Český časopis historický 113 (2015), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Český časopis historický 113 (2015), 1
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Praha 2015: Selbstverlag
Jahresabonnement (4 Ausgaben) € 110



Český časopis historický / The Czech Historical Review
Czech Republic
Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prosecká 76, CZ-190 00 Praha 9 – Nový Prosek
Bolom-Kotari, Sixtus

S. 1–296




PÁNEK Jaroslav
Česká historická slavistika v kontextu humanitních věd
(Czech Slavonic History Studies in the Context of the Humanities) S. 7–26
This article analyses and evaluates the state of Slavonic history studies in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21st century. It focuses on selected monographs, attempted syntheses of the history of the individual Slav nations and upon the principal periodical of the discipline, namely Slovanský přehled – Slavonic Review. Journal for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and compares it with a London-based review Central Europe and the central periodical of Czech historiography Český časopis historický – The Czech Historical Review. Czech Slavonic history research deals with the history of Slavonic and non-Slavonic nations and countries in Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe. It, however, suff ers from a considerable lack of thematic disunity and research atomisation. Slavonic history research has disengaged itself from the philological sciences and has underestimated the importance of cultural history. It has become a sub-discipline of political history with a strong inclination towards description. Thereby, it has somewhat distanced itself from complex historical research. The author suggests the solution to the current situation can be found in becoming more deeply inspired by general historiography; in searching for connected and subject-matter comparable themes; in greater openness to other humanities, including the philological sciences; in strengthening the research of cultural history and a purposeful direction towards the preparation of substantive monographs, synthetic works and encyclopaedias. It is possible that one of the main aims could be to ascertain the place of Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe in the creation of the Euro-American civilisation and its active participation in the relationships with other networks of civilisations.
Key words: Historiography, Slavonic history studies; Czech Republic; Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe; civilisations

Protoindustrializace a možnosti studia populačního vývoje v oblasti severovýchodních Čech
(Protoindustrialization and Possibilities for the Study of Population Development in the Region of Northeastern Bohemia) S. 27–49
This study focuses upon current research of the issue of protoindustrial-ization, especially in the Central European space, with an emphasis on the development in the Czech Lands. It does not merely refl ect the original concepts of American historians from the end of the 1960s and the 1970s and consequent discussions in the 1980s, yet also the current trends in the study of the given topic. In particular, attention is paid to population aspects, which are the most discussed areas of the theory of protoindust-rialization. This contribution deals with the specifi cs of the demographic regime in the region of Northeastern Bohemia in the 18th century and in the first half of the 19th century, alongside the possibilities and opportunities for research into the given topic utilising the method of family reconstructions. Research is centred on the locality of Stružinec near Lomnice nad Popelkou, the results of which are compared with the output of the reconstruction of families relevant for Rokytnice nad Jizerou and Jablonec nad Nisou. The aim of this work is to outline specific markers with reference to marriage rates and female fertility in the given localities; an assessment of current approaches and a proposal for further possible approaches to the research of this topic in our environment.
Key words: protoindustrialization, Northeastern Bohemia, population development, reconstruction of families, Stružinec, 18th century, the fi rst half of the 19th century

Rodinná kontinuita a venkovské hospodářství. Držba poddanských usedlostí v 17. až 19. století jako historiografický problem (Family Continuity and Husbandry in the Countryside.
The Possession of Serf Homesteads in the 17th to 19th Centuries as a Historiographical Issue) S. 50–75
This article deals with the until now research of the possession of serf immoveable properties on the territories of Bohemia and Moravia. Attention is being paid to primary sources and methodological approaches suitable for investigating the transfer of rural homesteads throughout the Early Modern Age and the 19th century. The current study deals with the issues of inheritance law; the transfer of homestead farms within a family itself; the choice of new farmers and the departure of the older generation’s members in exchange for the creation of an easement (in Czech výměnek). The aim of this contribution is to summarize the results of contemporary research; to draw attention to themes as yet not investigated and to outline possible perspectives for further research taking account of topical historiographi-cal trends abroad.
Key words: countryside, possession of serf homesteads, easement, inheritance law, historiography

