Slovanský přehled 102 (2016), 3

Titel der Ausgabe 
Slovanský přehled 102 (2016), 3
Weiterer Titel 

Prague 2016: Academia
three times yearly
100 CZK



SLOVANSKÝ PŘEHLED / SLAVONIC REVIEW. Journal for the History of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Czech Republic
Historický ústav AV CR, v. v. i.; Published by the Institut of History, Prague; Adress: Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Tel.: 532 290 509, E-mail:
Jiří Friedl




Studie / Studies / Статьи

Masaryk’s Correspondence with the South Slavs: A Collection of Letters from Milan Pribićević to T. G. Masaryk
S. 393–422

Корреспонденция Масарика с южными славянами: Собрание писем Милана Прибичевича Т.Г. Масарику

Masaryk’s Correspondence with the South Slavs: A Collection of Letters from Milan Pribićević to T. G. Masaryk
This paper aims to draw attention to interesting archival research conducted in 2012–2014 by employees of the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The outcome of their research was the publication of a large volume containing surviving correspondence between Czech philosopher and politician Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and the South Slavs, collected from Czech and foreign archives. The volume contains Masaryk’s letters exchanged with the South Slavs (i.e., members of the nations of the former Yugoslavia and the Bulgarians) from the 1880s to his death in 1937. A sample of the surviving correspondence presented in this paper is a collection of letters from the Serbian ‒ and later, Yugoslav – officer and politician Milan Pribićević to T. G. Masaryk written between 1909 and 1934.

Key words: T. G. Masaryk, South Slavs, correspondence, Milan Pribićević, Czech-South Slavonic relations

SELINIĆ Slobodan
Jugoslávci a jugoslávství v letech 1966–1971. Mezi politickými doktrínami a národním cítěním
S. 423–449

СЕЛИНИЧ Слободан
Югославы и югославство в 1966–1971 гг. Между политическими доктринами и национальным чувством

Yugoslavs and Yugoslavism 1966–1971: Between Political Doctrines and National Feeling
Between the end of the 1960s and beginning of the 1970s the nationality question was opened up again in socialist Yugoslavia. One of the issues discussed among the political elite of that period was how to approach to ethnic Yugoslavism. For the most part, the Yugoslav communist elite approached ethnic Yugoslavism, an identity that some of the country’s social groups spontaneously professed, for the most part negatively. They evaluated it as an attempt at revivifying the interwar Yugoslav unitarism or as a ruse behind which was hidden Great Serbian chauvinism. The communist leadership was at most willing to tolerate Yugoslavism as an ideological construct that expressed citizens’ positive attitude towards the functioning of their shared Yugoslav state.

Key words: Yugoslavs, Yugoslavism, nationalism, ethnic identity, census, unitarism

Odtažitost a vyčkávání. Vztahy exilových vlád Československa a Jugoslávie v letech 1941–1943
S. 451–502

Отрешенность и выжидание. Отношения чехословацкого и югославского правительств в изгнании в 1941–1943 гг.

Distance and Waiting to See What Happens: Relations Between the Exile Governments of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia 1941–1943

The relations between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia are an important part of the history of both countries as well as a not-insignificant segment of the broader history of Central and Southeastern Europe in the 20th century. Previous research into Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relations has focused on the interwar period, or sometimes on the period after the Second World War. The text herein submitted attempts to capture the transformations in the positions of the Czechoslovak exile authorities and the Yugoslav exile government in the years 1941–1943, thereby filling in the findings available to contemporary historiography. The text particularly focuses on portraying the bilateral relations between the exile governments, but it also includes a chapter that describes the character and internal problems within the Yugoslav exile government. In this study the author not only describes the official actions taken by the Czechoslovak and Yugoslav diplomacy, but also provides analysis of the personal positions of important actors in the events described. The study has been conducted on the basis of analysis of official sources of the Czechoslovak and to a lesser extent, Yugoslav provenience, as well as of literature of the diary and memoir type and period publications.

Key words: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovak-Yugoslav relations, Second World War, Czechoslovak exile government, Yugoslav exile government

S. 503–612
A General Overview of Yugoslav-Czechoslovak Economic and Trade Relations in the Period Between 1918 and 1938

Обозрение развития экономических и коммерческих отношений между Чехословакией и Югославией в 1918–1938 гг.

A General Overview of Yugoslav-Czechoslovak Economic and Trade Relations in the Period Between 1918 and 1938
This article deals with the issue of the economic and trade relations between Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the period between 1918 and 1938. This article is a shortened version of the doctoral thesis defended in June 2016 at Department of History of the Masaryk University in Brno, and it focuses on the issue of trade relations and the overall development of the economic relations between the two countries. In this analysed period, the two countries were close allies and had developed intensive economic relations, and our goal is to thoroughly research the economic relations between Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia as well as the interdependence of political and economic relations between the two countries.

Key words: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, economic relations, Interwar period

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