Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Articles
Medical Condition, Demon or Undead Corpse? Sleep Paralysis and the Nightmare in Medieval Europe Stephen Gordon Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 425–444
‘I would not feel the pain if I were with you’: Catalina Micaela and the Cycle of Pregnancy at the Court of Turin, 1585–1597 Magdalena S. Sánchez Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 445–464
‘Nature Concocts & Expels’: The Agents and Processes of Recovery from Disease in Early Modern England Hannah Newton Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 465–486
Ignored Disease or Diagnostic Dustbin? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the British Context Angus H. Ferguson Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 487–508
Inhaling Democracy: Cigarette Advertising and Health Education in Post-war West Germany, 1950s–1975 Rosemary Elliot Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 509–531
The Poison of Touch: Tracing Mercurial Treatments of Venereal Diseases in Tibet Barbara Gerke Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 532–554
Prostitutes, Penicillin and Prophylaxis: Fighting Venereal Disease in the Commonwealth Division during the Korean War, 1950–1953 K. Meghan Fitzpatrick Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 555–575
The Quiet Time? Pay-beds and Private Practice in the National Health Service: 1948–1970 Clifford Williamson Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 576–595
Sources and Resources Into the Dark Domain: The UK Web Archive as a Source for the Contemporary History of Public Health Martin Gorsky Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 596–616
Finding Historical Records at the National Institutes of Health David Cantor Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 617–637
Book Reviews
Patricia A. Baker, Han Nijdam and Karine van ‘t Land (eds), Medicine and Space: Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Ages Peregrine Horden Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 638–639
C. Pierce Salguero, Translating Buddhist Medicine in Medieval China Janet Gyatso Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 639–641
Linda Clark and Carole Rawcliffe, The Fifteenth Century XII: Society in an Age of Plague Kristy Wilson Bowers Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 641–643
Louise Hill Curth, ‘A plaine and easie waie to remedie a horse’: Equine Medicine in Early Modern England Karen Raber Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 643–644
Nancy G. Siraisi, Communities of Learned Experience. Epistolary Medicine in the Renaissance Hubert Steinke Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 644–646
Christopher Bonfield, Jonathan Reinarz and Teresa Huguet-Termes, (eds), Hospitals and Communities, 1100–1960 Sheila Sweetinburgh Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 646–647
Laurinda Abreu and Sally Sheard (eds), Hospital Life: Theory and Practice from the Medieval to the Modern Jonathan Reinarz Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 647–649
Tiffany Watt Smith, On Flinching: Theatricality and Scientific Looking from Darwin to Shell Shock Michael Brown Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 649–651
Emma Newlands, Civilians Into Soldiers: War, the Body and British Army Recruits, 1939–45 Gareth Millward Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 651–652
Laurie B. Green, John McKiernan-González and Martin Summers, (eds), Precarious Prescriptions: Contested Histories of Race and Health in North America Vanessa Northington Gamble Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 652–654
Angela N. H. Creager, Life Atomic: A History of Radioisotopes in Science and Medicine Robert Bud Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 654–655
Ruth J. Prince and Rebecca Marsland (eds), Making and Unmaking Public Health in Africa Mari Webel Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 655–657
W. M. Spellman, A Brief History of Death Douglas J. Davies Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 657–659
Gerald N. Grob, Aging Bones: A Short History of Osteoporosis Stephen Katz Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 659–660
Robert G.W. Kirk and Neil Pemberton, Leech Stephanie Eichberg Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 660–662