Early Medieval Europe 24 (2016), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Early Medieval Europe 24 (2016), 2
Weiterer Titel 

Oxford 2016: Wiley-Blackwell
Jahrespreis: Institutionen: £258,00 / Einzelpersonen €74,00 / Studierende €44,00



Early Medieval Europe
United Kingdom
Co-ordinating Editor Dr. Antonio Sennis Department of History, Gower Street University College London London, WC1E 6BT Email: a.sennis@ucl.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)161 275 3086 Email: <paul.j.fouracre@man.ac.uk>
Fritsche, Jana

Early Medieval Europe provides an indispensable source of information and debate on the history of Europe from the later Roman Empire to the eleventh century. The journal is a thoroughly interdisciplinary forum, encouraging the discussion of archaeology, numismatics, palaeography, diplomatic, literature, onomastics, art history, linguistics and epigraphy, as well as more traditional historical approaches. It covers Europe in its entirety, including material on Iceland, Ireland, the British Isles, Scandinavia and Continental Europe (both west and east).



Original Articles

Introduction Politics and texts in late Carolingian Europe, c.870–1000 (pages 135–136)
Roberta Cimino and Edward Roberts
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12137

Knowledge of the past and the judgement of history in tenth-century Trier: Regino of Prüm and the lost manuscript of Bishop Adventius of Metz (pages 137–159)
Charles West
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12138

Flothilde's visions and Flodoard's histories: a tenth-century mutation? (pages 160–184)
Geoffrey Koziol
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12139

Narratives of success and narratives of failure: representations of the career of King Hugh of Italy (c.885–948) (pages 185–208)
Ross Balzaretti
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12140

Politics, prophecy and satire: Atto of Vercelli's Polipticum quod appellatur Perpendiculum (pages 209–235)
Giacomo Vignodelli
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12141

Book reviews

The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity. By George E. Demacopoulos. Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2013. 262 pp. $69.95. ISBN 9780812245172. (pages 236–264)
Kristina Sessa
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12142

The Collapse of the Eastern Mediterranean. Climate Change and the Decline of the East, 950–1072. By Ronnie Ellenblum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2012. xii + 270 pp. £60. ISBN 978 1 107 02335 2. (pages 238–241)
Mark Humphries
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12143

Frankish History: Studies in the Construction of Power. By Paul Fouracre. Variorum Collected Studies Series. Farnham: Ashgate. 2013. 368 pp. £90. ISBN 9781409451594. (pages 241–243)
James T. Palmer
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12144

The Material Culture of Daily Living in the Anglo-Saxon World. Ed. by Maren Clegg Hyer and Gale R. Owen-Crocker. Exeter Studies in Medieval Europe. Exeter: University of Exeter Press. 2011. 386 pp., 70 illus., b/w and line drawings. £60. ISBN 978 0 85989 843 0. (pages 243–244)
Nicholas A. Sparks
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12145

The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Edited by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012. xli + 1247 pp. £110. ISBN 9780195336931. (pages 244–251)
Richard Flower
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12146

The Politics of Memory and Identity in Carolingian Royal Diplomas. The West Frankish Kingdom (840–987). By Geoffrey Koziol. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 19. Turnhout: Brepols. 2012. xix + 661 pp. + 10 b/w figures. €100. ISBN 978 2 503 53595 1. (pages 251–253)
Theo Riches
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12147

Michael Attaleiates and the Politics of Imperial Decline in Eleventh-Century Byzantium. By Dimitris Krallis. Medieval Confluences Series 3. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. 2012. xlii + 294 pp., 1 ills. $70, £53 (hardcover). ISBN 9780866984706. (pages 253–255)
Spyros P. Panagopoulos
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12148

Ich und Karl der Grosse Das Leben des Höflings Einhard. By Steffen Patzold. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. 2013. 407 pp. + 10 plates. €26.95. ISBN 9783608947649. (pages 255–257)
David Ganz
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12149

Perceiving War and the Military in Early Christian Gaul (ca. 400–700 A.D.). By Laury Sarti. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 2013. xxviii + 415 pp. €105. ISBN 9789004256187. (pages 257–261)
David Bachrach
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12150

Reframing the Feudal Revolution. Political and Social Transformation Between Marne and Moselle, c.800–c.1100. By Charles West. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, Fourth Series 90. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2013. xiv + 307 pp., 3 b/w figures and 1 map. £65. ISBN 9781107028896. (pages 261–263)
Theo Riches
Article first published online: 25 APR 2016 / DOI: 10.1111/emed.12151

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