Časopis Matice moravské 133 (2014), 1

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Časopis Matice moravské 133 (2014), 1
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Brno 2014: Matice moravsk¡
Anzahl Seiten
250 S.
Jahresabonnement (2 Ausgaben) € 30,00



Casopis Matice moravské
Czech Republic
Matice moravská - redakce Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy Univerzity Arne Nováka 1 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Redaktion: Prof. PhDr. Jirí Malír Libor Jan, Ph.D. Mgr. Jan Dvorák, Ph.D.
Pavel Pumpr



„…beate Marie virginis gloriose, in cuius honorem eadem parrochialis ecclesia sit consecrata…“ Pohledy do světa středověkých patrocinií na jižní Moravě / „…beate Marie virginis gloriose, in cuius honorem eadem parrochialis ecclesia sit consecrata…“ The insights into the world of medieval patrocinia in southern Moravia, S. 3–24
ABSTRACT: The study analyzes the dedications of the parish, filial and monastery churches as well as of the solitary public chapels in six south-Moravian regions, Blansko, Brno-city, Brno-country, Břeclav, Hodonín and Vyškov. The text focuses mainly on the following problems: the methodology of the research of the dedications, frequency of individual dedications, foreign influence in the choice of the dedications and the changes of the dedications.
KEY WORDS: the Middle Ages, Moravia, church history, cultural history, patron saints, dedications

„Doleo super te“. Literární kontext planktů nad smrtí Václava II. / „Doleo super te“. The literary context of the planctus for the death of Wenceslas II, S. 25–51
ABSTRACT: The article focuses on three planctus for the death of Wenceslas II preserved in the 72nd, 80th and 81st chapter of the first book of the Chronica Aulae regiae (the Chronicle of Zbraslav). It offers their thematic and formal analysis pointing out the traces, which the so far mostly unknown literary sources left on the laments, and brings new information on the character of the literary work of Peter of Zittau with a special focus on his poetic technique, his work with texts of foreign origin, and the influence of the poetic of Galfredus de Vino Salvo (Poetria nova) on the Chronica Aulae regiae.
KEY WORDS: Czech-Latin literature, 14th century, Cistercian literature, medieval historiography, planctus, Peter of Zittau, Chronica Aulae regiae (the Chronicle of Zbraslav)

Premena percepcie knihy. Pohľad na moravskú knižnú kultúru skrze hebrejské fragmenty / The Shifting Perception of the Book. Moravian Book Culture though the Prism of Hebrew fragments, S. 53–69
ABSTRACT: The paper discusses the Hebrew fragments reused in bookbinding of medieval and early modern books and municipal accounts. These fragments are put into the context of practices of storing and recycling raw materials in Moravian book-culture. From the analysis emerges that the Hebrew fragments appearing after the expulsion of Jews from the royal town in 1454 stop being used together with any other secondary materials during the seventeenth century, when the baroque library started appearing in this region.
KEY WORDS: Moravia, book culture, Jews, Hebrew liturgy, printing, manuscripts

Rychtářský a pudmistrovský úřad na velehradském panství v době předbřeznové / The office of the reeve and portreeve (pudmistr) at the Velehrad Domain in the pre-March period, S. 71–89
ABSTRACT: While in the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century the authority of the reeve was limited to representing the lords’ interests, including organizing the labor and collecting the taxes from the subjects, the portreeve (pudmistr) insured order, respect towards the suzerain and obedience of the owners’ decrees, he collected contributions, supervised the community’s military duties and took care of the communal property. While the communication with the owner’s office took place at the so-called curacy (správa), the portreeve could discuss official matters with fellow citizens at communal gatherings, which also controlled communal bills and elected the portreeve.
KEY WORDS: reeve, portreeve (pudmistr), local self-administration, eastern Moravia, Velehrad, 19th century

