Social History of Medicine is concerned with all aspects of health, illness, and medical treatment in the past. It is committed to publishing work on the social history of medicine from a variety of disciplines. The journal offers its readers substantive and lively articles on a variety of themes, critical assessments of archives and sources, conference reports, up-to-date information on research in progress, a discussion point on topics of current controversy and concern, review articles, and wide-ranging book reviews.
Table of Contents
Original Articles
'The Women Know': Children's Diseases, Recipes and Women's Knowledge in Early Modern Medical Publications Edith Snook
The Patent Medicines Industry in Late Georgian England: A Respectable Alternative to both Regular Medicine and Irregular Practice Alan Mackintosh
Culture and Colonial Medicine: Smallpox in Abeokuta, Western Nigeria Oluwatoyin Babatunde Oduntan
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Germs and Public Health in Dublin, 1862–1882 Juliana Adelman
'From an Impure Source, All Is Impure': The Rise and Fall of Andrija Štampar's Public Health Eugenics in Yugoslavia Martin Kuhar
Doctors on Drugs: Medical Professionals and the Proliferation of Morphine Addiction in Nineteenth-Century France Sara E. Black
Science, Constitutional Medicine and National Bodily Identity in Brazilian Biotypology during the 1930s Ana Carolina Vimieiro Gomes
The Importance of Age Perceptions and Nutritional Science to Early Twentieth-century Institutional Diets Tenna Jensen
Developing Psychogeriatric Services in England, 1979–89 Claire Hilton
Sources and Resources
Vesalius' Fabrica: A Report on the Worldwide Census of the 1543 and 1555 Editions Dániel Margócsy ; Márk Somos; Stephen N. Joffe
Book Reviews
Moses Maimonides, Gerrit Bos (ed & trans), Medical Aphorisms. Treatises 16–21 Kenneth E. Collins
José Pinto de Azeredo, Stewart Lloyd-Jones (trans), Timothy D. Walker (ed), Essays on Some Maladies of Angola (1799) Kalle Kananoja
Alun Withey, Technology, Self-fashioning and Politeness in Eighteenth-century Britain: Refined Bodies Jonathan Sawday
Nathalie Cooke and Kathryn Harvey (eds), The Johnson Family Treasury: A Collection of Household Recipes and Remedies 1741–1848 Sally Osborn
Catherine L. Thompson, Patient Expectations: How Economics, Religion and Malpractice Shaped Therapeutics in Early America Melissa Grafe
Dennis R. Mills, Effluence and Influence: Public Health, Sewers and Politics in Lincoln, 1848–50. Jonathan Reinarz
Graham Mooney, Intrusive Interventions: Public Health, Domestic Space, and Infectious Disease Surveillance in England, 1840–1914 Rima D. Apple
Samiksha Sehrawat, Colonial Medical Care in North India: Gender, State and Society c. 1840–1920. Rachel Berger
Melanie Reynolds, Infant Mortality and Working-Class Child Care, 1850–1899 Alison Nuttall
Ewen A. Cameron and Annie Tindley (eds), Dr Lachlan Grant of Ballachulish 1871–1945 Anne Crowther
Marius Turda (ed), The History of East-Central European Eugenics, 1900–1945: Sources and Commentaries Rory Yeomans
Charissa J. Threat, Nursing Civil Rights: Gender and Race in the Army Nurse Corps Ellie Walsh
Ana Carden-Coyne, The Politics of Wounds: military patients and medical power in the First World War Leo van Bergen
Karen L. Walloch, The Antivaccine Heresy: Jacobson v. Massachusetts and the Troubled History of Compulsory Vaccination in the United States Lynne Curry
Melissa Graboyes, The Experiment Must Continue: Medical Research and Ethics in East Africa, 1940–2014 Sarah B. Rodriguez
Helen Sweet and Sue Hawkins (eds), Colonial Caring. A History of Colonial and Post-Colonial Nursing Judith Godden
Bob H. Reinhardt, The End of a Global Pox: America and the Eradication of Smallpox in the Cold War Era Gareth Millward
Kerry Highley, Dancing in My Dreams: Confronting the Spectre of Polio Daniel J. Wilson
Beulah Bewley, My Life as a Woman and a Doctor Claire Brock
Annelie Ramsbrock, David Burnett (trans), The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750–1930 Sander L. Gilman
John C. Burnham, Health Care in America: A History Scott Podolsky