Studia Historica Nitriensia 18 (2014), 1

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Studia Historica Nitriensia 18 (2014), 1
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Studia Historica Nitriensia
Studia Historica Nitriensia Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Hodžova 1, 94901 Nitra
Palárik, Miroslav



Štúdie a články/Articles/Studien

Paní doktorová, ošetřovatelka, slečna doktorka. Obraz ženy ve zdravotnických profesích na stránkách Ženských listů
(Mrs. Doctor, a Nurse, Miss Doctor. Woman in Medical Professions on Pages of the Magazine Women’s Letters)
pp. 3–14

The contribution deals with the contemporary perception and image of women in the professions that were connected with medicine. The professions as a nurse or doctor caused in the 19th century quite a lot of interest among the public. The prestigious women’s magazine Women letters (Zenske listy) was published by Czech Women production society and was edited by Eliska Krásnohorská, brought rich information on this subject.

Keywords: Women´s Letters; Eliška Krásnohorská; image of woman; women in medicine

KIČKOVÁ, Adriana
Ženy a štruktúra československého ministerstva zahraničia
(Women and the Structures of the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry)
pp. 15–22

This article outlines the development of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ organizational structure since 1918, emphasizing the participation of women in the Ministry.

Key words: women; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; diplomatic service

České politické strany a jejich (ne)ochota podílet se na řešení ženské otázky (1860–1914)
(Czech Political Parties and their (Un)willingness to take Part in Addressing the Women’s Question (1860–1914))
pp. 23–48

The aim of this study is to map out the approaches taken by Czech political parties to the issue of women’s suffrage in regional government and legislative bodies, which was part of the “women’s question”. In this connection it will be necessary to ascertain the extent and the nature of the public activities enabled by key civil and political laws, as Czech political parties managed to utilize the space provided by existing legislation for the benefit of the civil and political equality of women and the extent of influence of the Catholic church on Czech society, which placed women outside the public arena.

Keywords: Czech political parties; Suffrage; Czech women’s movement

Ženy v intelektuálních profesích v první polovine 20. století
(Women in the Intellectual Professions in the first Half of the 20th Century)
pp. 49–61

Women began to come in the intellectual professions in large numbers after World War I. Until then the most numerous group was formed by teachers. At the turn of 19th and 20th century, physician, pharmacist and teacher were on the increase. After the First World War, women have penetrated also into science, first into medicine. Lawyers had the greatest difficulties in finding employment. The situation improved after several interventions of women’s organizations in the early thirties of the 20th century. However, stereotypical thinking and fear of men from qualified female competition still persisted and saw the woman primarily as wife and mother.

Keywords: women; 20th century; intellectual professions; science; stereotypes

Veřejná sféra a genderová analýza po únoru 1948: příspěvek do diskuze
(Public Sphere and Gender Analysis in the post-February Czechoslovakia: a Contribution to Discussion)
pp. 62–75

The study deals with possibilities of gender oriented research of the post-February Czechoslovakia. Theoretical and methodological parts are documented on the example of the public sphere in the period. The text is focused on three major lines of gender oriented research (horizontal, vertical and contextual). The study presents dominantly the area of feminity and discourses of women as well as the Czech Lands. It is a contribution to discussion rather than a definite conclusion.

Keywords: gender history; communism; women; Czechoslovakia

Verejná odborná škola pre ženské povolania v Nitre a jej činnosť v rokoch 1939–1945
(Public Vocational School for Women in Nitra and its´ Activities in the Years 1939–1945)
pp. 76–91

The regime of the first Slovak Republic saw Slovak woman mainly as a mother whose place was in the household. The main duty of a woman was to take care of a household, husband and to raise children. The education and upbringing supposed to prepare girls for this role. Vocational school for women in Nitra provided a general and special education for a family. For example the school provided a study of housework such as tailoring clothes and it was also preparation for the higher level of education of women vocational schools. This kind of education was considered the most appropriate for women. This contribution depicts the activity, organization, aims and tasks of the public vocational school for women in Nitra in 1939–1945.

Keywords: public vocational school for women; Nitra; school; Slovak state; women


Žilinský zjazd Zväzu slovenských múzeí z 20. decembra 1945
(Žilina Congress of Slovak Museum Association dated December 20, 1945)
pp. 92–110

In the period 1945 - 1948 the Communist Party sought to use cultural institutions to promote its policies. Some cultural branches, such as theatre and film, were nationalized. Slovak museums did not awake state´s interest. The collection funds had not been assorted, classified and scientifically evaluated. It was not possible to prepare good-quality exhibitions. Association in this period focused on the nationalization of two major museums, Slovak Museum in Bratislava and Slovak National Museum in Turčiansky Svätý Martin. This objective was achieved in December 1948. The Association participated in the preparation of legal incorporation of museums into a museum law. This action pursued to ensure museums financially, materially and personally.

