ANTONÍN MALANÍKOVÁ, MichaelaTestamentární strategie v pozdně středověkých městech (na příkladu Brna a Znojma) / Testamentary strategies in the late medieval towns: the case of Brno and Znojmo, S. 253–272ABSTRACT: The author focuses on family strategies used in medieval towns based on an analysis of the sources from two cities in the area under the influence of the south-German law, Brno and Znojmo. The analysis is based mainly on testaments, while the studied phenomenon is researched in context of the valid law with a particular attention to possible differences between the legal norm and the legal practice. The article mostly focuses on merchant testaments and the difference between the male and female receivers comparing the type and structure of possession, which based on the donor’s will was to go down the female or male line of the family or friends. KEY WORDS: medieval town, inheritance law, testament strategy, gender differentiation, family, childhood
DVOŘÁK, JanRaněnovověké vrchnostenské město v demografickém pohledu. Svitavy v 17. století v kontextu panství / Early modern private town from the demographic perspective. Svitavy in context of the estate in the 17th century, S. 273–299ABSTRACT: The study focuses on demography issues of the private town Svitavy and the surrounding estate in the 17th century. The project centers on the result of a quantitative research aimed to discover the differences in size of the habitation units in dependence on the number of their inhabitants (derived from the number of inhabited houses). In connection to the acquired data, the author also inquires into the natural exchange of inhabitants, based on the research of preserved church registers of the Svitavy parish. In connection with the mentioned subproblems the text also attempts to consider questions of usefulness and reliability of the primary sources. KEY WORDS: historical demography, 17th century, Svitavy, changes in the number of inhabitants, natural exchange of inhabitants, field registers, church registers
ŠTAIF, JiříČeský národotvorný proces jako komparace / The Czech nation-forming process compared, S. 301–319ABSTRACT: The study inquires into the Czech nation-building process in the long 19th century. It concentrates on the comparison with other European national movements from the perspective of the internationally recognized Czech historian Miroslav Hroch and contrasts the esthetic codes in the Czech and Russian nationalism in the work of an American Slavist, David L. Cooper. Finally, it juxtaposes the roles of the Catholic priests-dissidents in the Czech and Orthodox dissidents in the Russian environment as studied by the German historian Martin Schulze Wessel. KEY WORDS: Czech nation-building process, the long 19th century, comparison
ŠIKULA, MartinZ odkládaných voleb první normalizační hlasování (1971). Sonda do příprav a průběhu manifestačního souhlasu s posttotalitní mocí / From postponed elections to the first normalization vote (1971). A probe into the preparation and progress of the manifestation agreement with the post-total power, S. 321–355ABSTRACT: Following the postponing of the elections planned for 1968, in a time when a mild strengthening of the decision-making power of the voters was expected, a vote took place for all representative bodies in 1971 along with the first direct vote into the federal organs. The formal result of almost complete participation and support of the candidates of the National front hid the mechanism of preparations and the methods of posttotal apparate led by the Czechoslovak Communist Party (KSČ), which removed the pro-reform forces along with uncensured debate. The study evaluates the normalization elections based on the research of the political sources and noting the contrast between the formally legislated instruments of freedom in reality however suppressed by agitation and pressure. KEY WORDS: elections, the Czechoslovak Communist Party (KSČ), the Czechoslovak People’s Party (ČSL), National Front (NF), normalization, agitation
