Matthias M. Tischler Languages, Literature and Art in Transcultural Perspective 177
Kevin J. Lewis A Count of Counts. Parallel Loanwords and Channels of Communication between Arabic, Latin, French and Occitan in the Levant at the Time of the Crusades 179
Eulàlia Vernet i Pons On the Latin Transcription of Hebrew and Aramaic Proper Names in the Latin Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin). Phonetic Features of the Translation 197
Judy A. Ford Saracens and Turks in William Caxton’s The Golden Legend 221
Ulrike Ritzerfeld In the Name of Jesus. The “IHS”-Panel from Andreas Ritzos and the Christian Kabbalah in Renaissance Crete 245
Ana María Echevarría Arsuaga Rania Abdellatif e. a. (ed.): Acteurs de transferts culturels en Méditerranée médiévale (Ateliers des Deutschen Historischen Instituts Paris 9), München: Oldenbourg, 2012 275
Matthias M. Tischler Ulisse Cecini: Alcoranus latinus. Eine sprachliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Koranübersetzungen von Robert von Ketton und Marcus von Toledo (Geschichte und Kultur der Iberischen Welt 10), Berlin: LIT, 2012 277
Görge K. Hasselhoff Eva De Visscher: Reading the rabbis. Christian Hebraism in the works of Herbert of Bosham (Commentaria. Sacred Texts and Their Commentaries. Jewish, Christian and Islamic 5), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2014 280
Alexander Fidora Elias H. Füllenbach/Gianfranco Miletto (ed.): Dominikaner und Juden/Dominicans and Jews. Personen, Konflikte und Perspektiven vom 13. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert/Personalities, conflicts, and perspectives from the 13th to the 20th century (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Dominikanerordens N. F. 14), Berlin e. a.: de Gruyter, 2015 283
Knut Martin Stünkel Peter von Moos: Heiden im Himmel? Geschichte einer Aporie zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Mit kritischer Edition der ‘Quaestio de salvatione Aristotelis’ des Lambertus de Monte (um 1500) von Philipp Roelli (Schriften der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften 54), Heidelberg: Winter, 2014 288
Görge K. Hasselhoff Devorah Schoenfeld: Isaac on Jewish and Christian altars. Polemic and exegesis in Rashi and the ‘Glossa ordinaria’ (Fordham Series in Medieval Studies), New York: Fordham University Press, 2013 291
Görge K. Hasselhoff Ryan Szpiech (ed.): Medieval exegesis and religious difference. Commentary, conflict, and community in the premodern Mediterranean (Bordering Religions. Concepts, Conflicts and Conversations), New York: Fordham University Press, 2015 295
Beate Ulrike La Sala Alexander Treiger: Inspired knowledge in Islamic thought. Al-Ghazālī’s theory of mystical cognition and its Avicennian foundation (Culture and Civilization in the Middle East 27), London/New York: Routledge, 2012 298
Matthias M. Tischler Bible and Historiography in Transcultural Iberian Societies, Eighth to Twelfth Centuries 303
Pia Bockius East and West in the Early Middle Ages. The Merovingian Kingdoms in Mediterranean Perspective 315
Sonja Brentjes Participant and Observer Narratives about Medieval Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer. Missing, Single or Multiple Translations 325