, PeterPríspevok k stavebným dejinám Smolenického kaštieľa (Contribution to the construction history of the manor house in Smolenice) pp. 45–79
This study reflects construction development of a baroque manor house in Smolenice from the first half of the 18th century which was built by Count Georg Leopold Erdődy (1680 – 1759) and until the year 1945 was in property of the family Pálffy ab Erdőd. The building was demolished in 2001 without architectural and art historical research. In 2008 rescue archeological research took place on part of the site where the manor house used to stand. This research was carried out by Slovak National Museum-Archeological Museum in Bratislava and it revealed some aspects from the history of the manor house in Smolenice. Efforts for more accurate interpretation of the archeological findings were an impulse to carry out detailed historical research. Unique source to the history of the manor house was a collection of visual sources (photography, drawings and watercolor) from the collection of Slovak National Museum-Museum Červený Kameň in Častá which capture the original look of the building of the manor house. The authors, historian and archaeologist, present construction development of the manor house in Smolenice that they were able to reconstruct on the grounds of the archaeological findings and knowledge collected through the archaeological research.
KIČKOVÁ, AdrianaŽenské volebné hnutie a Veľká Británia (The Women’s suffrage movement and the United Kingdom) pp. 80–91
The article charts the history of the women’s suffrage movement in Britain from the nineteenth century to the achievement only partial victory in post-war period. Introduces key figures involved in women’s suffrage movement and the main events of feminist history – militant and non-militant tactics, imprisonment, hunger strikes, forcible feeding etc.
ŠMÍD, MarekVýznam Nitry v československo-vatikánských vztazích v době první republiky (Significance of the town Nitra in Czechoslovak-Vatican relations during the time of the First Republic) pp. 92–108
The aim of this study is to focus on the significance of the Slovak town Nitra, indigenous historical, cultural and religious centre of the country, mostly on its political and spiritual development in years 1918–1938. Although the meaning of this town was in the Czech context in history of the 20th century looked through or only Pribina’s celebration in 1933 was emphasized, it was highly important not only for the Slovak modern history, but also for the church and political history and diplomatic relations of Czechoslovakia and the Holy See during the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. It was in this very town where the first Slovak bishops Karol Kmeťko (for Nitra), Marián Blaha (Banská Bystrica) a Ján Vojtaššák (Spiš) in 1921 were elected. Nitra was also witnessed to presidential visits in 1923 (T. G. Masaryk) and 1936 (E. Beneš) and one of the Slovak towns which proclaimed the autonomous efforts in the 1930s. The study links to other numerous sources and literature.
VRBATA, AlešFascism in Portugal? (Fašizmus v Portugalsku?) pp. 109–134
Vágnost termínu fašismus není jen otázkou poválečné evropské historiografie. Termín sám vzešel z italského politického a kulturního kontextu a fascinace, kterou vyvolal vedla k jeho přejímání za hranicemi Itálie. Vágnost termínu „fašismus“ i časový odstup některé autory vede k užívání plurálu (fašismy), popř. k terminologii jako „radikální pravice“ (Blinkhorn) či „revoluční pravice“ (Sternhell). Vágnost této terminologie byla zjevná již ve 30. letech i v Itálii kulturně blízkých iberských zemích kde si toho tehdy všiml např. maurrasiánský novinář a spisovatel Henri Massis v interview se Salazarem a Frankem. Historici idejí či historici intelektuálních nebo kulturních dějin (Sternhell, Griffin aj.) zaujali širší perspektivu a na problematiku fašismu nahlédli jako výraz obsáhlejší "krize Západu" (Sternhellův dualistický model: „anti-illuminisme“ – „illuminisme“). Tento článek se pokouší prostřednictvím portugalského příkladu ukázat, že Sternhellův dualismus je natolik široký, že přehlíží a opomíji některé z vážných otázek, které s fenoménem fašismu souvisí: především vztah tzv. tradiční pravice a „naci-fašistické“ pravice radikální. Portugalský příklad je v tomto ohledu paradigmatický. Sternhellův model by místní marginální naci-fašistické skupiny i salazaristický režim včlenil do téže kategorie „anti-osvícenství“, která je natolik široká, že mezi nimi neumí rozlišovat. Naproti tomu portugalští historici nezřídka obojí označí za fašismy (v případě monarchistické anti-salazaristické opozice jako proto-fašismy). Článek analyzuje portugalský případ, poukazuje na vágnost těchto teoretických konstrukcí, příklání se k některým interpretacím, které na rozlišení tradiční a radikální pravice nerezignují (L.R.Torgal aj.) a poukazuje na těsnou blízkost mezi Salazarovým řešením a francouzskou tradiční pravicí (Maurras, Action française) jež vycházejí z téže „ideologické matrice“ podobně jako tradičně pravicová uskupení v jiných zemích.