Keywords: Slovak museum Association; World War II; Ján Geryk; museums


Verejné sféry arabskej ženy (tradicionalizmus verzus arabské myslenie)
(Arab Woman in the Public Sector (Traditionalism versus Modern Arab Thought))
pp. 111–119

The authors deal with the status of Arab woman in Muslim society. They are analyzing her role in public spheres of social and political life. Qur´an gave many rights to women, but in spite of that there are some pre-islamic customs and traditions transformed into Islamic sharia. Muslim authorities differ in their interpretations of religious texts and that reflects on the real women´s status in Arab society. And this is in present a reason of some restrictions of women rights and freedom in Arab society.

Keywords: status of women; Arab woman; Muslim woman; women public sector

ČECHOVÁ, Mariana
Sophiina predestinácia v klasických naratívoch (Cinderella) a v pojmových modeloch (M R. Coxová)
(Predestination of Sophia in Classical Narratives (Cinderella) and Conceptual Models (M. R. Cox))
pp. 120–126

The article follows stories of two women. One of them – archetypal-symbolic (Cinderella) belongs to fictional world, whereas the other one (M. R. Cox) is historical character from the real world. Despite rather schematic briefness and selective partialness author points out that initiative of M. R. Cox unfolded (on rich material of stories about Cinderella) still lively and expanding territory for several disciplines – from ethnography through cultural anthropology to literary history. This territory relates to most fundamental, universal archetypes of human worldview and orientation in it, with the key role played by feminine principle.

Keywords: Cinderella; M. R. Cox; fairy-tale type 510 A; basic narrative algorithm

Dáma s fotoaparátom. (Zo života a tvorby významnej fotografky Márie Holoubkovej-Urbasiówny)
(Lady with a Camera (Life and Work of an Outstanding Photographer Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna))
pp. 127–135

Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna belonged to the most distinct female personalities of the after-coup trading photography in Slovakia. Though being born in Poland (1898) she spent all her creative life in Slovakia and devoted herself to this country. She beganher career in Trenčianske Teplice and Trenčín where she was working in the firm Foto Tatra producing black and white picture postcards and cooperated at the same time with Cyril Kašpar in the common company called Tatra Film Trenčín. They made short-range films. After 1932 Holoubková devoted more of her time to studio photography. Her private entrepreneurial activities were interrupted by communal services which came into existence but she refused to join in 1952. She died in 2004 at the age of 106.

Keywords: woman; woman photographer; Mária Holoubková-Urbasiówna

Osudy Šarloty Hevessy – pedagogičky v Podzoborskom regióne
(Life of Šarlota Hevessy – Pedagogue in the Podzoborie Region)
pp. 136–145

The study deals with the live and activities of Šarolta Hevessy, who worked in various municipalities of Zobor region as a teacher, whether elementary schools in Veľká Ves (today Branč), Štitáre, Pohranice and also as school director at school in Pohranice and Nitrianske Hnrčiarovce. She also published some poems and prose, which were published in a separate collection. Towards the end of a career, she worked at the Pedagogical Institute in Nitra. Following text is first comprehensive study devoted to her activities.

Key words: teacher; poet; university teacher; Šarlota Hevessy

Príbeh Izabely Bošňákovej rodenej Péterovej
(Life of Izabela Bošňáková (nee Péterová))
pp. 146–152

Izabela was born into teachers´ family. A lot of members of her family were teachers. She really loved her work and for her it was not just an ordinary work, it was her mission. Her favourite activity was tailoring. During her life she had some problems after nationalization of schools. Her husband lost his work and she had to find a job for herself. She started to work as a tailor. After 1950 lot of schools were opened, she started to work as a teacher in Diakovce. Izabela worked there until her retirement. In this school she taught folklore. She sewed for her pupils their dancing dresses by hand. After her retirement Izabela still taught because she loved it and she wanted to spread her knowledge. Her family, friends and all of the pupils have nice memories and think a lot about their beloved teacher Izabela.

Key words: teacher; tailor; family; school; folklore course


BYSTRICKÝ, Valerián – ROGUĽOVÁ, Jaroslava (eds.). Storočie procesov. Súdy, politika a spoločnosť v moderných dejinách Slovenska. (Zuzana Hasarová), pp. 153–154

Kodžiki. Kronika dávneho Japonska. (Róbert Hegedüs), pp. 154–155

VORAGINE, Jakub de. Legenda aurea a Čechy. (Ján Jakubej), pp. 155–156

Kronika/Chronicle/Chronik – pp. 157–162

Bibliografia publikačnej činnosti Katedry histórie FF UKF za roky 2008–2013 (Palárik, Miroslav) – pp. 163–206

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