Founded in 1952, Past & Present is widely acknowledged to be the liveliest and most stimulating historical journal in the English-speaking world.
Lordship in Ninth-Century Francia: The Case of Bishop Hincmar of Laon and his Followers Charles West Past and Present 2015 226: 3–40
Urban Enclosure Riots: Risings of the Commons in English Towns, 1480–1525 Christian D. Liddy Past and Present 2015 226: 41–77
Anabaptism and the World of Printing in Sixteenth-Century Germany Kat Hill Past and Present 2015 226: 79–114
Between Providence and Risk: Odd Fellows, Benevolence and the Social Limits of Actuarial Science, 1820s–1880s Penelope Ismay Past and Present 2015 226: 115–147
The Modernization of Western Sleep: Or, Does Insomnia have a History? A. Roger Ekirch Past and Present 2015 226: 149–192
The Hajj as its Own Undoing: Infrastructure and Integration on the Muslim Journey to Mecca Nile Green Past and Present 2015 226: 193–226
Citizens of a Fictional Nation: Ottoman-born Jews in France during the First World War Sarah Abrevaya Stein Past and Present 2015 226: 227–254
Cover / Standing Material Past & Present Number 226 February 2015 – Front Cover Past and Present 2015 226: i1
Past & Present – Editorial Board Past and Present 2015 226: i2
Past & Present Number 226 February 2015 – TOC Past and Present 2015 226: i3