German History 33 (2015), 4

Titel der Ausgabe 
German History 33 (2015), 4
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German History. The Journal of the German History Society (GH)
United Kingdom
Bridget Heal E-Mail: <> Jim Bjork Secretary of the German History Society History Department King’s College London Strand Building London WC2R 2LS United Kingdom
Beaumont, Alex

New issue of German History now available

Volume 33 Issue 4, December 2015



Table of Contents


The Reformation of the Soundscape: Bell-ringing in Early Modern Lutheran Germany
by Philip Hahn

Women’s Honour and the Black Shame: Coloured Frenchmen and Respectable Comportment in the Post-World War I Occupied Rhineland
by John Boonstra

Winner of the German History Article Prize 2015 (Free online):
Surviving ‘Stunde Null’: Narrating the Fate of Nazi Elite-School Pupils during the Collapse of the Third Reich
by Helen Roche

Courting China, Condemning China: East and West German Cold War Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Cambodian Genocide
by Andrew I. Port


With contributions from Peter Burke (Cambridge), William Grange (Nebraska-Lincoln), Martina Kessel (Bielefeld), and Jonathan Waterlow (Oxford)

Review article:

Before and After Nationes: Accounting for Medieval Peoples in Twenty-First-Century Germany
by Len Scales


War, International Law, and International Relations
by Leonard V. Smith

Book Reviews:

Die Ordnung der Fischer: Nachhaltigkeit und Fischerei am Bodensee (1350–1900)
Reviewed by Frank Uekötter

Der Bauernjörg: Feldherr im Bauernkrieg
Reviewed by Peter H. Wilson

Mixed Matches: Transgressive Unions in Germany from the Reformation to the Enlightenment
Reviewed by Terence McIntosh

Frühe Neuzeit im Videospiel: Geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven
Reviewed by Stefan Zahlmann

Emin Pascha: Arzt—Abenteurer—Afrikaforscher
Reviewed by Sara Pugach

Gypsies in Germany and Italy, 1861–1914: Lives Outside the Law
Reviewed by Eve Rosenhaft

Remaking the Rhythms of Life: German Communities in the Age of the Nation State
Reviewed by Michael B. Gross

Deutsche Frauen in den Südsee-Kolonien des Kaiserreichs: Alltag und Beziehungen zur indigenen Bevölkerung, 1884–1919
Reviewed by Krista Molly O’Donnell

Purging the Empire: Mass Expulsions in Germany, 1871–1914
Reviewed by Tomasz Kamusella

Sounds of Modern History: Auditory Cultures in 19th- and 20th-century Europe
Reviewed by Michael J. Schmidt

Medizin und Krieg: Deutschland 1914–1924
Reviewed by Susanne Michl

Germans as Minorities during the First World War: A Global Comparative Perspective
Reviewed by Brian K. Feltman

‘Die Wehrmacht der Deutschen Republik ist die Reichswehr’. Die deutsche Armee 1918–1921 (Krieg in der Geschichte, 82)
Reviewed by Bruce B. Campbell

Beyond Alterity: German Encounters with Modern East Asia
Reviewed by Lydia Gerber

Creating Wilderness: A Transnational History of the Swiss National Park
Reviewed by Carolyn Taratko

Fegelein’s Horsemen and Genocidal Warfare: The SS Cavalry Brigade in the Soviet Union
Reviewed by Waitman Beorn

The Holocaust and the Revival of Psychological History
Reviewed by Anthony D. Kauders

Born in the GDR: Living in the Shadow of the Wall
Reviewed by Oscar Ax

Alienating Labor: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary
Reviewed by Mark Keck-Szajbel

Gegenstücke: Populäres Wissen im transatlantischen Vergleich (1948–1984)
Reviewed by Helge Wendt

Timor Teutonorum: Angst vor Deutschland seit 1945: eine europäische Emotion im Wandel
Reviewed by Klaas Voß

Bildungswege zu ‘1968’: Eine Kollektivbiografie des Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes
Reviewed by Benjamin T. Shannon

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