Štúdie a články/Articles/Studien
NIKLOVÁ, MichaelaPohreby a pohrebné zvyky kultúry s lineárnou keramikou na území juhozápadného Slovenska (Burials and Burial Customs of the Linear Pottery Culture in the Southwestern Slovakia) pp. 213–249
Following paper is focused on burials and burial customs of the Linear Pottery culture and Želiezovce group in the southwestern Slovakia. The region of Moravia, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Transdanubia and part of Germany came into the center of interest as well. Collected units are critically analyzed and followed by evaluation of burial customs of the Linear Pottery culture and Želiezovce group. The evaluation comprehensively summarizes the results of the analysis in the Middle Danube region. These outputs are compared with the results of previous researches and finally interpreted.
Keywords: burial customs; Linear Pottery culture; southwestern Slovakia; Middle Danube region
JANURA, Tomáš – HAVLÍK, MariánKaštieľ a loretánska kaplnka v Lúke – výsledky aktuálneho historického a architektonicko-historického výskumu (The Manor House and the Loretto Chapel in Lúka – Results of Contemporary Historical and Architectural History Research) pp. 250–272
In the past belonged the village Lúka to the dominion of Tematín castle. After the extinction of the Thurzo family was this dominion divided among several co-owners, what instigated building of manor houses. The captain and administrator of anti-Ottomans defence fortress in Šaľa - Gašpar st. Sándor (†1672) – let to build his own residence in Lúka approximately in the period 1639-1654. The manor house belonged to smaller type of partially fortificated manor houses with closed squared ground plan and four towers on the corners. Gašpar´s wife Katarína Szluhová let to build the private Loretto Chapel in 1674, one of the oldest in the territory of the Kingdom of Hungary. For its current visual appearance in Baroque style is responsible Štefan Sándor (*1750 †1815), who let to add two-floor annexe with three flight of stairs in front of the northeastern frontage. He allowed to increase the height of perimeter walls and let to install picturesque truss construction. Štefan paid his attention intesively to Hungarian literature studying and exploration of German authors. The result of his research and scientific activities is the first Hungarian bibliography called Magyar Könyvesház.
Keywords: Manor house; the Loretto Chapel; the Sándor family; the Szluha family
KAMENČÍK, MariánVeršované svedectvo Pavla Vajaja o povodni na Váhu v roku 1813 (The Testimony of Pavol Vajaja about the Flood on the River Váh in 1813 Written in Verse) pp. 273–306
The study analyzes the literary memory of author Paul Vajaja which is called ´Kratké a oprawdové Wyobraženj té Powodně která se do Hornjch Zelenic w Slawné Nitranskí Stolicy gsaucých Roku wnjtr psaného wewalila which is kept in the collections of the Homeland Museum Hlohovec. The poem is not only a document of the contemporary literary culture, but it is also a valuable source of information about the historical flood on the river Váh in 1813. By analysing this poem, we can interprete flood events, their course, damage, loss of property, but also the techniques of rescue works and restoration of the buildings damaged by water. To maintain the communicative pluralism of the poem we must bear in mind its literary, aesthetic and philosophical interpretation. This poem represents within the context with other documents a valuable piece, although unknown, and contributes to the knowledge of the greatest flood on the river Váh.
Keywords: flood; 1813; Váh river; Horné Zelenice village; Pavel Vajaj; manuscript
VRBATA, AlešPozdní portugalský kolonialismus a Freyreho lusotropicalismo (Late Portuguese Colonialism and Freyre's Lusotropicalismo) pp. 307–322
Whereas at the beginning of his career Brazilian anthropologist and sociologist Gilberto Freyre researched into his fatherland's cultural identity, later his thought got markedly cosmopolitan features. It was especially in the context of post-World War II world when Freyre's ideas resounded. Even though initially disregarded, forceful impact of decolonization made him visible – particularly his theory of Lusotropicalism – to Salazarist political and intellectual elites for his thought could provide them with longed-for and highly uselful legitimizing myth. Thus, in Portugal Freyre's scientific theory got rapidly politicized, became part of Salazarist mythology and valuable ally in the search of the new place in the decolonized world. Freyre's theses about specific, i.e. not typically European and not ethnocentric, character of Portuguese colonization became part Salazar's official speeches and interviews and was frequently reminded by both Salazarist authorities and anti-Salazarist opposition. Thus, originally scientific and foreign concept was skillfully exploited in international politics and propaganda.
Keywords: Gilberto Freyre; lusotropicalismo; race; hybridism; Portugal; colonization
JŮVA, VladimírK teoretickým východiskům muzejní pedagogiky (To the Theoretical Scope of the Museum Pedagogy) pp. 323–331
The current museum pedagogy is “rocket science” – an established and dynamically evolving scientific discipline that could actually respond to the changing needs of the museum audience and to new international events and also appropriately reflects the findings of extensive empirical research of museum education. The aim of this paper is to recall the selected theoretical foundations of museum pedagogy and also the importance of systematic empirical research of museum education. This research is needed to further theoretical and practical development of museum education. At the same time provides an objective and necessary data to museums and society's legitimate need to justify further development and wider support museum education.
