Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Original Articles
Women Searchers of the Dead in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-century London Wanda S. Henry Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 445–466
Medicine and Charity in Eighteenth-century Northumberland: The Early Years of the Bamburgh Castle Dispensary and Surgery, c. 1772–1802 Alun Withey Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 467–489
Infected by the Devil, Cured by Calundu: African Healers in Eighteenth-century Minas Gerais, Brazil Kalle Kananoja Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 490–511
Immigration, Statecraft and Public Health: The 1920 Aliens Order, Medical Examinations and the Limitations of the State in England Becky Taylor Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 512–533
Medical Eponyms: Patient Advocates, Professional Interests and the Persistence of Honorary Naming Andrew J. Hogan Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 534–556
The Strange Case of Hannah West: Skin Colour and the Search for Racial Difference Rana Hogarth Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 557–572
Health Citizenship and Access to Health Services: Finland 1900–2000 Minna Harjula Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 573–589
Transnational Nationalism and Idealistic Science: The Alcohol Question between the Wars Johan Edman Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 590–610
The Hard School: Physical Treatments for War Neurosis in Britain during the Second World War Elizabeth Roberts-Pedersen Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 611–632
Book Reviews
Matthew M. Mesley and Louise E. Wilson, Contextualising Miracles in the Christian West, 1100−1500 Stephen Gordon Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 633–634
Janet Gyatso, Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet Geoffrey Samuel Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 634–636
Peregrine Horden and Elisabeth Hsu, The Body in Balance: Humoral Medicines in Practice Anna Winterbottom Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 636–638
James Kennaway (ed), Music and the Nerves, 1700–1900 Carmel Raz Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 638–639
José R. Jouve Martín, The Black Doctors of Colonial Lima: Science, Race and Writing in Colonial and Early Republican Peru Paulo Drinot Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 640–641
Daniel Walther, Sex and Control: Venereal Disease, Colonial Physicians and Indigenous Agency in German Colonialism, 1884–1914 Erica Wald Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 641–643
David Seed, Stephen C. Kenny and Chris Williams (eds), Life and Limb: Perspectives on the American Civil War Steven M. Stowe Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 643–645
Judith Rainhorn, ed., Santé et travail à la mine, XIXe–XXIe siècle, Julia Moses Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 645–647
Anna Greenwood and Harshad Topiwala, Indian Doctors in Kenya, 1895–1940: The Forgotten History Tiffany F. Jones Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 647–648
Tanya Hart, Health in the City: Race, Poverty, and the Negotiation of Women’s Health in New York City, 1915–1930 Adele Oltman Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 649–650
Angela Davis, Pre-school Childcare in England, 1939–2010; Theory, Practice and Experience Kathleen W. Jones Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 650–651
Charlotte DeCroes Jacobs, Jonas Salk: A Life Dora Vargha Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 652–653
S. D. Lamb, Pathologist of the Mind: Adolf Meyer and the Origins of American Psychiatry Jonathan Sadowsky Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 653–654
Roberta Bivins, Contagious Communities. Medicine, Migration and the NHS in Post-War Britain Becky Taylor Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 654–655
Scott H. Podolsky, The Antibiotic Era: Reform, Resistance, and the Pursuit of a Rational Therapeutics Nancy J. Tomes Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 655–657
Robert Peckham (ed.), Disease and Crime: A History of Social Pathologies and the New Politics of Health Erin J. Lux Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 657–659
Laura D. Hirshbein, Smoking Privileges: Psychiatry, the Mentally Ill, and the Tobacco Industry in America Scott C. Martin Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 659–660
Everett Yuehong Zhang, The Impotence Epidemic: Men’s Medicine and Sexual Desire in Contemporary China Melissa S. Dale Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 660–661
James C. McCann, The Historical Ecology of Malaria in Ethiopia. Deposing the Spirits Julia R. Cummiskey Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 662–663
Christopher Hamlin, More Than Hot: A Short History of Fever Priscilla Wald Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 663–664
Petteri Pietikäinen, Madness. A History Louise Hide Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 665–666
Sharon R. Kaufman, Ordinary Medicine: Extraordinary Treatments, Longer Lives, and Where to Draw the Line Susan Pickard Soc Hist Med 2016 29: 666–667