New issue of German History now available
Volume 34 Issue 3: Queering German History
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Table of Contents
Introduction: Why Queer German History? by Jennifer Evans
Teaching Sodomy in a Carolingian Monastery: A Study of Walahfrid Strabo’s and Heito’s Visio Wettini by Albrecht Diem
Same-Sex Male Love and Patriotic Sacrifice in Prussia: On the Death of Ewald von Kleist, 1759 by Helmut Walser Smith
The Queer Cases of Psychoanalysis: Rethinking the Scientific Study of Homosexuality, 1890s–1920s by Birgit Lang and Katie Sutton
Sex, Shame and West German Gay Liberation by Craig Griffiths
‘Männer wie Du und Ich’: Gay Magazines from the National to the Transnational by Peter Rehberg
Book Reviews:
Peripheral Desires: The German Discovery of Sex Reviewed by Nancy M. Wingfield
Kooperation statt Klassenkampf? Zur Bedeutung kooperativer wirtschaftlicher Leitbilder für die Arbeitszeitsenkung in Kaiserreich und Bundesrepublik Reviewed by Swen Steinberg
The Rhythm of Eternity: The German Youth Movement and the Experience of the Past, 1900–1933 Reviewed by Tyler Carrington
An Intimate History of the Front: Masculinity, Sexuality and Ordinary German Soldiers in the First World War Reviewed by Karen Hagemann
Viktor Frankl’s Search for Meaning: An Emblematic Twentieth-Century Life Reviewed by Anthony D. Kauders
Normalität und Fragilität: Demokratie nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Reviewed by Benjamin Ziemann
Projektionen der Moral: Filmskandale in der Weimarer Republik Reviewed by Tom Saunders
Ökonomisches Vertrauen und antisemitische Gewalt: Jüdische Viehhändler in Mittelfranken 1919–1939 Reviewed by Stephanie Schlesier
Sex and the Weimar Republic: German Homosexual Emancipation and the Rise of the Nazis Reviewed by Kirsten Leng
Bündische Jugend: Eine neue Geschichte 1918–1933 Reviewed by Nadine Rossol
The International Workers’ Relief, Communism and Transnational Solidarity. Willi Münzenberg in Weimar Germany (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements) Reviewed by Tilmann Siebeneichner
Männlichkeit und ‘Volksgemeinschaft’: Der westfälische Landeshauptmann Karl Friedrich Kolbow (1899–1945). Biographie eines NS-Täters Reviewed by Matthew Stibbe
Nazi Germany and Southern Europe, 1933–1945: Science, Culture, and Politics Reviewed by Stephen G. Gross
Flucht und Versteck: Untergetauchte Juden in München—Verfolgungserfahrung und Nachkriegsalltag Reviewed by Carlos A. Haas
An Emotional State: The Politics of Emotion in Postwar West German Culture Reviewed by Kathryn Sederberg
Die unerhörte Generation: Jugend im westdeutschen und britischen Hörfunk, 1945–1963 Reviewed by Christian Haase
No Easy Occupation: French Control of the German Saar, 1944–1957 Reviewed by Camilo Erlichman
Moderne Lüste: Ernest Borneman—Jazzkritiker, Filmemacher, Sexforscher Reviewed by Andrew Hurley
Sexuelle Revolution? Zur Geschichte der Sexualität im deutschsprachigen Raum seit den 1960er Jahren Reviewed by Anita Winkler
Öl und Souveränität: Petroknowledge und Energiepolitik in den USA und Westeuropa in den 1970er Jahren Reviewed by Uwe Lübken
Popgeschichte, vol. 1: Konzepte und Methoden Popgeschichte, vol. 2: Zeithistorische Fallstudien 1958–1988 Reviewed by Jeff Hayton
Fernsehen, Revolution und das Ende der DDR Reviewed by Alina Laura Tiews
Fashioning Memory: Vintage Style and Youth Culture Reviewed by Tobias Becker