COUFAL, DušanInterrogatorium kostnického koncilu proti wyclifitům. Analýza a edice textu / The Council of Constance Interrogatorium against the Wyclifites. Analysis and edition, S. 3–28The study focuses on the inquisition interrogatorium compiled by the Council of Constance in order to investigate the clerics suspected of the Wyclif-Hussite heresy. The author finds that the fifteenth-century text has been preserved in three versions and considers the possibilities to establish, which of them represents the original text. He further notes that the council interrogatorium is closely connected with the somewhat later interrogatorium included in the bull Inter cunctas of Martin V. Finally, he also considers the possibilities of dating the text and focuses on the traces of its use in Bohemia. A critical edition of version α of the interrogatorium follows the above analysis. KEY WORDS: inquisition, Council of Constance, the Hussite ideology, interrogatorium, manuscripts
PÁLKA, AdamSuper responso Pii pape Martina Lupáče jako pramen k jednaním husitů s basilejským koncilem / Super responso Pii pape of Martin Lupáč as Primary Source on the Hussite Negotiations with the Council of Basel, S. 29–54The study analyzes the historical passages in the polemic Super responso Pii pape of Martin Lupáč from 1462. In this work Lupáč captured his memories of the Hussite negotiations with the Council of Basel in the 1430’s. The author finds that Lupáč biased his description of a number of events in order to present the Bohemians and Moravians as unimpeachable champions over the Catholic Church. The anti-Papal polemic nevertheless in some cases becomes an important historical source. The analyzed historical narrative also witnesses Lupáč’s thinking, argumentation strategies and ideology in general. KEY WORDS: Martin Lupáč, the Hussites, the Council of Basel, compactates, polemics
VITOVSKÁ SLEZÁKOVÁ, MonikaPrvní případy posmrtné magie na severní Moravě a ve Slezsku / The First Cases of Post-Mortal Sorcery in North Moravia and Silesia, S. 55–79The contribution discusses the cases of post-mortal sorcery on the Moravian-Silesian border in 1674−1715. The author analyzes the cases and mutually compares them. The combination of the methods led to a finding that the accusations have most often been directed at persons with a damaged reputation, while the characteristics of a ‘post-mortal sorcerer’ were frequently identical with those of a witch. She also establishes a primary model of process negotiations, which allows for following the involvement of the different parties dominated by the Olomouc episcopal consistory and the local elites as well as common people. KEY WORDS: sorcery, exhumation, post-mortal sorcery, north Moravia, Silesia, vampirism
VIKTOŘÍK, MichaelZ „bojů o radnice“ moravských měst. Volby do obecních výborů v Litovli na konci 19. století / On the ‘struggles for the town halls’ of the Moravian towns. The elections into the communal committees in Litovel at the end of the 19th century, S. 81–108The study focuses on the process of ethnicity development of the Moravian towns before the year 1914 highlighting the case of Litovel. As in many other Moravian towns, also in Litovel of the second half of the 19th century the Czech activists tried to achieve a greater representation in the local government, which was for a long time in the hands of German speakers. This effort was accompanied by a charged election struggles, which culminated in Litovel at the end of the 19th century. The presented study focuses on the strategy of the local Czech activists, which led to the ‘conquest’ of the Litovel town hall in 1899. KEY WORDS: Litovel, communal elections, self-government, ‘struggle for the town halls’, poll strategy
VAŠÍČEK, MartinSociální původ studentů českých gymnázií na Moravě 1870–1938 / Social Background of the Students of Czech Grammar Schools in Moravia in 1870–1938, S. 109–138Based on the main catalogues of nine Moravian grammar schools the author analyzes the socio-professional background of their students in the years 1870–1938. Most students belonged to the middle class (under the monarchy almost 2/3, after 1918 about 55 %). About 30 to 40 % were of lower class background. The upper class represented under the monarchy only 1–2 % and only after the creation of the republic the number of upper class students rose up to 5 %. Within the middle class group there is a development from old professions to new ones and simultaneously a growth of the upper middle class and decrease of the lower end middle class. KEY WORDS: students, grammar schools, social background, social classes
