The major forum for scholarship on the Holocaust and other genocides, Holocaust and Genocide Studies is an international journal featuring research articles, interpretive essays, and book reviews in the social sciences and humanities. It is the principal publication to address the issue of how insights into the Holocaust apply to other genocides.
Canada's Struggle with Holocaust Memorialization: The War Museum Controversy, Ethnic Identity Politics, and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Catherine D. Chatterley Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 189–211
Believing in “Inner Truth”: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Nazi Propaganda, 1933–1945 Randall L. Bytwerk Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 212–229
“We Are Standing By”: Rescue Operations of the United States Committee for the Care of European Children Michal Ostrovsky Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 230–250
Research Note
“The Corpses in the Ravine Were Women, Men, and Children”: Written Testimonies from 1941 on the Babi Yar Massacre Karel C. Berkhoff Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 251–274
Book Reviews
The Crisis of Genocide, vol. I: Devastation: The European Rimlands, 1912–1938, vol. II: Annihilation: The European Rimlands, 1939–1953, Mark Levene (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), 545 pp. and 535 pp., each volume $130.00 Uğur Ümit Üngör Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 275–278
Holocaust versus Wehrmacht: How Hitler's Final Solution Undermined the German War Effort, Yaron Pasher (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas 2014), xiii + 364 pp., cloth $34.95, electronic version available Peter Hayes Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 278–281
Soldaten: On Fighting, Killing and Dying. The Secret WWII Transcripts of German POWs, Sönke Neitzel and Harald Welzer (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012), x + 438 pp., hardcover $30.50, paperback $16.95, electronic version available Ben H. Shepherd Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 281–284
Hitler's Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields, Wendy Lower (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013), xv + 270 pp., hardcover $26.00, paperback $14.95, electronic version available Leon Stein Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 284–286
Die Verfolgung und Ermordung der europäischen Juden durch das national-sozialistischen Deutschland, 1933–1945, vol. 7: Sowjetunion mit annektierten Gebieten I, ed. Bert Hoppe and Hildrun Glass (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2011), 891 pp., hardcover $84.00, electronic version available; vol. 9: Polen: Generalgouvernement, August 1941–1945, ed. Klaus-Peter Friedrich (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2014), 878 pp., hardcover $84.00, electronic version available Peter Black Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 286–291
Czechs, Slovaks and the Jews, 1938–48: Beyond Idealisation and Condemnation, Jan Láníček (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), xi + 265 pp., hardcover $95.00, electronic version available Christiane Brenner Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 291–294
Jew Süss: Life, Legend, Fiction, Film, Susan Tegel (London: Continuum, 2011), xv + 281 pp., hardcover $44.95, electronic version available Daniel H. Magilow Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 294–296
Beschämende Bilder: Deutsche Reaktionen auf allierte Dokumentarfilme über befreite Konzentrationslager, Ulrike Weckel (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2012), 672 pp., hardcover €76.00 Michael Richardson Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 296–298
Jewish Poland Revisited: Heritage Tourism in Unquiet Places, Erica T. Lehrer (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2013), xv + 274 pp., hardcover $80.00, paperback $28.00, electronic version available Jennifer Marlow Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 298–301
Die Sprache der Judenfeindschaft im 21. Jahrhundert, Monika Schwarz-Friesel and Jehuda Reinharz (Berlin & Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013). xi + 444 pp., hardcover $112.00 Thomas Kühne Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 301–302
The Sense of Semblance: Philosophical Analyses of Holocaust Art, Henry W. Pickford (New York: Fordham University Press, 2013), xii + 280 pp., hardcover $45.00 Marion Deshmukh Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 302–305
History vs. Apologetics: The Holocaust, the Third Reich, and the Catholic Church, David Cymet (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2010) xviii + 499 pp., hardcover $120.00, paperback $47.99, electronic version available Derek Hastings Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 305–307
Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 308–347
In Memoriam: Filip Müller Andreas Kilian Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 348–350
In Memoriam: Robert S. Wistrich Holocaust Genocide Studies 2015 29: 351