HRUBOŇ, Pavel – PSÍK, RichardK otázce datování dvou středověkých papežských listin z fondů Moravského zemského archivu v Brně. Příspěvek k dějinám augustiniánů eremitů na Moravě a k dějinám cisterciáckého kláštera ve Velehradě / Dating two medieval papal documents from the funds of the Moravian Land Archive in Brno. A contribution to the history of the Augustinian Eremites in Moravia and the Cistercian Monastery in Velehrad, S. 359–381ABSTRACT: The contribution focuses on two papal letters addressed to two different monastic institutions, whose dating in archive inventaries, as preserved in the editions, remains spurious. The documents are not connected and their thematic bond lies in the institutional position of their publisher and in the questions related to their uncertain dating. The study aims to prove, based on the diplomatic-paleographic analysis and material study, that the traditionally acepted dates need to be adjusted and both documents must be placed within their probable chronological context. KEY WORDS: Augustinian Eremites, Papal letters, dating of Papal documents, the Velehrad Monastery, Pope Urban IV, Pope Urban VI
BÁRTA, StanislavOdvolání zástav statků církevních institucí Zikmundem Lucemburským na obecném sněmu v Norimberku 23. srpna 1422 / Sigismund of Luxemburg’s repeal of the pledges of church estates at the Imperial Diet in Nurnberg on August 23, 1422, S. 383–407ABSTRACT: The study analyses a series of 17 charters by which Sigismund of Luxemburg cancelled the pledging of church estates in Bohemia and Moravia on August 23, 1422. The author inquires into the impact of this act on selected institutions and pledge holders of church estates and on Sigismund’s ensuing pledging policy. He also follows the keeping of founder rights or, more precisely, the possibility of alienation of church properties. The article contains appendices with the edition of the form and selected charters. KEY WORDS: King Sigismund of Luxemburg (1410/11–1437), pledge charters, church estates
ELBEL, PetrMigrace venkovského kléru do královských měst za husitské revoluce na příkladu faráře z Budkova u Jemnice. Studie k moravské farní síti za husitské revoluce (I) / Migration of the country clergy into the royal towns in course of the Hussite revolution: the case of the parson from Budkov u Jemnice. On the Moravian parish network at the time of the Hussite Revolution (I), S. 409–439ABSTRACT: The study inquires into the migration of the Catholic clergy from the countryside into the towns at the time of the Hussite Revolution focusing on the case of parson Lukáš (Luke) from Budkov u Jemnice in southwestern Moravia, a long-term resident of the town Jemnice. Several documents related to a conflict with the lords of Oponěšice from the Budkov parish regarding the materialization of their earlier pious foundation (edited in the appendix) reveal details on the life of parson Lukáš. They prove that for about ten years (1422–1432) Lukáš apparently could not safely inhabit his parish even though it was a Catholic village under Catholic landlords. Instead, he had to move to town, which was 10 kilometers removed. KEY WORDS: the Hussite movement, parish network, religious exile, pious foundations, Jemnice, Moravia
Helena Polehlová – Petr Polehla: Non Angli, sed angeli. Kult svatých v latinské literatuře raně středověké Anglie (Anna Pumprová), S. 441–445
Wolfgang Hardtwig: Deutsche Geschichtskultur im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Tomáš Pánek), s. 445–447
Karel Hruza (ed.): Österreichische Historiker. Lebensläufe und Karrieren 1900–1945. Band 2 (Jiří Němec), S. 447–450
Pavel Vaško: Profesor Václav Vojtíšek. Archivářem od monarchie po socialismus (Tomáš Pánek), S. 450–453
Andrzej Pleszczyński: The Birth of a Stereotype. Polish Rulers and their Country in German Writings c. 1000 A. D. (David Kalhous), S. 468–472
Len Scales: The Shaping of German Identity. Authority and Crisis, 1245–1414 (David Kalhous), S. 473–479
Dušan Coufal: Polemika o kalich mezi teologií a politikou 1414–1431. Předpoklady basilejské disputace o prvním z pražských artikulů (Petr Elbel), S. 479–485
Pavla Slavíčková: Právní ochrana dětí v období prvních kodifikací (Jan Dvořák), S. 485–488
Jan Dvořák: Vrchnostenské město v raném novověku. Vztahy k vrchnosti a venkovskému zázemí na příkladu Svitav v 17. století (Eduard Maur), S. 488–491
Hermann Zeitlhofer: Besitzwechsel und sozialer Wandel. Lebensläufe und sozioökonomische Entwicklungen im südlichen Böhmerwald, 1640–1840 (Jaroslav Čechura), S. 491–497
Petr Popelka: Zrod moderní dopravy. Modernizace dopravní infrastruktury v Rakouském Slezsku do vypuknutí první světové války (Bohumír Smutný), S. 508–511
Die Habsburgermonarchie 1848–1918. Band XI. Die Habsburgermonarchie und der Erste Weltkrieg. 2. Teilband Weltkriegsstatistik Österreich-Ungarn 1914–1918. Bevölkerung, Kriegstote, Kriegswirtschaft. Bearbeitet von Helmut Rumpler und Anatol Schmied-Kowarzik (Jiří Malíř), S. 512–516