ŠTEINER, PavolSedem Stalinov pri Šahách 49-j otdeľnyj gvardejskij ťaželyj tankovyj Krasnoseľskij Krasnoznamennyj, ordena Kutuzova polk proryva v bojoch na juhozápadnom Slovensku (Seven Stalins at Šahy (49th independent guards heavy tank regiment fighting in southwest Slovakia)) pp. 135–140
This unit was the only one of its kind to act as a part of the 6th guards tank army of the Red army's 2nd Ukrainian front. Its presence in our territory had been unknown in our historical literature though it played an important role at heavy struggles for the area between the Ipeľ and the Hron rivers in December 1944. The 49th heavy tank regiment took part at the siege of Šahy, then joined the 5th guards tank corps in advance towards Levice and finally helped to stop the German assault against Šahy.
KOLLÁR, ŠtefanPotrebujú múzeá záštitu systému manažérstva kvality? (Brauchen museen unterstützung des Qualitätsmamagementsystems?) pp. 141–149
Auch die Museen haben nach dem Jahre 1989 erkannt, dass es einen Bedarf an Veränderungen gibt, das heißt eine Notwendigkeit der Erhöhung der Qualität der Produkte, der Verminderung der Kosten und des flexiblen Reagierens auf die Bedürfnisse des Marktes. Zu einem ganzslowakischen Trend wächst die Einführung der Positionen die sich auf dem Marketing und dem Management der Museen spezialisieren heran. Diese Veränderungen aber erreichen nicht immer in der Ebene des Unternehmens die erwarteten Voraussetzungen und produzieren eher verschiedene Paradoxe als die erwarteten Verbesserungen. Auch wenn der Weg auf dem sich die Museen begeben haben ihre Probleme zum Teil löst, das Ziel ist es nicht nur zu überleben, aber dazu auch prosperieren und wachsen. Mit dieser Frage haben sich die herstellungswirtschaftlichen Unternehmen und Gesellschaften schon am Ende des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts befasst. Die entstandenen Strategien und Taktiken die sich auf die Koordination, Gleichrichtung und Lenken von Organisationen spezialisieren haben sich auf die Qualität orientiert. Gestützt auf diese Erfahrungen, die museale Praxis und die ISO-Normen der Reihe 9000, löst die Studie museale Prozesse wie auf dem Gebiet der praktischen, so auch auf dem Gebiet der spezifischen Museologie.
ŽUPČÁNOVÁ, MartinaVirtuálny produkt v múzeu (Virtual product at the Museum) pp. 150–159
Nowadays, every area of life is affected by technological innovations and devices that determine the pace of society. Although museums present the cultural heritage of past generations have to contend with many institutions, profit and nonprofit sector to keep the visitors. The following study shows the basic features of application new virtual elements into the museums. The autor offer a brief proposal of using virtual product for architectural interpretation of the Slanec castle, artefacts and fortification architecture in every museums. In the museums are acceptance of virtual products a long process, so far from in Slovak Republic this products are in beginning and in the world have many favourer and opponents, too.
