Český časopis historický 112 (2014), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 112 (2014), 2
Weiterer Titel 

Praha 2014: Academia
Jahresabonnement (4 Ausgaben) € 110



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Bolom-Kotari, Sixtus


S. 193–372



Liang Qichao v roce 1902: Přeměna Číny v silný a moderní stát za pomoci nového myšlení
(Liang Qichao in 1902: The transformation of China into a strong and modern nation with the help of new thought) S. 197–226
The article presents the ideas of Liang Qichao (1873–1929) published in the first volume of his new journal Xinmin congbao (1902). After summarizing his wellknown concept of the “renovation of the people,” it focuses on his simultaneously published presentation of “new thought” (xin xueshu). Liang Qichao’s notion that new thought was indispensable for the transformation of China into a strong and modern nation was derived from a simplified image of the history of European scientific progress as it was presented in the West during the nineteenth century. Liang´s knowledge about Western progress was largely derived from Japanese sources including translations from English of popular books on the topic. Liang was particularly fond of the theory of evolution, understood as a universal law applicable to society, including the struggle between nations. In this understanding, he particularly admired the British sociologist Benjamin Kidd. In the conclusion of the article, Liang Qichao´s ideas about the symbiosis of traditional Chinese culture with new thought imported from the West is briefly discussed, as well as some general issues of the nature of intercultural contacts between China and the West in the early twentieth century.
Key words: Liang Qichao, Xinmin congbao, late Qing intellectual transition, social Darwinism in China, national imperialism, scientism

Cesta Gustáva Husáka ke komunistickému hnutí
(Gustáv Husák’s Path to the Communist Movement) S. 227–260
This paper attempts to capture those factors that shaped Gustáv Husák in his youth and led him to join the communist movement. It further focuses on Husák’s student activism during his grammar school and university studies until 1938 when he acted as an influential functionary in the Association of the Slovak Students.
Key words: Gustáv Husák, Magda Husáková–Lokvencová, Slovakia, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Slovak communism, student movement, the Association of Slovak Students, the Association of Socialist Academics, DAV (an association of left-wing Slovak writers and politicians), Šíp

Proměny kulturní diplomacie Spolkové republiky Německo v epoše Willyho Brandta
(Changes of the Cultural Diplomacy of the Federal Republic of Germany during the Willy Brandt Era) S. 261–286
The cultural diplomacy of the Federal Republic of Germany underwent a period of fundamental changes during the 1960s and 1970s. This article analyzes who the initiators of these changes were – both institutional and individual. The emphasis on players is supported by a short group biography of respective politicians and public servants. The research uses the methods of political history and political biography. Its vital part is a detailed analysis of archival sources and edited documents. What is even more, this study also revises the prevailing periodization of the history of German cultural diplomacy.
Key words: cultural diplomacy, the Federal Republic of Germany, Willy Brandt, 1960s and 1970s


Přehledy bádání

Dějiny a kultura slezských dominikánů v nové historiografii
(The History and Culture of the Silesian Dominicans in Modern Historiography) S. 287–294
This contribution offers a perspective on the works relating to the history and culture of the Dominican Order in Silesia, which were written after World War II.
They involve the works written by Polish, yet also Czech and Slovak historians.
Key words: the Dominican Order, Poland, Silesia, the Czech Republic, ecclesiastical historiography