KADLEC, PetrVýběr a činnost československých sčítacích orgánů v národnostních souvislostech – teorie versus praxe / Selection and Activity of the Czechoslovak Census Organization in National Context – Theory vs. Practice, S. 139–171The study focuses on nationalist conflicts reflected by the population census in interwar Czechoslovakia. It focuses mainly on the key problems of selection and activity of the census bureaucracy in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in course of the census of 1921 and 1930, which caused much conflict and had a major public following. The author seeks to show how were the implementing decrees, introduced by the central organs, used in practical preparation and materialization of each census, how much the generally formulated regulations changed at the regional level and what was the response of national activists to these rules. The contribution tackles also questions of number and composition of the census organization, which stood on the front line during the population census and bore a great part of responsibility for the census and its results. KEY WORDS: the Czech lands, census, nationality conflicts, state politics, nationalities
PÁNEK, TomášOzvěna filosoficko-dějinných myšlenek Ernsta Troeltsche v českém prvorepublikovém dějepisectví / An echo of philosophic-historical thought of Ernst Troeltsch in the Czech historiography of the First Republic, S. 173–203The study inquires into the popularity and reception of the theoretic-methodological and philosophic-historical thought of Ernst Troeltsch by the Czech historians in the interwar period and at the same time compares Troeltsch’s concepts with the theories of his Czech recipients. The main aim of the author is to analyze how did the Czech historians perceive the ratio of the historical study to the philosophy of history, the relationship of historical development and values and the problem of historical relativism. KEY WORDS: Ernst Troeltsch, history of historiography, philosophy of history, historicism, historical development, values
DISKUSE/DISKUSSIONNad počátky břevnovského kláštera, S. 205–206
KALHOUS, David K otázce počátků břevnovského kláštera, S. 207–213
ŠRÁMEK, Josef Co (ne)víme o raně středověkých dějinách břevnovského kláštera – a jak s tím naložit?, S. 215–226
Vojtěch Šustek (ed.): Atentát na Reinharda Heydricha a druhé stanné právo na území tzv. protektorátu Čechy a Morava. Edice historických dokumentů I (Karel Hruza), S. 227–229
Alain Corbin: La douceur de lʼombre, Lʼarbre, source dʼémotions, de lʼAntiquité à nos jours (Pavel Dvořák), S. 229–234
Václav Grubhoffer: Pod závojem smrti. Poslední věci Schwarzenbergů v letech 1732–1914 (Václav Lunga), S. 234–238
Radmila Švaříčková Slabáková – Jitka Kohoutová – Radmila Pavlíčková – Jiří Hutečka a kol.: Konstrukce maskulinní identity v minulosti a současnosti. Koncepty, metody, perspektivy (Denisa Nečasová), S. 238–243
Vratislav Vaníček: Svatý Václav. Panovník a světec v raném středověku (Libor Jan), S. 248–250
Jakub Zouhar: Česká dominikánská provincie v raném novověku (1435–1790) (Sixtus Bolom-Kotari), S. 251–253
Pavel Marek: La embajada española en la corte imperial (1558–1641): figuras de los embajadores y estrategias clientelares (Stanislav Luska), S. 254–258
Franz Adlgasser: Die Mitglieder der österreichischen Zentralparlamente 1848–1918. Konstituierender Reichstag 1848–1849. Reichsrat 1861–1918. Ein Biographisches Lexikon (Jiří Malíř), S. 272–276
Václav Kaška: Neukáznění a neangažovaní. Disciplinace členů Komunistické strany Československa v letech 1948–1952 (Ondřej Vojtěchovský), S. 276–279
Aleš Vyskočil: Brno, III. díl. Průmyslové město (Bohumír Smutný), S. 291–294
Tomáš Adamec a kol.: Frýdek-Místek. Historie, kultura, lidé (Dan Gawrecki), S. 294–297