SLNEKOVÁ, VeronikaK zamestnávaniu učňov u židovských živnostníkov v rokoch 1939–1945 v dokumentoch (Employment of apprentices with Jewish proprietors between years 1939–1945 in documents) pp. 160–188
The so called “solution of the Jewish question” during the period of the Slovak State, especially the situation after the government regulation number 169/1939 of Slovak Statute dated July 11th 1939 on the revision of business licenses and the continuously announced aryanization of Jewish businesses, also brought along a solution of a bizzare question, whether it is possible to further tolerate that young apprentices are being educated and trained by Jewish businessmen. In the autumn and winter of 1939, when this question had become current, it was obvious, that there was no consensus on the subject. Some trade communities considered the restriction to be nonsens, other trade communities thought it should be prohibited for Jewish tradesmen to employ apprentices. These inconsistent views are also reflected in the mini edition of documents. The conclusion of the discussion is not explicitly manifested. None of the issued government regulations offered any solution to this problem, so it can be assumed that the solution remained in the hands of trade communities and was resolved by consecutive Aryanization and closing of Jewish businesses.
MARCI, ĽudovítNiekoľko úvah o „Jeseni stredoveku“ J. Huizingu (A few reflection on J. Huizinga´s Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen) pp. 189–191
VONDRÁČEK, RudolfPřipomenutí 50. výročí vzniku československého raketového vojska (Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Launch of the Czechoslovak Missile Forces) pp. 192–204
The artikle commemorates the 50th anniversary of establishing first formations and commands of rocket troops on the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. The autor analyses political and military situation at the time when they were created, as well as the process of troops armament by missile launchers of the first and second generations. In addition, it clarifies the stages of building, causes of re-organizations and subsequently the reasons of gradual decommissioning of missile launchers from the armament of the Czech and Slovak Armed Forces after the split of the common state.
BUJNA, Jozef – KREKOVIČ, Eduard – STAŠŠÍKOVÁ-ŠTUKOVSKÁ, Danica –STEGMANN-RAJTAR, SusanneAktuálne problémy slovenskej archeológie – diskusné fórum v rokoch 2008–2011 (Current Issues in Slovak Archaeology –Debate Forum in 2008–2011) pp. 205–207
Within the framework of scientific activities of the Slovak Archaeological Society in 2008–2011, there were three conferences entitled „Aktuálne problémy archeologického bádania na Slovensku – diskusné fórum“ (Current Issues in the Archaeological Research Activities in Slovakia – Debate Forum). The first one tackled three thematic areas: 1. Legal and Organizational Conditions of Archaeological Excavations, 2. The Theory and Practice of Caring for Archaeological Finds and Sites, and 3. Cultural Heritage Management. The second debate forum focussed on the Ethics in Archaeology (aiming at preparatory works for the Code of Ethics and Chamber of Archaeologists). The third Forum discussed the issues of 1. Ethical Principles of the Work of the Archaeologist (finalising the wording in the document), 2. The Future of the Professional Archaeological Organizations in Slovakia, 3. The Implementation of the Law on the Protection of Monuments and Historic Sites. The contributions below represent the edited versions of the papers presented at the above-mentioned conferences.
FROLÍK, JanZměny v postavení archeologie v souvislosti s přípravou nového památkového zákona v České republice (Changes in the Standing of Archaeology in Connection with the Preparation of the New Cultural Heritage Law in the Czech Republic) pp. 208–221
The article discusses the changes in the standing of archaeology resulting from the preparation of a new law on state cultural heritage conservation in 2008, which was to replace the law from 1987. However, the preparation of the new law was never completed. The article addresses the drawbacks to the planned legislation, including the commercialization of archaeology, and a tendency to reduce the number of protected monuments.
FURMAN, Martin(Ne)záujem archeologického spoločenstva o etické zásady ((Un)Interesse der archäologischen Gemeinschaft um die ethischen Fragen) pp. 222–228
Slowakische Archäologen widmen sich eingehender den ethischen Fragen seit dem Jahre 1997. Damals sprach sich auf dem Kongress der slowakischen Archäologen der damalige Direktor des Archäologichen Institutes der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften für die Entstehung eines ethischen Ausschusses aus. Die Bemühungen um ethische Prinzipien anzusprechen wurden bis 2009 aufrechterhalten. In diesem Jahr wurde das Diskussionsforum zum Thema „Aktuelle Probleme der archäologischen Forschung in der Slowakei“ veranstaltet. Auf der Konferenz wurde das Thema der Ethik und des ethischen Kodexes der archäologischen Gemeinde sehr intensiv diskutiert. Aus diesem Grund wurde das zweite Forum zum Thema „Ethik in der Archäologie – die Vorbereitung eines ethischen Kodex und Kammer der Archäologen“ vorbereitet. Obwohl die Diskussion während der beiden Konferenzen manchmal turbulent war, kam es letztendlich zum Mangel am Interesse sich an der on-line Diskussion zu beteiligen und die vorgelegenen Vorschläge zu diskutieren.