Soupisy Židů v Čechách a na Moravě v raném novověku a jejich edice jako historický pramen: Přehled edicí a literatury
(Lists of the Jews in Bohemia and Moravia in the Early Modern Age and their editions as a primary historical source: Survey of editions and literature) S. 295–311
The lists of the Jewish population are an important source for the study of the socio-economic status of the Jews in the past, their geographic spread, professional specifications and mobility, yet also for Jewish genealogy, especially in cases when we do not have Jewish birth, marriage and death registers at our disposal. The most important lists are those collected by central authorities for the entire country. This article presents a survey of list-type primary sources in Bohemia and Moravia from the 16th century until the beginning of the 19th century; the state of their academic elaboration (editions); and analyses based on the lists, also including relevant responses by the academic community (reviews in expert publications). The earliest Early Modern Age lists of the Jews come from Prague (1540, 1546), yet their publications obviously appeared at a later date. We have important primary sources for the 17th century, which also record the Jews alongside the Christian population (population lists according to religious belief commissioned in Bohemia in 1651; the first cadasters: the 1655–1656 Berní rula (Tax Register) in Bohemia; Lahn registers from 1669–1679 in Moravia and a poll tax census of 1667, with their modern editions available for our use. Further lists are namely the urbaria (Land Registration Records), with the high-quality catalogue available for Moravia, although Bohemia itself has only been partially catalogued. The article primarily focuses upon the collection The Lists of the Jews 1724–1811 in the National Archives, Prague, which comprises the lists of the Jews in Bohemia and in Prague. Modern editions of the census lists of Jewish familiants from 1783 and the lists both of Jewish families in Bohemia, 1793, and in Prague 1792 and 1794 from this collection have been published in the past decade. They are complemented by the Fassionen (or sworn declarations) of Prague Jewish families from 1748–1749 (1751) from the Archive of the Jewish Museum in Prague. There are no land/provincial lists for 18th century Moravia, we merely know the summary numbers of the Jewish population there.
Key words: Jews, Bohemia, Moravia, primary sources, census lists of the population, cadasters, urbaria (land registration records), historical demography


KÜBLER Thomas – OBERSTE Jörg (Hg.), Die Stadtbücher Dresdens (1404–1535) und Altendresdens (1412–1528). Kritische Edition und Kommentar. Ausgabe in vier Bänden
Svazek 1: Jens KLINGER – Robert MUND
Die drei ältesten Stadtbücher Dresdens (1404–1476)
Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2007, 648 s. + 15 obr., ISBN 978-3-86583-212-2.
Svazek 2: Jens KLINGER – Robert MUND
Das vierte und fünfte Stadtbuch Dresdens (1477–1505)
Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2008, 625 s. + 15 obr., ISBN 978-3-86583-226-9.
Svazek 3: Jens KLINGER – Thomas MUND
Das sechste und siebente Stadtbuch Dresdens (1505–1535) Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2011, 794 s. + 15 obr., ISBN 978-3-86583-238-2.
Svazek 4: Jens KLINGER – Thomas MUND
Die Stadtbücher Altendresdens (1412–1528)
Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2009, 630 s. + 15 obr., ISBN 978-3-86583-250-4.
Jens KLINGER – Robert MUND
Die Stadtbücher Dresdens (1404–1535) und Altendresdens (1412–1528) / Die spätmittelalterlichen Stadtbücher Dresdens und Altendresdens: Registerband
Leipzig, Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2013, 294 s., ISBN 978-3-86583-760-8.
(Ivana Ebelová) S. 312

VOIT Petr, Český knihtisk mezi pozdní gotikou a renesancí I: severinsko-kosořská dynastie 1488–1557
(Ivan Hlaváček) S. 317

RŮŽIČKA Jeroným, Dějepis kláštera břevnovského a broumovského
KOUPIL Ondřej (vyd.), komentář a rejstříky ŠRÁMEK Josef a KOUPIL Ondřej, úvodní texty KOUPIL Ondřej, FOLTÝN Dušan, ŠRÁMEK Josef a MÁDL Martin.
(Jakub Zouhar) S. 320

VOREL Petr, From the Silver Czech Tolar to a Worldwide Dollar. The Birth of the Dollar and its Journey of Monetary Circulation in Europe and the World from the 16th to the 20th Century
(Tomáš Sterneck) S. 321

MIKULEC Jiří, Náboženský život a barokní zbožnost v českých zemích
(Ivana Čornejová) S. 324

ŠUSTEK Vojtěch, Atentát na Reinharda Heydricha a druhé stanné právo na území tzv. protektorátu Čechy a Morava.
Edice historických dokumentů, svazek 1
(Jiří Pešek) S. 326

MUND Gerald (Hg.), Deutschland und das Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren. Aus den deutschen diplomatischen Akten von 1939 bis 1945
(Jiří Pešek) S. 328

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