Table of Contents
Mail-order Demagogues: The NSDAP School for Speakers, 1928–34 Turlach O Broin
The Limits of Hate: Japanese Prisoners on US Submarines during the Second World War Michael Sturma
Romani Refugees and the Postwar Order Ari Joskowicz
Hugh Trevor-Roper and the English Editions of Hitler's Table Talk and Testament Mikael Nilsson
Colonial Twilight: Italian Settlers and the Long Decolonization of Libya Pamela Ballinger
Square-eyed Farmers and Gloomy Ethnographers: The Advent of Television in the West German Village Christina von Hodenberg
‘A Heavy Blue Pencil’: The Effect of Government Censorship on Reuters Coverage of the Arab–Israeli Conflict, 1967–73 Giora Goodman
Review Article
A ‘Historical Turn’ in Terrorism Studies? Giovanni Mario Ceci
Book Reviews
Marguerite S. Shaffer and Phoebe S.K. Young (eds), Rendering Nature: Animals, Bodies, Places, Politics Peter Coates
Timothy H. Parsons, The Second British Empire in the Crucible of the Twentieth Century Richard Toye
Julián Casanova and Carlos Gil Andrés, Twentieth-Century Spain: A History Carl-Henrik Bjerstrom
Diane P. Koenker, Club Red: Vacation Travel and the Soviet Dream Zbigniew Wojnowski
Peter Gray, Air Warfare: History, Theory and Practice Dionysios Chourchoulis
Aristotle Kallis, The Third Rome, 1922–1943: The Making of the Fascist Capital Flavia Marcello
Udi Greenberg, The Weimar Century. German Émigrés and the Ideological Foundations of the Cold War Dina Gusejnova
Michael Neiberg, Potsdam: The End of World War II and the Remaking of Europe Thomas Zimmer
Chris Tudda, Cold War Summits. A History, From Potsdam to Malta Federico Romero
Riccardo Bavaj and Martina Steber (eds), Germany and ‘the West’: The History of a Modern Concept Georgios Varouxakis
Martin Thomas, Bob Moore and L.J. Butler, Crises of Empire: Decolonization and Europe’s Imperial States, 2nd edition Jan C. Jansen
Ran Zwigenberg, Hiroshima: The Origins of Global Memory Culture Naoko Wake
Neal M. Rosendorf, Franco Sells Spain to America: Hollywood, Tourism and Public Relations as Postwar Spanish Soft Power Francisco Seoane Pérez
Jeremy Black, The Cold War: A Military History Jeffrey H. Michaels
Leopoldo Nuti, Frédéric Bozo, Marie-Pierre Rey and Bernd Rother (eds), The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War Andreas Lutsch
Emile Chabal (ed.), France Since the 1970s: History, Politics and Memory in an Age of Uncertainty Andrew Smith
Andrzej Paczkowski, Revolution and Counterrevolution in Poland, 1980–1989, Gregory F. Domber
Wolfgang Mueller, Michael Gehler and Arnold Suppan (eds), The Revolutions of 1989: A Handbook Robert Brier