Velké a malé světy mladých šlechtičen 19. století. Sonda do života tří urozených dívek prostřednictvím jejich osobních deníků / Great and small worlds of the young noblewomen of the 19th century. A probe into the lives of three ladies via their personal diaries, S. 91–114
ABSTRACT: Personal diaries of the noble women seem an ideal source allowing the researcher an insight into the conservative lifestyle of the nobility of the Austrian Empire. As women stood closest to the private sphere of this highly engaged social group and therefore their diaries often contain information, which other sources cannot reveal. The personal comments of three young noblewomen who lived in the 19th century created a basis for a study, which aims to depict at least some of the various worlds of adolescent aristocratic women and show the colorful and controversial character of diaries as an archival source.
KEY WORDS: nobility, every day life, 19th century, personal diary, female history

ŠMÍD, Marek
Jednání Jana Šrámka ve Vatikánu a postavení Československé strany lidové v polovině třicátých let 20. století / The negotiations of Jan Šrámek in the Vatican and the position of the Czechoslovak People’s Party in the mid-1930’s, S. 115–133
ABSTRACT: The study focuses on the journey and negotiations of the head of the Czechoslovak People’s Party, Jan Šrámek to Rome in the 1930’s analyzing its causes, progress and consequences in the political-religious context. Jan Šrámek met with Pope Pius XI on January 3, 1935 and was also received by the State Secretary E. Pacelli and high officials of the Roman Curia. The available evidence of the Czech and Vatican archives indicates that Jan Šrámek as unofficial legate of the Czechoslovak government probably merely negotiated a modus vivendi in the Vatican but did not discuss complex contemporary problems of political-religious character with the clerical circles.
KEY WORDS: Jan Šrámek, the Vatican, the Catholic Church, the Czechoslovak-Vatican relations, the Czechoslovak People’s Party

MALČÍK, Petr – ŠLOSAR, Dušan
Totalitní jazyk v československé publicistice na konci roku 1989 / The Totalitarian Language in the Czechoslovak Journalism at the End of 1989, S. 135–143
ABSTRACT: The study focuses on the investigation of the totalitarian language in Czechoslovak journalistic texts of the end of the 1980s. It summarizes the existing state of research, solves some terminological problems, adumbrates methodological starting points and analyzes the degree of the presence of the totalitarian language in selected Czechoslovak periodicals. In the conclusion it fulfills the goals it has proposed suggesting eventualities of the further research.
KEY WORDS: totalitarianism, Czech language, journalism, cliche, semantics


Král Karel a papež Lev. De Karolo rege et Leone papa – Epos o Karlu Velikém (Anna Pumprová), S. 145–147

Tomáš Černušák (ed.): Epistulae et acta Antonii Caetani 1607–1611, Pars IV (September 1608 – Junius 1609) (Pavel Marek), S. 147–152

Giuseppe Maiello: Vampyrismus a Magia posthuma. Vampyrismus v kulturních dějinách Evropy (Monika Vitovská Slezáková), S. 152–156

Vademecum historyka mediewisty (Libor Jan), S. 169–171

Pavlína Cermanová: Čechy na konci věků. Apokalyptické myšlení a vize husitské doby (Lucie Mazalová), S. 171–174

Zdeněk Beran: Boleslavský landfrýd 1440–1453. Krajský landfrýdní spolek v pohusitských Čechách (Dalibor Janiš), S. 174–176

Josef Hrdlička: Víra a moc. Politika, komunikace a protireformace v předmoderním městě (Jindřichův Hradec 1590–1630) (Tomáš Malý), S. 177–181

Zbyněk Sviták: Z počátků moderní byrokracie. Nejvyšší zeměpanský úřad na Moravě v letech 1748–1782 (Zdeňka Stoklásková), S. 181–185

Petr Kadlec: Střední školy a jejich studenti. K formování inteligence na severní Moravě a ve Slezsku ve druhé polovině 19. a na počátku 20. století (Martin Vašíček), S. 193–198

Štefan Kucík – Jaroslav Vaculík a kol.: Slovenské a české krajanské hnutie v USA (do roku 1918) (Marek Vlha), S. 198–200

Dana Jakšičová: Dcery své doby? Školské sestry v českých zemích v letech 1851–1938 (1950) I–II (Marek Šmíd), S. 200–202

Robert Šimůnek (ed.): Historický atlas měst České republiky, svazek č. 25 – Mikulov (Pavel Kocman), S. 218–221

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