FURMAN, MartinNiekoľko poznámok k etike v archeológii z pohľadu archeológa – pamiatkara (Ein Paar Bemerkungen zur Ethik in der Archäologie aus der Sicht eines Archäologen – Denkmalschützers) pp. 229–232
Aufbewahrung des archäologischen Erbes ist ein globales Interesse, was auch zahlreiche Charten, Erklärungen und andere grenzüberschreitende Regelungen und Dokumente belegen. Die Slowakei gehört zu den Ländern, die diese Dokumente in die Rechtsordnung umgesetzt haben. Es sind gerade die Archäologen, die entscheidend am Schutz des archäologischen Erbes beteiligt sind. Es sei daher an Ort und Stelle, wenn Archäologen aller Institutionen die gleichen professionellen Standarden verknüpften würden, die als Grundlage für den geplanten ethischen Kodex dienten könnten. Dabei kann man als Vorbild zu den Dokumenten der Europäischen Vereinigung der Archäologen (die EAA) bzw. zu dem berufsethischen Kodex des Amerikanischen Archäologischen Institutes (AIA) greifen. Wie aus dem AIA- berufsethischen Kodex hervorgeht, sind einzelne Aufgaben nicht als Vorschriften zu interpretieren, sondern als moralische Normen, die die Mitgliedern akzeptieren und ihnen folgen sollten.
KOTOROVÁ-JENČOVÁ, MáriaMedzinárodné projekty ako zdroj financovania archeologického výskumu na vedecké a dokumentačné účely v malých inštitúciách. Koncepcia alebo lotéria? (International projects as financial sources of archaeological investigations for research and documentary purposes in small institutions. A conception or a lottery?) pp. 233–238
The contribution introduces possibilities of a regional museum institution in the field of an archaeological investigation for scientific and documentary purposes. It names examples of successful project activities of the Natural Museum in Hanušovce nad Topľou and its cooperation with other subjects. At the same time, it emphasizes it is hard and random to obtain money to fund researches. Conceptional solution could be an establishment of a special fund to support scientific investigations of regional institutions.
KVIETOK, MartinKomora archeológov a otázka jej ukotvenia v právnom poriadku SR. Máme na to? (Chamber of Archaeologists and the question of it´s anchoring into the legal system of Slovak Republic. Are we good enough to do that?) pp. 239–247
Following article deals with legal, technical and real possibilities to create professional organisation of archaeologists in Slovakia. Nowadays Slovak archaeology is divided into several camps. Due to this fact archaeology in Slovakia gained totally new dimension, than it had 10 – 15 years ago. Because of this it is necessary to reunite the archaeological community. One possibility is the creation of the Chamber of Archaeologists. The Chamber should not profile as a regulating institution with compulsory membership, but as uniting and educational board. The most important precondition is the interest and willingness of the whole archaeological community.
LABUDA, JozefEtika v archeológii – môj názor (Die Ethik in der Archäologie – meine Ansicht) pp. 248–249
Über die Ethik, und nicht nur in der Archäologie, zu schreiben, ist eine enorm schwere Aufgabe. Wenn man objektiv und gleichzeitig empathisch sein will, berührt man einen Bereich, der mit dem menschlichen Charakter zusammenhängt. Es handelt sich um einen bedeutenden Bereich, den man nicht vermeiden kann, falls man normal leben und arbeiten will. Alle besprechen dieses Thema, aber nur weinige schreiben auch darüber. Den Inhalt dieses kurzen Beitrags kann man in einigen Punkten zusammenfassen: 1. Es wäre zum Schutz und zur Gunst der slowakischen Archäologie eine mit Satzungen ausgestattete Organisationsabteilung, die als ein Außenrepräsentant der Archäologen der Slowakei im Verkehr mit Anstalten auftreten könnte, zu gründen. 2. Wenn es keinen Willen und keine Bereitschaft gäbe, diesem Vorgang zu folgen, beauftragen wir die Slowakische archäologische Gesellschaft und ihre Leistungsabteilung – die Auswahl der Slowakischen archäologischen Gesellschaft – mit dieser Aufgabe. 3. Es ist notwendig über unethische Handlungen unter den Archäologen in passenden Rubriken zu schreiben, obwohl das ein unangenehmer und konfrontativer Weg ist… Wie anders können wir unser Arbeitsmillieu verbessern und uns gegenseitig behilflich sein?