Keywords: museum pedagogy; museum; pedagogy; museum education
ŠOBÁŇOVÁ, PetraPředpoklady spolupráce muzea a školy – prezentace výsledků výzkumného šetření (Presuppositions of Museum and School Cooperation – Results) pp. 332–342
The contribution presents outcomes of a research carried out among young, beginning teachers. The aim was to ascertain the respondents’ attitude towards museums and museum education, but also their will to cooperate and the requests they make as a presupposition of deeper cooperation. Based on the results of the research, the concept of a “friendly museum” can be formulated, along with a notion of an ideal museum, which complies with the repeated requests of both teachers to-be and experienced teachers.
Keywords: museum; school; museum education
DIRNER, Alexander – HLAVÁČOVÁ, Júlia – MEŠTEROVÁ, Jana – LABANIČ, Eugen – SCHWARTZOVÁ, AgnesaVedecko – technické centrum pre mládež v Košiciach (Scientific – Technical Centre for Children and Youth in Košice) pp. 343–353
Slovak Technical Museum (STM) provides a view to the history of the science and technology. It presents the contribution of Slovakia and Slovak personalities to the development of the world’s science and technology. As the only institution in Slovakia it collects and evaluates pieces of evidence related to the development of science and technology in Slovakia and it utilizes them for scientific as well as cultural and educational purposes. From its foundation the Museum has focused also to educational activities related to public, by means of interactive expositions and various additional activities. Due to their modern form they have been very attractive for general public, mainly for young people. Science centers - multifunctional facilities of informal education provide a nontraditional form of education. Activities of STM in cooperation with academic and research institutions in Košice are aimed at the foundation of the science center of this kind. The project under the auspices of Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic, the goal of which is the foundation of the Scientific – Technical Center for children and youth at the STM in Košice, will be realized within the project Košice - European Capital of Culture 2013.
Keywords: museum; Slovak Technical Museum; physics
JAKUBEJ, JánŠkola Annales – náčrt jej pôsobenia pri príležitosti 85. výročia založenia a 90. narodenín jej popredného predstaviteľa Marca Ferra a na pamiatku Jacqua Le Goffa (Annales school – describe to it´s activity by occasion of 85. anniversary of foundation, 90. birthday of it´s leading person Marc Ferro and on memory Jacques Le Goff) pp. 354–377
In this article I try to describe history of the Annales school since it´s constitution in 1929 to the present. I observe the theories, which inspired this school. About all I addict attention to book – titles, which was wrote by historians, associated in inducted Annales. Especially belaud the most distinguished personalities, for example Marc Bloch, Lucien Febvre, Fernand Braudel, Jacques Le Goff or Roger Chartier. I illuminate to their apport for history in France and for the other countries (for example in Bohemia, Brasil, Poland or Spain). I believe, that the fourth generation of Annales school actually exist and in future will provide new impulses and themes for historical research…
Keywords: Annales school, psychohistory, history of mentality, wooman history
KIČKOVÁ, AdrianaK problematike riadiacich orgánov školstva na Slovensku po roku 1918 (The Issue of Governing School authorities in Slovakia after 1918) pp. 378–391
The article deals with formation of the State department of the ministry of education and formation and functioning of the school inspectorates after 1918. The text also describes organisation and activities of the school inspectorate in Topolcany.
Key words: State department of the Ministry of education in Bratislava, school inspectorates.
Recenzie /Review /Kritik
ARPÁŠ, Róbert. Autonómia: víťazstvo alebo prehra? Vyvrcholenie politického zápasu HSĽS o autonómiu Slovenska. (Martin Hetényi), pp. 392–395
Anotácie / Annotations/ Glossen
HANUŠ, Jiří et al. Nostalgie v dějinách. (Ľudovít Marci) pp. 396–397
JIRKAL, Emanuel. L. Caelius Firmianus Lactantius. O smrti prenasledovateľov I. Rímske impérium na ceste od tradičných kultov ku kresťanstvu. (Ľudovít Marci) pp. 397–398
BENJAN, Milan B. Kultúra Západu v agónii. O európskom maliarstve a estetike od renesancie až po ich exitus a o západnej civilizácii vo svetle biblických proroctiev. (Ján Jakubej) pp. 398–400
MAK, Geert. V Evropě. Cesty po dvacátém století. (Ľudovít Marci), pp. 400–401
Deviant Burial in the Archaeological Record. Ed. E. Murphy. (Zuzana Ďuďáková) pp. 401–402
Kronika/Chronicle/Chronikpp. 403–420