The Social History of the Archive: Record-Keeping in Early Modern Europe Alexandra Walsham Past and Present 2016 230: 9–48
Part 1: Creation, Curation, and Expertise
The Rise of Archival Consciousness in Provincial France: French Feudal Records and Eighteenth-Century Seigneurial Society Markus Friedrich Past and Present 2016 230: 49–70
Roman Notarial Records between Market and State Laurie Nussdorfer Past and Present 2016 230: 71–89
The Archive of Orientalism and its Keepers: Re-Imagining the Histories of Arabic Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe John-Paul Ghobrial Past and Present 2016 230: 90–111
The Clerk’s Tale: Civic Writing in Sixteenth-Century London Jennifer Bishop Past and Present 2016 230: 112–130
Part 2: Credibility, Testimony, and Authenticity
Record-Keeping and Status Performance in the Early Modern Low Countries Frederik Buylaert and Jelle Haemers Past and Present 2016 230: 131–150
Early Modern Bookkeeping and Life-Writing Revisited: Accounting for Richard Stonley Jason Scott-Warren Past and Present 2016 230: 151–170
Archives, Eyewitnesses and Rumours: Writing About Shrines in Early Modern France Virginia Reinburg Past and Present 2016 230: 171–190
Recording Miracles in Renaissance Italy Mary Laven Past and Present 2016 230: 191–212 [Extract] [Full Text] [PDF] Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS
Part 3: Collecting, Compiling, and Controlling Knowledge
Tales from the ‘Yarmouth Hutch’: Civic Identities and Hidden Histories in an Urban Archive Andy Wood Past and Present 2016 230: 213–230
Archiving the Present and Chronicling for the Future in Early Modern Europe Judith Pollmann Past and Present 2016 230: 231–252
Common Places and Private Spaces: Libraries, Record-Keeping and Orders of Information in Sixteenth-Century Medicine Hannah Murphy Past and Present 2016 230: 253–268
Dislocation and Record-Keeping: The Counter Archives of the Catholic Diaspora Liesbeth Corens Past and Present 2016 230: 269–287
Part 4: Memory, History, and Oblivion
Recording the Wars of Religion: The ‘Drolleries of the League’ from Ephemeral Print to Scrapbook History Tom Hamilton Past and Present 2016 230: 288–310
‘The Accounts of the Kingdom’: Memory, Community and the English Civil War Ann Hughes Past and Present 2016 230: 311–329
Archiving and Narration in Post-Reformation Germany and the Netherlands Jesse Spohnholz Past and Present 2016 230: 330–348
List of Contributors
List of Contributors Past and Present 2016 230: 349
Index to The Social History of the Archive: (Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations. n = footnote.)