VOREL PetrSměnné kursy jako nástroj mocenské politiky v Římsko-německé říši počátkem čtyřicátých let 16. století (Exchange rates as a tool of power politics in the Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the 1540s) S. 379–401 The study deals with the question of monetary integration of the Holy Roman Empire, the main reset of which was the adoption of the imperial mint orders from 1524, 1551 and 1559 and the amendment to the imperial mint order from 1566. The author sees the beginning of the 1540s as a significant turning point in this process, when there was still the possibility of a compromise solution to the religious disputes within the Empire, and when the opposition imperial princes were willing to contribute financially and personally to the Habsburgs’ military operations in the conflicts with France and the Ottoman Empire. The author analyses the content of the 1542 mint agreement and documents the political contexts which lead to an acceptance by the Habsburgs of exchange rates unfavourable for the Austrian lands. Key words: Money, Exchange rates, Monetary integration, Holy Roman Empire, 1542
BŮŽEK VáclavFerdinand I. ve svědectvích o jeho nemocech, smrti a posledních rozloučeních (Ferdinand I in Testimonies on his Illnesses, Death and Final Obsequies) S. 402–431 This presented study focuses on determining the causes of the illness, courses of treatment, the preparation for the death and symbolic messages conveyed at the funerals of Ferdinand I, based on the dispatches of envoys, personal correspondence of the Imperial family, official correspondence of court dignatories and an iconographical analysis of the sources. Attention is also paid to the impact of the gradually deteriorating general health of the biological body of this Central European ruler in terms of a weakening of the sovereign’s grip on power and the exercise of his everyday regal duties between 1563 and 1564. At the same time, the chosen historical-anthropological approaches and concepts of symbolic communication make it possible to observe the creation of the image of the social body of the deceased emperor at the moment of his death on 25th July 1564 and during the final obsequies which took place thirteen months later, namely on 6th and 7th of August 1565 in Vienna and on 21th and 22nd August 1565 in Prague. During the display of his remains at a castrum doloris, the ceremonial funeral procession and the requiem mass, Ferdinand I entered the collective memory as a Christian knight, a wise and righteous ruler of extensive territories in Central Europe, where, after his biological death, his bereaved sons took over the ruling power by the grace of God. The dramaturgy of final farewells and the use of symbols in speeches celebrated loudly the continuous tradition of the Christian rule of the Habsburg dynasty. Key words: Habsburg dynasty, Ferdinand I, Vienna, Prague, Imperial Court, symbolical communication, illness, course of treatment, death, funeral, memory of the social body of the ruler
KLEČACKÝ MartinIluze nezávislosti. Sociální status c. k. soudce v konfliktu loajalit mezi národem a státem na přelomu 19. a 20. století (An Illusion of Independence. The Social Status of the Imperial-Royal Judge in the Conflict of Loyalties between the Nation and the State at the Turn of the 20th Century) S. 432–462 This study focuses upon the role of a judge in the Cisleithian part of the Habsburg Monarchy. The judge as a formally independent and impartial representative of one of the three branches of state power was fully dependent on the executive branch decision-making in terms of his material and social standing. Efforts to improve their status led the judges to co-operate with the political representation, resulting in the ever increasing interference of political parties in the sphere of judicial administration. Key words: Austria-Hungary, civil service corps, justice, judicial independence, Czechs and Germans