Sociální postavení příslušníků československého četnictva 1918–1939
(The Social Status of the Members of the Czechoslo􀀀ak Gendarmerie 1918–1939) S. 76–96
The introductory part of this study gives an insight into the pay rates and accommodation available for Czechoslovak Gendarmerie. Attention is also devoted to the attitudes of the main political parties to the issues of the gendarmerie and to the question of a proposed reform and the “democratisation” of the force. This is followed by an outline of attitudes held by the public and the media towards the gendarmerie and an attempt to answer the question of how the members of the force viewed their own role in society.
Key words: Czechoslovakia, gendarmerie, security services, social conditions

Mezi realitou, propagandou a mýty. Vydavatelské aktivity československých exulantů na Západě v letech 1968–1989
(Between the Reality, Propaganda and Myths.
Publishing Activities of Members of the Czechoslovak Exile Community in the West between the Years 1968–1989) S. 97–144
This study focuses on selected aspects of media involvement and the publishing activities of Czechoslovak exiles in the West in the years 1968–1989. Based on archival research, this text refutes some traditional misconceptions and in terms of facts and interpretation it makes the state of current research, relating to economic and operating-technical issues of the exile media operation in particular, more precise.
Key words: Czechoslovak exiles aft er August 1968, Exile publishers, Exile public sphere, Illegal distribution of information, History of journalism, Radio Free Europe


Podvod jako vážný problém světové vědy i aktuální české historiografie – poznámka k článku Jiřího Peška z ČČH 112, 2014, č. 3, s. 497–511
(Fraud as a Serious Challenge in World Science including Contemporary Czech Historiography – the Reaction to the Paper of Jiří Pešek fr om ČČH 112, 2014, pp. 497–511) S. 145–146
The reaction to the paper of Jiří Pešek denies author’s assessment of the publication “JAREŠ, SPURNÝ, VOLNÁ: Náměstí Krasnoarmějců 2: Teachers and students of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in the period of normalization (1969-1989), Praha 2012” as methodologically in-correct and spinning the oral testimonies herein cited. His relegation of the publication among the cases of evident scientifi c frauds by three sentences in a footnote only and without any detailed arguments appears to be unfair and malevolent.
Key words: Charles University, scientific fraud, contemporary historiography, oral history

Prameny, pramenná kritika a soudobé dějiny (Odpověď Kateřině Volné)
(Primary Sources, Source Critique and Contemporary History – Response to Kateřina Volná)
s. 147–161
This discussion contribution highlights the issues of the importance of a critique of archival primary sources and the necessity to uphold established rules of oral research for the period of contemporary post-war history. The author responds here to a book on professors and students of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Prague in the years of the so-called “normalisation”, i.e. the period of personnel purges following the Soviet military occupation of Czechoslovakia until the Velvet Revolution of 1989. The author points out that the archival materials originating from the activities of either the organs of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia or Communist state security services cannot be used as a reliable illustration of events at that time unless a strict critique and contextual placement are applied. In addition, oral historical research has to work with eye-witness accounts bearing in mind their complexity and not to adopt merely a selective methodology.
Key words: contemporary history, archival sources, oral history, Charles University, purges and persecution, 1970 to 1989, Czechoslovakia



LE GOFF Jacques
O hranicích dějinných období. Na příkladu středověku a renesance
(František Šmahel) S. 162–164

ESCH Arnold
Die Lebenswelt des europäischen Spätmittelalters. Kleine Schicksale selbst erzählt in Schreiben an den Papst
(František Šmahel) S. 165–169

Přemyslovský dvůr. Život knížat, králů a rytířů ve středověku
(Zdeněk Beran) S. 169–172

HUNČAGA, Gabriel P., OP
Dominikáni na ceste k intelektuálnym elitám vrcholného stredoveku
(Jakub Zouhar) S. 172–174

JINDRA Petr – OTTOVÁ Michaela (edd.)
Obrazy krásy a spásy. Gotika v jihozápadních Čechách
(Jaroslav Čechura) S. 174–176

BAUER Oswald
Zeitungen vor der Zeitung. Die Fuggerzeitungen (1568–1605) und das fr ühmoderne Nachrichtensystem
(Kateřina Pražáková) S. 176–179

