The Social Significance of Monetization in the Early Middle Ages Rory Naismith Past and Present 2014 223: 3–39
Interpreting the Body in Early Modern Italy: Pregnancy, Abortion and Adulthood P. Renée Baernstein and John Christopoulos Past and Present 2014 223: 41–75
Seeing Like a Statesman in Early Stuart England Noah Millstone Past and Present 2014 223: 77–127
All of His Power Lies in the Distaff: Robespierre, Women and the French Revolution Noah C. Shusterman Past and Present 2014 223: 129–160
Travel Agents on Trial: Policing Mobility in East Central Europe, 1889–1989 Tara Zahra Past and Present 2014 223: 161–193
Murders of Nota Roja: Truth and Justice in Mexican Crime News Pablo Piccato Past and Present 2014 223: 195–231
Global Entomologies: Insects, Empires, and the ‘Synthetic Age’ in World History Edward D. Melillo Past and Present 2014 223: 233–270
Review Article
Moderation, Modernity and the Reformation Alec Ryrie Past and Present 2014 223: 271–282