MICHALÍK, TomášSúkromné zbierky archeologických nálezov. Je východiskom slovinský model? (Private Collections of Archaeological Finds. Can Slovenian Model be the Solution?) pp. 250–260
Main topic of this article is the possibility of legalization of private collections of archaeological finds, which are illegal in Slovakia at present, according to „Slovenian model“. Short description of actual (2009) legal situation in Slovakia, Slovenia and other European countries, basic presumptions for the legalization of such collections and pros and cons of such policy are also parts of the article.
STAŠŠÍKOVÁ-ŠTUKOVSKÁ, DanicaStručná štatistika o profesionálnych archeológoch v Slovenskej republike (Brief statistics on professional Archaeologists in Slovak republic) pp. 261–265
The main topic of this article are the definition and short statistical information on the community of professional archaeologists in the territory of the Slovak Republic. To the date of 18. march 2010, on the territory of the Slovak Republic worked 214 professional archaeologists; there were 133 (62%) men and 81 women (38%). This means that at the geographical area of Slovak republic 49 034 km2 falls on 1 archaeologist an area of 229 km2. In state institutions are working 142 persons (which is 67% of the total), and 29% (63 archaeologists) are employed in private archaeological companies. Most of archaeologists are employed in the Archaeological Institute of S.A.S., which is 28%, which means 59 archaeologists. 21% are employed in museums – this is 46 archaeologists; 21% working on university and high school – this is 44 archaeologists; 15%-that's 32 colleagues working on the cultural heritage protection; 11%, of the total, works in the sphere of the private archaeological companies (24 persons); 3%, – 6 persons is pensioners and therefore three possible 1% do not have a job, or we don't know where they work (chart 3). Most institution and archaeologists are located in the Bratislava region, this is 33% or 66 persons. The second largest concentration is in the Nitra region, where the headquarters of the 29% of the institutions, and 60 persons works here. 10% and/or 20 archaeologists are located in the Košice region; 9% – 19 archaeologists in Trnava region; 15 archaeologists that is 7%, in the Banská Bystrica region; 12 archaeologists or 6% of the total works in the Žilina region; 4% this is 9 archaeologists is located in the Prešov region; smallest number of the total (2% – 4 persons) are based in Trenčín region
Recenzie a anotácie/Review and Annotations/Kritik und glossen
PURVIS, June. Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography. (Adriana Kičková), pp. 266–267
MATOUŠEK, Václav. Čechy krásné, Čechy mé: Proměny krajiny Čech v době industriální. (Rastislav Lukáč), pp. 267–271
ACKROYD, Peter. Benátky. Příběh nejromantičtějšího města na Zemi. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 271–272
JOUANNOVÁ, Arlette. Bartolomějská noc. Zločin v zájmu státu 24. srpna 1572. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 273–276
MCCLEARY, John Bassett. Hippie encyklopedie. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 276–279
RÁCOVÁ, Katarína. Trenčín pohľadom Mateja Bela. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 279–280
SLNEKOVÁ, Veronika. K osudom židovskej komunity v Trnave v rokoch 1938 – 1945. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 281–282
ZUPKA, Dušan. Rituály a symbolická komunikácia v stredovekej strednej Európe (Arpádovské Uhorsko 1000 – 1301). (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 282–284
SONTAGOVÁ, Susan. S bolestí druhých před očima. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 284–287
PROKŠ, Petr. Konec říše Hohenzollernů. (Alena Mikulášová), pp. 287–290
FERGUSON, Nial. Vzostup peňazí. (Finančné dejiny sveta). (Marek Tobolka), pp. 290–291
BAER, Joel. Piráti. (Martina Župčánová), pp. 291–293
Kronika/Chronicle/Chronik – pp. 294–307