Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Articles
Cryptic Pregnancies and their Legal Consequences in Pre-Modern Finland Mona Rautelin Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 663–685
‘A virtue beyond all medicine’: The Hanged Man's Hand, Gallows Tradition and Healing in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century England Owen Davies and Francesca Matteoni Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 686–705
Migration and Madness at Sea: The Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-century Voyage to New Zealand Angela McCarthy Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 706–724
Fathers and Hospital Childbirth in New Zealand Linda Bryder Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 725–741
Charles V. Roman and the Spectre of Polygenism in Progressive Era Public Health Research Terence D. Keel Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 742–766
‘The bones tell a story the child is too young or too frightened to tell’: The Battered Child Syndrome in Post-war Britain and America Jennifer Crane Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 767–788
‘A Chequered (and Mated) Scientific Career’: Robert Case and the Politics of Occupational Bladder Cancer David Higgins and Geoffrey Tweedale Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 789–804
Bolstering the Greatness of the Homeland: Productivity, Disability and Medicine in Franco's Spain, 1938–1966 José Martínez-Pérez and Mercedes Del Cura Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 805–824
Making up ‘Vulnerable’ People: Human Subjects and the Subjective Experience of Medical Experiment Nancy D. Campbell and Laura Stark Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 825–848
‘Dear Father my health has broken down’: Writing Health in Irish Charity Letters, 1922–1940 Lindsey Earner-Byrne Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 849–868
Medico-politics of Gendered Health: The Case of Cardiovascular Prevention in East and West Germany, 1949–1990 Jeannette Madarász-Lebenhagen Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 869–888
Second Opinion
‘Insane emigrants’ in transit. Psychiatric Patients' Files as a Source for the History of Return Migration, c. 1910 Gemma Blok Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 889–901
Sources and Resources
William Clift's Sketches of Executed Murderers Allister Neher Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 902–921
Focus on Biography
Mrs Stone & Dr Smellie: Eighteenth-century Midwives and their Patients Fran Badger Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 922–923
Paula J. Martin. Suzanne Noël: Cosmetic Surgery, Feminism and Beauty in Early Twentieth-Century France Kathy Davis Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 923–924
Barron H. Lerner, The Good Doctor: A Father, A Son, and the Evolution of Medical Ethics Laura Stark Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 925–926
Samuel J. M. M. Alberti (ed.), War, Art and Surgery: The Work of Henry Tonks and Julia Midgley Anthea Callen Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 926-928 [Extract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permissions]
Nicklaus Thomas-Symonds, Nye: The Political Life of Aneurin Bevan Andrew Seaton Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 928–929
Book Reviews
Steven M. Oberhelman (ed.), Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece: From Antiquity to the Present Laurence Totelin Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 930–931
Megan J. Coyer and David E. Shuttleton (eds), Scottish Medicine and Literary Culture, 1726–1832 Erin Wilson Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 931–933
Julia Skelly, Addiction and British Visual Culture, 1751–1919: Wasted Looks Timothy A. Hickman Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 933–934
Krista Maglen, The English System: Quarantine, Immigration and the Making of a Port Sanitary Zone Katherine Foxhall Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 934–935
Tim Carter, Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860–1960: Medicine, Technology, Shipowners and the State in Britain Richard Gorski Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 936–937
Jessica Howell, Exploring Victorian Travel Literature: Disease, Race and Climate David N. Livingstone Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 937–938
Annett Büttner, Die konfessionelle Kriegskrankenpflege im 19. Jahrhundert Mathilde Hackmann Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 938–940
Jens Gründler, Armut und Wahnsinn: ‘Arme Irre’ und ihre Familien im Spannungsfeld von Psychiatrie und Armenfürsorge in Glasgow, 1875–1921 Sheila Dickson Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 940–941
Sevasti Trubeta, Physical Anthropology, Race and Eugenics in Greece (1880s–1970s) Despo Kritsotaki Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 941–942
Abena Dove Osseo-Asare, Bitter Roots: The Search for Healing Plants in Africa Ruth J. Prince Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 943–944
Sandra Opdycke, The Flu Epidemic of 1918: America's Experience in the Global Health Crisis Nancy K. Bristow Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 944–946
María Isabel Porras Gallo, Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz, Jaime de las Heras Salord and María José Báguena Cervellera (eds), El drama de la polio. Un problema social y familiar en la España franquista Esteban Rodríguez-Ocaña Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 946–947
Sean Hsiang-lin Lei, Neither Donkey nor Horse: Medicine in the Struggle over China's Modernity David Luesink Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 947–948
Clare Debenham, Birth Control and the Rights of Women: Post-Suffrage Feminism in the Early Twentieth Century Lesley Hall Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 949–950
Robert Beachy, Gay Berlin: Birthplace of a Modern Identity Anita Winkler Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 950–952
James Rodger Fleming and Ann Johnson, Toxic Airs: Body, Planet, Place in Historical Perspective Timothy Cooper Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 952–953
Gary B. Ferngren. Medicine and Religion: A Historical Introduction Anthony M. Petro Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 953–955
Rod Philips, Alcohol a History Virginia Berridge Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 955–956
Teresa Ortiz-Gómez and María Jesús Santesmas (eds), Gendered Drugs and Medicine: Historical and Socio-Cultural Perspectives Beatrix Hoffman Soc Hist Med 2015 28: 956–958