ČERNUŠÁK Tomáš (ed.)
Epistulae et acta Antonii Caetani 1607–1611. Pars IV. September 1608 – Junius 1609
(Tomáš Parma) S. 179–181

HAUSENBLASOVÁ Jaroslava – MIKULEC Jiří – THOMSEN Martina (Hrsg.)
Religion und Politik im frühneuzeitlichen Böhmen. Der Majestätsbrief Kaiser Rudolfs II. von 1609
(Josef Hrdlička) S. 181–186

Lidé poddanských měst Frýdku a Místku na sklonku tradiční společnosti (1700–1850)
(Josef Grulich) S. 187–190

MALIVÁNKOVÁ WASKOVÁ Marie – DOUŠA Jaroslav (vedoucí autorského kolektivu)
Dějiny města Plzně, sv. 1. Do roku 1788
(Jan Lhoták) S. 190–193

HLAVAČKA Milan – CIBULKA Pavel et alii
Chudinství a chudoba jako sociálně historický fenomén.
Ambivalence dobových perspektiv, individuální a kolektivní strategie chudých a instrumentária řešení
(Jakub Raška) S. 193–196

TUČKOVÁ Kateřina a kol.
Fabrika. Příběh textilních baronů z moravského Manchesteru
(Sixtus Bolom-Kotari) S. 196–199

VOJÁČEK Milan (ed.)
Na velkostatku F. L. Riegra, vůdce národa. Edice Pamětní knihy Malče
(Milena Lenderová) S. 199–201

KOUKALOVÁ Šárka (ed.)
Letní rezidence Pražanů. Dobřichovice a vilová architektura 19. a 20. století
(Josef Harna) S. 202–203

ŠEBEK Jaroslav
Papežové moderního věku. Vatikán od Pia IX. po Františka a jeho vztah k českým zemím
(Jaroslav Pánek) S. 203–208

KIPP Michaela
„Großreinemachen im Osten“. Feindbilder in deutschen Feldpostbriefen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
(Daniel Putík) S. 208–211

KAŠKA Václav
Neukáznění a neangažovaní. Disciplinace členů Komunistické strany Československa v letech 1948–1952
(Vladimír Březina) S. 212–214

PÁNEK Jaroslav
Historici mezi domovem a světem. Studie – články – glosy – rozhovory
(Bohumil Jiroušek) S. 214–218

Zprávy o literatuře
S. 219–243


PÁNEK Jaroslav
Český historický ústav v Římě v letech 2008–2014
(The Czech Historical Institute in Rome between 2008–2014)
S. 244–276
The Czech Historical Institute in Rome, which is a part of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, was established in December 1993 and has been functioning since 1st January 1994. It is the only research outpost of the Academy abroad in the area of the humanities and social sciences. It continues the traditions of the Czech Archival Expedition in Rome, which functioned between 1887–1914, and the Czechoslovak Historical Institute in Rome, which functioned between 1921/1923–1939 and 1945–1948. This paper deals with the activities and transformations of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome in the years 2008–2014, and the following topics in particular: an economic crisis in the Rome Institute caused by fi nancial factors and its successful overcoming of it (2007–2009); the locus of the Institute and its facilities; presentation and lecture activities of the Institute; conferences, the Institute’s periodical publication Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma and new publication series (Biblioteca dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma; Acta Romana Bohemica); editions of primary sources (Monumenta Vaticana res gestas Bohemicas illustrantia; Epistulae et acta nuntiorum apostolicorum apud imperatorem); an inventory of manuscripts related to the Czech Lands be it through their author, topic or place of origin, and which are deposited in the Vatican and other Italian libraries; investigations of the history of Czech historical research in the Vatican, Rome and Italy; further research topics undertaken by the Czech Historical Institute in Rome. Th e annex to this publication includes a list of scholarship recipients in the Czech Historical Institute in Rome for the years 2008–2014, also stating their home institutions and research topics.
Key words: History, international relations; Czech Lands, Italy, Rome, Vatican; Czech Historical Institute in Rome

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