NEJEDLÝ MartinInspirace ještě pro jednu generaci. Úvaha nad osobností a dílem Jacquese Le Goffa (1924–2014) [Inspiration for a Generation. Thoughts on the person and work of Jacques Le Goff (1924‒2014)] S. 463–496 The article is a personal reflection by a student of Le Goff on the research legacy of the great medievalist, who from the time of his studies at Charles University also showed a deep interest in the history of the Bohemian lands. The article stresses the importance of the foundation of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and the creation of a doctoral seminary as a milestone on Le Goff‘s pathway towards historical anthropology and the education of his own doctoral students. Jacques Le Goff remains an inspiration, in particular for his interdisciplinary approaches, his interest in literary and iconographic sources and medieval imagination as well as for his sophisticated popularising efforts and for the tearing down of useless walls between university specialisations. The reflections are in part based on original assessments of the different aspects of Le Goff’s legacy by Bruno Dumézil, Stéphane Durand, Oliver Chaline, Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Olivier Marin, Jean-Marie Moeglin and Jean-Claude Schmitt. Key words: Jacques Le Goff, Annales School, French historiography, methods of medieval studies, historical anthropology, medieval literature, interdisciplinarity, Czech-French relations
PEŠEK JiříPodvod jako vážný problém světové vědy i aktuální české historiografie (Fraud as a Serious Challenge in World Science including Contemporary Czech Historiography) S. 497–511 One accompanying phenomenon of modern science, which is focused on (measurable) output, is a radical increase in the types and forms of plagiarism, or fraud in other words, at the level of student essays, dissertations and pure research studies. This contribution demonstrates that cases of fraud, being both exemplary and the most serious ones in terms of financial implications, occur in the natural sciences, medicine and technological sciences, yet the humanities, namely historiography, are also blighted by misconduct of a similar vein. The author lists exemplary cases of fraud in academic research. Thereafter, supported by the Codes of Practice of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Charles University, he identifies with the help of exemplars, the four fundamental types of academic fraud in publishing: plagiarism, fabrication, falsification (including “negative falsification”) and data theft. He also highlights the fact that these are not mere trivial offences nor marginal phenomena but rather significant breaches of scientific conduct with an impact on the very substance of the respective discipline, and thus present a serious problem that modern historiography needs to address. Key words: scientific fraud (sciences and humanities), historiography, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, data theft
BEREND Nora (ed.) Christianizace a utváření křesťanské monarchie. Skandinávie, střední Evropa a Rus v období 10.–12. století (Jiří Pešek) S. 512–517
BEREND Nora – URBAŃCZYK Przemysław – WISZEWSKI Przemysław Central Europe in the High Middle Ages. Bohemia, Hungary and Poland, c. 900 – c. 1300 (Peter Bučko) S. 518–522
DVOŘÁKOVÁ Daniela Čierna kráľovná Barbora Celjská (1392–1451). Životný príbeh uhorskej, rímsko-nemeckej a českej kráľovnej (František Šmahel) S. 522–526
KLIMEK Tomáš Krajiny českého středověku (Richard Změlík) S. 526–529
DAMASCHKE Marion – VOGLER Günter Thomas Müntzer Bibliographie (1519–2012) (= Bibliotheca bibliographica Aureliana CCXXXIII, Bibliotheca dissidentium XXVIII) (Eduard Maur) S. 529–531
SIXTOVÁ Olga (ed.) Hebrejský knihtisk v Čechách a na Moravě (Olga Fejtová) S. 531–535
Nuntiatur des Ciriaco Rocci, aussenordentliche Nuntiatur des Girolamo Grimaldi (1631–1633), bearbeitet von Rotraud Becker, Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland (Tomáš Černušák) S. 535–537
Nové brazilské publikace o české reformaci a J. A. Komenském (Jaroslav Pánek) S. 537–540
GRULICH Josef Migrace městského a vesnického obyvatelstva (Farnost České Budějovice 1750–1824). Monographia Historica, Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Volumen 13 (Alice Velková) S. 540–542
BĚLINA Pavel – HLAVAČKA Milan – TINKOVÁ Daniela Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české, svazek XI.a: 1792–1860 HLAVAČKA Milan – KAŠE Jiří – KUČERA Jan P. – TINKOVÁ Daniela Velké dějiny zemí Koruny české, svazek XI.b: 1792–1860 (Miroslav Šedivý) S. 543–546
BÍLEK Karol Archivář František Dvorský a Sobotka (Knihovnička Českého ráje – Sobotka, II. řada, sv. 4) (Jaroslav Pánek) S. 546–548
FILIPOVÁ Lucie Francouzi a Němci na cestě ke sblížení. Partnerství měst a obcí (1950–2000) (Milena Lenderová) S. 548–549
BÚTORA Martin – MESEŽNIKOV Grigorij – BÚTOROVÁ Zora – KOLLÁR Miroslav (eds.) Odkiaľ a kam. Dvadsať rokov samostatnosti (Martin Furmanik) S. 550–553