PEŠEK JiříJak psát dějiny moderních univerzit? Polemika nad IV. dílem Dějin univerzit v Evropě (How to Write the History of Modern Universities? A Debate on Volume IV of A History of the University in Europe). S. 7–39. The fourth volume of the synthetic work „A history of the University in Europe. Universities since 1945“ presents not merely a comprehensive overview of the development of post-war higher education but it also leaves us with a number of unanswered questions on the topic itself, as well as the means, possibilities and aims of the historiography of modern universities in general. The author critically interprets the main areas in which profound factual errors and manipulations typical for this prestigious, yet politi cal rather than historical work, occur. In part two of his contribution, the author formulates fundamental premises for critical, although primary resource based, comparative research of postwar universities as a uni que, supreme and scientifically oriented form of higher educational prepara tion of the elites in a slowly, but nonetheless academically merging Europe. He explains that universities are not merely market-oriented institutions of higher learning and producers of easily applied outcomes of research but also intellectual environments with important links and roles for society as a whole. Key words: history of universities, historiography of education, Europe, the postwar period, academic elites, scientific communication.
ŽUPANIČ JanFormování židovské šlechty ve středoevropské perspektivě (The Formation of Jewish Nobility from a Central European Perspective). S. 40–69. The aim of this study is to outline the summary development of Jewish nobility (persons of the Jewish faith or origin) in the Hapsburg Monarchy, yet focusing primarily upon contemporary specifics in terms of their nobilitations. It summarizes the development of awarding aristocratic titles to these persons and attempts to characterize the main milestones of nobilitations and compares the nobilitation policy of the rulers of the Danube Monarchy and the Kingdom of Prussia towards individuals of the Jewish faith and origin. Key words: Nobility, Jews, AustriaHungary, Prussia, nobilitation.
LACH JiříTony Judt a jeho přístupy k soudobým dějinám (Tony Judt and his Approaches to Contemporary History). S. 70–84. The present paper deals with main issues concerning the historical work of Tony Judt (1948–2010) who devoted his entire life to the contemporary history. In the first stage of his scientific career it was the French left but later he studied issues from broader perspective, which culminated in a comprehensive book Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945. Throughout all his work he sought an update of history and did not even fear to comment current world politics (for example controversy to Israel). Judt was also interested in the profiles of intellectuals and phenomena such as crisis of the welfare state or the Holocaust. Key words: Tony Judt (1948–2010), contemporary history, historiography, his tory of updates.
LOHMANN NinaSměřování německého a mezinárodního výzkumu nacistického okupačního panství. Pohled na literaturu posledního dvacetiletí (Trends in German and international research of the Nazi occupation regime in Europe. A review of the literature of the last two decades). S. 85–108. This article gives a short overview of recent trends in German and international historiography on the German occupation régime in several European countries, mainly France and Poland. Based on bibliographical research, which for a number of reasons proved to be problematic in itself, and a thematic focus aside from the classical political and military history the authors shows that since the end of the Cold War traditional perspectives have slowly but steadily been abandoned and, thus, former taboos tackled, leading to somewhat parallel research trends in different parts of Europe. In this regard, research on the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia seems to lag behind. Key words: historiography, historical bibliographies, World War II, Nazi occupation, holocaust, historical taboos.
PEŠEK Jiří – FILIPOVÁ Lucie a kol., Věda a politika. Německé společenskovědní ústavy v zahraničí (1880–2010) (Petra Baštová) S. 109–112.
ISENMANN Eberhard, Die deutsche Stadt im Mittelalter 1150–1550. Stadtgestalt, Recht, Verfassung, Stadtregiment, Kirche, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft (Ivan Hlaváček) S. 112–115.
KŘÍŽOVÁ Markéta, Otroctví v Novém světě od 15. do 19. století (Jaroslav Pánek) S. 115–119.
ASCH Ronald G. – BŮŽEK Václav – TRUGENBERGER Volker (Hg.), Adel in Südwestdeutschland und Böhmen 1450–1850 (Jiří Hrbek) S. 119–123.
DIBELKA Jaroslav, Obranné strategie mužů a žen obviněných ze smilstva a cizoložství. Panství Třeboň na přelomu 17. a 18. století (Jan Horský) S. 123–128.
ADELSGRUBER Paulus – COHEN Laurie – KUZMANY Börries, Getrennt und doch verbunden. Grenzstädte zwischen Österreich und Russland 1772–1918 (Tomasz Kargol) S. 128–131.
TÖNSMEYER Tatjana, Adelige Moderne. Großgrundbesitz und ländliche Gesellschaft in England und Böhmen 1848–1918 (Miloš Řezník) S. 131–135.
VELKOVÁ Alice, Schuld und Strafe. Von Frauen begangenen Morde in den böhmischen Ländern in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Zdeňka Stoklásková) S. 135–138.
NOBLE Ivana – BAUEROVÁ Kateřina – NOBLE Tim – PARUSHEV Parush, Cesty pravoslavné teologie ve 20. století na Západ (Filip Outrata) S. 138–141.
KUČERA Rudolf, Život na příděl. Válečná každodennost a politiky dělnické třídy v českých zemích 1914–1918 (Ivo Rejchrt) S. 141–143.
REINKOWSKI Maurus – THUM Gregor (edd.), Helpless Imperialists: Imperial Failure, Fear and Radicalization (Jan Bečka) S. 143–146.
KUBÁTOVÁ Hana, Nepokradeš! Nálady a postoje slovenské společnosti k židovské otázce, 1938–1945 (Michala Lônčíková) S. 146–149.
HIML Pavel – SEIDL Jan – SCHINDLER Franz (edd.), „Miluji tvory svého pohlaví.“ Homosexualita v dějinách a společnosti českých zemí (Jaroslav Dibelka) S. 149–152.